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By Alicia LeneaPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Photo by T.R Photography on Unsplash

For years I had dreamed of having a precious baby Cocker Spaniel, but they are very expensive and I did not have that kind of money. I would also have to spoil her with the best treats around and a pink rhinestone collar. You know that ain't cheap, dog!

Two years after I became a New York Times reporter and had my own studio apartment at 71 Broadway in the FiDi, I knew I finally had the money, time, and space to get my little Princess.

The only problem was, I did not want to get her from a breeder and it is almost impossible to get a pure breed Cocker Spaniel from a dog shelter. I didn't even know if it would be possible, but I added my name to a list at every shelter I could find in the city and made sure they knew how dedicated I was to adopting my forever best friend.

I grew up having a soft spot for saving every dog that needed saving. I would see them on the street or in a field and beg my parents to take them in and help them find their home. Of course, we already had way too many dogs that we had gotten from dog shelters, so it was a little tricky to save every dog I saw. We tried our best, because we could not just pass up a stranded hungry dog.

When I was older and had my own place, I found this dog abandoned and took him in. I tried to find his owner, but didn't have any luck. He was a scrawny thing and needed a bath really bad. I took care of him and nursed him back to health. Eventually, I had to part with him and found him a good home.

I had plenty of experience with dogs and I knew how to give them the care they needed. Now I finally had the money to provide a dog with the best home possible.

I waited for months for my baby Cocker Spaniel, then one cold winter evening, I was walking in the snow back home when I got a call from one of the shelters. They had rescued a baby Cocker Spaniel. She had been abandoned in the middle of the cold winter night and found in Queens. She was shivering from the cold and fear. She was just a puppy, and needed warmth of her mommy, but her mom was no where to be found. She was all alone and I could relate to her. I didn't have anyone in the city. I was alone and didn't want to be. I understood her. As soon as I got that call, I went straight to her and signed the adoption papers. She would be given the best home of all and she would be my Princess.

I carried her out of the shelter and realized I forgot all about getting her everything she needed, so we went to the closest pet store and I picked out the prettiest and most expensive collar and leash. We bought the healthiest food they had and I let her pick out her own toy. She was shivering from fear and the cold, so we would pick out more at a later time. As I held her in my arms I lightly dipped her toward the toys and she took a special liking to a fluffy pink ball. I know dogs are color blind, but I do think her favorite color is pink.

On our way to the check out we grabbed a pack of doggy pads and decided not to get a dog bed, because she would share my bed with me!

Princess was the most beautiful puppy and the sweetest little thing! I loved her already and it had only been a few hours of adopting her. She was my baby girl!

Our first night together in our apartment was the best night ever! She curled up with me on the sofa and we watched FRIENDS together. I gave her a warm bowl of milk, while I had a warm cup of coffee.

We spent the night in our soft bed curled up next to each other. She wanted to try to take all the covers, so I ended up having to get her one for herself. This was what I had always wanted, but something was still missing. She filled a huge void in my life, but it was not completely filled. I still wanted and needed a human relationship. A relationship that was filled with this kind of perfect love.

I was finally okay with it just being me and Princess, but I wanted more and I could tell she wanted a doggy relationship. I didn't know what to do, so I told her every day before we went to the dog park that if she found a friend that had a single cute owner, then I would do my best to talk to him. Maybe just maybe we could find love for one another.

Princess became my wing girl! Every single evening after work at 5pm we went to the same dog park. New people would come sometimes, but we knew all of the regulars. Then one day, a cute guy that was around my age had his beagle on a black leash and shimmering black collar. This dog was walking in style. I was trying my best not to stare at the beagle's owner. He was tall and had short black hair. Under his light weight jacket, I could tell he was toned. He bent over to unhook his beagle and Princess ran right over to the beagle. He sniffed her and she sniffed him and they ran off together to play with all the other dogs. The cute guy looked up to see who her owner was and came and sat down by me.

"Looks like they like each other." He said as he sat down next to me.

"Love at first sight." I said while staring into his soft brown eyes. It took a minute for me to realize what I had just said. He got this huge grin on his face as I was a blushing mess.

"Apparently so. I am Jake by the way," his beagle came running up next to him as Princess was right behind him. "And this is, Jackson."

As I bent over to pet Jackson I said, "It is nice to meet you Jake, I am Stephanie and this is Princess."

"She is adorable. She must get it from you." He said as I blushed even more. I was redder than I could have ever been in that moment.

From that moment on every day at 5pm Jake and I had our own date while Princess and Jackson had their doggy date. That was the start of mine and Jake's love story and Princess's as well. We finally found everything we wished for and needed. We found our life long partners and would forever be thankful for that dog park!


About the Creator

Alicia Lenea

Hey guys, I am the small town girl that moved to NYC to follow her dreams to be a writer.

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