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7 Things You Do That Make Your Cat Secretly Hate You!

Cats are beautiful and wonderful creatures, so they should be handled carefully

By Samara BenPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
7 Things You Do That Make Your Cat Secretly Hate You!
Photo by Jari Hytönen on Unsplash

Cats are nimble creatures, they are cute, playful, and sleepy most of the time, but the rest of the time they are on a hunting mission, during which it seems very clear that they don't want to be messed with.

Although most of us think that it is good to play with our cats and constantly carry them every time they pass in front of us, this may not be entirely true, as there are some things that we like to do with our cats, although what we do not know about them is that they do not like them at all. In this article, we collected the most of these things that carry our cats to the point where we secretly hate:

1. Your cat secretly hates being held like a baby:

While some cats prefer to lie in their owners lap and enjoy it, other cats may like to be held and petted by their owners every time they come home after work, but what all cats hate either is being carried like a baby.

Repeated carrying cats develops a feeling of insecurity and an urgent desire to put them back on the ground, and carrying them like a baby makes the situation worse, while this may seem to you a funny thing, but they do not like it at all, so it is better to avoid it.

But if you are a fan of carrying cats, like infants, and you cannot give up this behavior, try to carry them for a few seconds only, and do not prolong the period because the longer it lasts, the more intense it becomes.

2. Your cat secretly hates being constantly photographed.

You may be one of those who like to take pictures of their cats, but what you may not be aware of is that your cat definitely does not want to keep pointing your phone camera at her throughout the day and week, in addition to that, the light of the camera can cause great annoyance to her.

What you may also not be aware of is that you camouflaging it with a game or the like so that you get the image you wanted and then distract your attention from it is really a terrible thing to do with it! The least we can give her as a reward for her contribution and cooperation with us in taking these photos is to pet her for some time.

3. Your cat secretly hates eye contact:

Cats communicate with each other through their eyes, and for them, eye contact means a way to impose dominance and declare control, and if you look away first after eye contact with your cat, you will make her think that she has power over you, but if you stay staring in her eyes for a relatively long time, you may consider it behavior hostile and could attack you at any time, But if the cat blinks its eyes after making eye contact with you, this is a good sign that you two have a good relationship. It is evidence that it does not feel any threat to you.

4. Your cat secretly hates your attempt to mimic its meow.

Cats meow in only one case and that is to communicate with us humans, they do not do this to each other, but at the same time they do not want or expect us to meow in response to them.

Cats resort to vocal communication with us in order to draw our attention, whether it is for their need for water, food, toys, or even foreplay.

According to Dr. (Gary Weitzman), president and CEO of Human Society in San Diego, USA, when we attempt to meow in response to cats: “Despite the fact that they seem to interact positively with them, cats remain unable to understand and comprehend what We want him from behind,” which bothers her a lot.

5. Your cat “openly” hates you when you try to get her to dress.

If her attempt to scratch you and fight with you every time you try to get her to wear some clothes doesn't convince you that she doesn't like it at all, then what we are about to tell you may convince you: “Your cat hates clothes and costumes!” Cats never like to put anything on their fur, and that In most cases, it is due to the fact that she does not need it, and because it causes her to feel uncomfortable, and also restricts her freedom of movement and movement easily. But if your cat somehow does not mind wearing different outfits, especially for birthdays and parties, just make sure that it fits her perfectly and does not cause her any obstacles to her movement and movement easily, or hinder her from “eliminating her needs.”

6. Your cat secretly hates you when you give her milk.

Most cats have great difficulties digesting lactose after they reach adulthood, so the notion that cats love milk is a myth with no scientific basis. In most cats, milk causes general discomfort and severe digestive problems after about eight to ten hours of eating it, and although this does not mean that they will not eat it when placed in front of them, it will cause them more suffering than the potential benefit that it may provide them .

7. Your cat hates change.

Buying a new type of cat food, taking a car trip, moving in a new house, hosting strangers, or taking them to the vet can be stressful and uncomfortable events for them.

Any necessary change must occur gradually for the cat so that it gets used to it well, not to mention that some of the above things may cause us as humans some tension and discomfort, and from it we must be somewhat understanding, if we are not comfortable with something We must not submit to him the smallest members of our family; Our cute cats.


About the Creator

Samara Ben

Cooking, Beauty, hair and culture writer. One of Most Influential People in the Multicultural Market.

I am a Creative Writing major I was focused on writing fiction. I have a great passion for writing.

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