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A well-trained puppy can make a great companion and add joy and happiness to your life.

10 basic tips

By Akmal Azri Published about a year ago 2 min read

Puppy training is an essential aspect of owning a dog. A well-trained puppy can make a great companion and add joy and happiness to your life. Here are some basic tips for training your new puppy.

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1.Start training early

Puppies have a short attention span, so it is essential to start training as early as possible. Begin with basic commands like "sit," "stay," "come," and "leave it." These are the foundation commands that every puppy should know. Introduce new commands gradually, once your puppy has mastered the basic commands.

2.Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for puppy training. Praise and rewards can motivate your puppy to behave in the way you want. Reward your puppy with treats, verbal praise, or a toy when they exhibit desirable behavior. For example, if your puppy sits on command, reward them with a treat and verbal praise.

3.Be consistent

Consistency is crucial in puppy training. Use the same commands every time you train your puppy, and follow the same routines. Consistency helps your puppy understand what is expected of them and what they need to do to get rewarded.

4.Use a clicker

A clicker is a small, handheld device that produces a clicking sound when pressed. Clicker training is an effective way to train puppies, as it creates a clear and consistent signal that a reward is coming. To use a clicker, press the clicker when your puppy performs a desirable behavior, followed by a treat.

5.Socialize your puppy

Socialization is essential for puppies, as it helps them learn how to interact with people and other dogs. Introduce your puppy to a variety of people, animals, and environments. Socialization helps your puppy develop confidence and good social skills.

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6.Use a crate

A crate is a useful tool for puppy training. It can be used for potty training, to teach your puppy to be comfortable with alone time, and for transportation. Make sure the crate is appropriately sized and comfortable, and never use it as a punishment.

7.Use a designated potty area

Designate a specific area for your puppy to do their business. Take your puppy to the designated area frequently and praise them when they go potty. If your puppy has an accident, clean it up immediately and do not punish them. Punishing your puppy will only confuse them and make potty training more difficult.

8.Exercise your puppy

Puppies have a lot of energy, and exercise is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Take your puppy for walks and play games that require physical activity. Exercise can also help your puppy sleep better at night.

9.Be patient

Puppy training requires patience and persistence. Puppies will make mistakes, and training can be frustrating at times. Be patient with your puppy and never punish them. Punishment will only confuse your puppy and make training more difficult.

10.Get professional help if necessary

If you are having difficulty training your puppy, consider seeking professional help. A dog trainer can help you develop a training plan that suits your puppy's needs and personality.

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In conclusion, puppy training is essential for owning a well-behaved and happy dog. By following these basic tips, you can create a strong foundation for your puppy's training and ensure that they become a great companion for years to come.


About the Creator

Akmal Azri

Myself devoted animal lover who adores dogs and parrots. Grew up with dogs and now has one rescue dogs, Charlie, and a rescue CAG Parrot named Bed.

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