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Canine Cancer Healing

for Canine Mammary Tumor

By April ScarlottPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

For anyone who has an aged Canine that is struggling with any kind of Tumors, I want to give you some Good News.

My Best Friend and constant companion, a female Akita, developed a mammary tumor the size of a Quail egg about a year ago. Her mother had Mammary cancer and tumors the size of grapefruit before we lost her. We did everything the Vet told us to do. We gave her their meds, we had the tumors removed, then we had to go again when the tumors came back faster and larger and with a vengeance, and then had to have her entire tummy scraped.

Everything that Vet told us to do, was done. At no small cost I might add. We lost track when it hit near $5k. So when my baby girl, her daughter, developed this one mammary tumor, my heart sank.

I just could not see her go through all that. I determined that I would try every single Holistic remedy that I could find and make her life as comfortable as possible, but No surgeries and No chemo.

Initially I started her out on all natural detox products. I tried everything under the sun just about. And while it did not get rid of that tumor, it did keep it from growing any larger. I also supplemented with various nutritional supplements like Curcumin and Turkey Tail and Chaga Mushrooms, Flaxseed and Coconut Oil.

She had already been on a raw meat, organic fruit and veggie diet with Free Range organic Chicken Bone broth thrown in for good measure since she was around 5 years old, so that continues, of course.

Unfortunately, during this period, my mother's very aggressive dog attacked my girl and punctured her face. Because of her weakened immune system, she developed Sepsis. Her head was swollen up the size of a basket ball. Her eyes were swollen shut. I thought for sure I would lose her.

Bring out the Big Guns. I put her on freshly brewed Colloidal Silver and Activated Charcoal mixed with Lipsomal C for about 10-14 days and slow, slow, she recovered from that, but it stressed her so badly that she was sleeping all the time and the tumor was growing now.

This sent me again, into a tailspin of research, research, research.

And during that maintenance phase we had the worst freeze that Texas has seen in over a Century. And in my stupidity, I forgot to boil my girls water. And again, because of her already weakened immune system, she developed a horrific UTI. Worst i have ever seen in a Canine. She can barely pee when I take her out and when she does she is straining and its bloody.

She starts losing weight very rapidly. Ten lbs, twenty lbs, twenty five lbs and now I am mortified. This is too much weight and too fast.

She is still eating though and absolutely voracious. This is not usual for cancer. Typically they lose their appetites if its cancer. She does not, but I cant feed her enough to keep the weight from falling off.

This is what happened to her mother, our Kieko. She got really scrawny before she passed away. I am beside myself now....

So Here we go again.... Out comes the Colloidal Silver and Mega Doses of Vitamin C ~ 5000 mg a day and fresh organic freeze dried cranberries two to three times a day.

Her hair starts falling out now. And I am really, really scared. I am

pretty certain that this is the beginning of the end.

Her entire body from her shoulder blades to the tip of her tail loses all hair. She looks horrific. I am bracing myself, but I am ramping her treatment protocols up.

I start her on Omega 3's, Vitamin E, a blend of 7 different mushrooms, organic Curcumin, and I am now giving her a product called Delta 8 which is a legal version of THC, which I apply topically to the tumor and I give her 2-3 doses daily so she can rest and prayerfully heal.

I read that yogurt and raw eggs help restore the Gut microbes which lead to faster healing. I start implementing that protocol in her weekly meals.

Then I find studies that state that Activated Charcoal has healed Kidney stones, liver disease and even Renal Failure in rats, ferrets and mice. She is till peeing blood at this point, so I put her back on the Activated Charcoal 3 times a week.

She starts eliminating easier and with a lot less blood in her urine.

Within a few weeks of this, one morning I wake up and "Lo & Behold" she is growing her hair back. The tail is the first area to recover and starts almost looking normal again.

Hair growth then continues along her hind quarters and legs and starts to gradually commence up to her rear. I am ecstatic.

Fast forward to today. She wakes up frisky and giving me grief for her breakfast and her morning walk. Her sassy spunkiness is returning and I am amazed.

The tumor is still there but half the size it was before and only half of that is hard, the rest is squishy and leaking a brownish pink fluid.

It appears to be in Apoptosis and gradually dissolving.

No more UTI, no more sepsis, and prayerfully soon, no more tumor.

This is the longest healing journey that I have ever been through with any animal and definitely not one I am ever going to forget.

I will tell you that the average life span of an American Akita is about 12 years and she will be 12 in September and if she continues to improve, I think we will have another good 2-3 years together. And that makes me one very happy camper.

I just wanted to share this today, with anyone else who may be dealing with a similar issue. Im not going to kid you and tell you that what we have done is much cheaper than what the Vet will charge you, but its less invasive and if this continues, it will definitely give me more time with her.

I have learned so much on this journey with her. I now KNOW that our critters CAN BE HEALED Holistically and can in fact, start to thrive again, even at the end spectrum of their typical Life Spans.

If you have any critters that are dealing with anything similar and you would like a list of the products I used with my girl, reach out. I am happy to send you what worked for us.


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    ASWritten by April Scarlott

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