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Bruce Lee

Loyal and Loved

By Billi Lynn HoltPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Bruce Lee

Right now I would like to introduce you to my four legged friend Bruce Lee. He was our family pet of 12 years. He was a Belgian Shepard and we raised him since he was eight weeks old. In this picture he is 12 years old and freshly bathed. He really was quite charming and docile. There was a time he behaved rather ferocious and intimidating after living in threatening conditions but after having a huge backyard to himself and having therapy from a friend he changed to a mellower dog. Bruce, we liked to call him, was very loyal and obedient throughout his 12 years. He had never bitten anyone or ran away where we could not find him. When he first arrived as an eight week old puppy he was very energetic and loving then. He was the youngest of our family of pets. He learned survival by his older family members, two older cats, Mr. Biggs and Ms. Kitty. They taught him everything he knew. They taught him how to run quickly and escape into small hidden areas around our home. They taught him how to steal food. They taught him how to interact with a laser pointer the way a cat does. They taught him how to take frequent naps. Bruce even enjoyed cat food at times. Having Bruce and the cats together was an awesome time. It was like watching children play together. Bruce was a Belgian Shepard with a heavy thick black coat. He loved being brushed and petted. He was very intelligent and able to communicate effectively. We always knew when the mailman arrived, Bruce would bark and walk towards the main door of our home. If he wanted food or water he would motion with his paw or nose to his bowl. He was not only able to help himself to a slice of pizza directly out of a pizza box at a moments notice, he could sing clearly to the song “Summertime” by Sublime. Bruce would always keep me company when I worked from home as a customer service representative. In the winter when it was cold he would lay at my feet and keep them warm as I worked. Bruce was also very observant and protective of our family. He was great with children even as he aged. When my newborn granddaughter came home from the hospital for the first time it was Bruce that constantly watched out for her. He was always near her waiting for any circumstance or challenge. Whenever he was outside of the home he would warn any creature within hearing distance of his ferocity and devotion to us. Bruce was always available for walks, playtime or just relaxing and watching TV. When it was time to visit the veterinarian he was eager to go for the ride in the car. Bruce always knew exactly what he wanted even if it meant eating an entire ham he stole from the oven or a ten pound brick of mozzarella cheese. Bathing Bruce at home outside in the summers was especially fun for the washer and for Bruce. He loved being lathered with oatmeal soap and the cool water refreshed his heavy black coat. I remember one year taking pictures of Bruce sitting so proudly in the pumpkin patch he guarded so meticulously, and another time at Christmas when he let us put a reindeer headband on his head and pose for the picture. Bruce really was a one of a kind dog. He was loyal and lovable. It was devastating when our family got the news that Bruce contracted cancer and had a short time left. We tried to seek help and remedies for this cancer in an effort to save Bruce. We couldn’t understand why it wasn’t caught sooner. Apparently, this type of cancer is typical at this age for this breed. The illness took over Bruce’s body quickly and our family together helped Bruce with trying to eat, drink and go to the bathroom outside. He couldn’t walk and we carried him. We knew Bruce was suffering and we went to the veterinarian. Bruce, through all of this, still maintained his happy friendly composure. The veterinarian was gentle with us as they could see how traumatic this day was for us. They explained the process and procedures and showed us to our room. We waited a short time with Bruce hugging, holding, talking, smiling and loving Bruce. The next few moments felt like an eternity and all of us cried. We held on to the promise that Bruce was no longer suffering and on his way to Rainbow Heaven. A far better place then we could ever offer. We had Bruce cremated and have his ashes and paw prints to remember. We still have his water bowl and my son has his studded collar wrapped around the steering wheel of his car. We have lots of pictures and memories. There is a recording of Bruce singing “Summertime” on my Facebook page. One large picture of Bruce Lee hangs proudly in the main room of our home. Bruce will always be in our hearts and minds as one of the best protectors and friend our family has ever had. One thing we always said to Bruce and we knew he understood this, “We love you Bruce.” ❤️


About the Creator

Billi Lynn Holt

Aspiring professional writer. Creative, analytical, technical, and poet. Interested in all walks of life and people. Happy to write and relay messages helpful and enjoyable to read.

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