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A Man's Best Friend

Doggy parents, welcome to an unfiltered encounter of a man's best friend...

By Correy M. SertzelPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Hailey gladly celebrating her 2nd birthday!

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, they tend to be our beacons when life is unbearable or heavy. Life is a struggle and dogs seem to truly understand that. Throughout my entire life, not one dog has proven that statement wrong; even the ones that bite or think your new leather furniture are gigantic chew toys. I am a groomer so I have seen all different breeds and temperaments but- What dog will always have my heart is my red Labrador Retriever. She rants like a husky, she slinks about your legs like a cat, and somehow thinks she’s a lap dog so she may literally smother you with love and kisses.

The first time I laid eyes on her when she was a pup was when I knew she was going to break my heart, so like any hopeful doggy parent, I got her and spoiled her to my heart's content. I would get on my hands and knees and beg her to waddle to me for some cuddles, now if I even bend down to do the dishes, she might knock me off my feet. Never have I ever found a dog so unwilling to split away from me; surprisingly she doesn’t freak out in the kennel which is obviously a big win in my book. BUT I could go on and on about my dog and her peculiar quirks. Beyond them, you can find my dog keeping me safe. My dog does not only provide me with endless smiles and laughs but she aids me when I am in the full throws of a PTSD episode. It may be just a panic attack, a truly immersive episode, or bubbling anxiety but she is there to keep me safe and prevent me from hurting myself even if it’s by accident. My dog is a gem when it comes to helping me come off of the ledge of those attacks.

Hailey, my dog, was born on Easter of 2020 so she did not experience a hardy Wisconsin winter until the backside of 2020; I raised her myself and trained her when I wasn’t spoiling her. My dog grew half the size of a Great Dane by that time already so she would get the chance to meet snow face to face and FULL THROTTLE. I have many vivid memories with my dog thanks to her never wandering place at my side... Memories of her first Christmas, her very first birthday, a few chaotic mini road-trips, amongst others but her first snow is utterly my favorite.

I took a trip outside like any Wisconsinite would and began shoveling. Hailey eventually had to go outside to investigate. She begrudgingly sauntered into the snow and hopped a few times to try to avoid the cold, but she ironically warmed up to it. Once she did, she did her business and retreated back to me to find a dazzling discovery. When her dad would shovel the snow away from the driveway, he would then launch it onto a growing mound of snow. I can remember her face vividly and it was shocking to say the least… Hailey was bright eyed, her snout hung open, and she pounced onto the loosely packed mound of freshly laid snow. She disappeared briefly before breaking the mountain of snow with another leap and had become a living snow dog. She fetched every shovel full of snow since that day on and all I could remember is how lively she was...

Dogs teach us many lessons… That day, Hailey taught me that not only she adored the snow, but the smallest things in life could be so enjoyable. She was ecstatic over me shoveling the snow and she has emphasized that lesson beyond snow but over games of catch, tug-o-war, racing, hide & seek, along with small trips to the story. Hailey full heartedly enjoyed everything and she continues to! I have learned so much from my dog, I am not sure what I would do without those lessons let alone her. She is the beam in my sun, the yellow in my moon, and the snow in my shovel. She will always be my little snow monster, I will always cherish that memory; and of course, snow days, everybody loves a snow day!


About the Creator

Correy M. Sertzel

The ability to read, to write, and to learn can not only allow us as human beings to express ourselves but to bind us in a beautiful community of thinkers and doers. I am passionate about creating and here you can find a handful of my own!

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