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6 Breeds of Fluffy Cats That You Will Fall in Love With!

Do you like cats?

By Madina SteinPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
6 Breeds of Fluffy Cats That You Will Fall in Love With!
Photo by Amber Kipp on Unsplash

"Cats" from all over the world, unite! We have prepared for you a list of the most adorable breeds of fluffy cats.

Keep a lemon handy, because you will need it to cut out the "sweetness" that these simply adorable cats cause. We fell in love with them irretrievably!

If you are planning to get a pet, consider these fluffy cat breeds!

Top 6 fluffy cat breeds that will make you exclaim "awww"!

Persian cat

It ranks first in the top 6 breeds of fluffy cats and no wonder, especially if we look at the picture below.

The long, bushy and soft fur, the discreet, melodious, and "syrupy" meow, the big, round, and expressive eyes and the affection it shows to its owner are among the main reasons why this breed is appreciated by millions of cat lovers from all over the world.

She is a perfect cat for the family because she has a special relationship with the children, whom she considers her playmates.

Although you may be tempted to believe that it originated in Persia (Iran), as the name suggests, it is found to have originated in ancient Egypt, where it was brought to Europe in the 1300s.

She is rightly considered the "aristocrat" of cats, due to the charm and beauty hard to overlook, but also to her calm and peaceful personality, characteristics that place her in the category of perfect breeds for apartment life.

If you want such a cat, you must take into account the fact that the fur must be taken care of carefully, because it tends to get tangled, thus favoring the appearance of skin lesions. Pay close attention to the cat's eye hygiene!

If not cleaned regularly, unsightly ulcers may occur. Nearly half of Persian cats are prone to kidney disease, so see a veterinarian regularly for a preventive consultation. The life expectancy of the Persian cat is 14–15 years, and the maximum weight it can reach is 7 kilograms.

Norwegian forest cat

This imposing cat has an extremely interesting history. In Scandinavian mythology, it is said that Freya, the goddess of beauty, love, and fertility, drove a chariot pulled by a pair of Norwegian cats.

Despite her large stature, this feline is by no means mischievous or naughty, preferring the company and affection of people.

Even if it is a breed that loves living outdoors, it will have no problem adjusting to apartment life.

They are very intelligent, curious, playful, and friendly cats, but they are not too happy with the idea of ​​sitting in the arms of their owner, especially because they care about their precious fur and warm up quite easily.

Even if she manages to take care of her "fluffiness" on her own, it's a good idea to brush her gently at least once every few days. The life expectancy of the Norwegian forest cat is 10–12 years, and the weight can reach up to 10 kilograms at maturity. Although it is not prone to certain diseases, being a fairly resistant breed, it is advisable to take it periodically for a routine check to check the teeth and kidney function.

Ragdoll cat

If you want a kitten to be with you for at least 15 years, then this is the breed you are looking for! Ragdoll cats are known for their longevity, but also their malleable, tolerant and docile temperament, hence their name (ragdoll).

They are extremely friendly cats and often come to greet you at the door, tending to follow you everywhere in the house, but not to plot a "plot" against you, but because they like to be in the company of people.

Keep in mind that this breed is not independent at all and does not feel safe when left alone, so it is preferable to have a job at home so that you are with them as much as possible.

Their fur is silky and has a plush appearance, being extremely rich, almost "dense". To maintain its "plush" appearance, brush it with a metal comb twice a week.

Siberian cat

Here's an irresistible Russian! She may not have had blue eyes and blond hair, but they certainly conquered our bushy fur and her playful character. Although it is not known exactly when these cats appeared in Mother Russia, the breed was certainly born as a result of the mating of domestic cats in the area with wild ones.

But very few specimens have managed to cope with the cold winters, adapting to extreme weather conditions through the fur, which over time has become impermeable, thus preventing the penetration of cold and moisture to the skin.

A very interesting feature of these cats is their desire to hear their owners, to "talk" with them.

It is one of the few cat breeds that does not hide under the bed in the presence of strangers, preferring to "research" them in detail. She loves to play and "hide" her favorite toys in the water bowl, which she is completely fascinated by, so you will have the opportunity to have great fun watching her.

Unfortunately, this breed of cat is not recommended if you are prone to allergies, because their fur contains a large amount of a substance called FE1D1, which has allergenic potential.

British shorthair cat

A kitten always with a smile on her face - that's how we can briefly describe the short-haired British feline!

Her cheerful expression often arouses the astonishment and admiration of those who see her for the first time, and her left ears and large, perfectly round, penetrating eyes are "Cupid's arrows" that just pierced you.

You can't help but love this fluffy cat breed, because it is a perfect specimen from all points of view. The typical color of British shorthair fur is blue, but over time the crosses have made possible all sorts of color palettes, from silver, red, black, and white and cream to chocolate and lilac.

She is an extremely diplomatic and intelligent kitten, just like a British cat, and her unwavering loyalty and boundless patience are traits that make her perfect for living together with young children.

Be very careful what and how much food you give these "aristocratic" cats because they tend to gain weight, being recognized for their pleasure in eating.

The Maine Coon Cat

After so many blinds, Russian and British, it's time for an American get-beget to take a well-deserved place in the top of the most adorable breeds of fluffy cats.

The Maine Coon is one of the oldest breeds in the history of the United States, is considered the official cat of the state of Maine.

Although the origins of this "fox" are not fully known, some say it was a cross between a raccoon and a domestic cat. Columbus), one thing is certain: it is one of the largest cats in the world, weighing up to 14 kilograms.

The special features of these fluffy ears are the ears that end with some locks of hair called "lynx tips", but also their affectionate personality (also called "polite giant"), not aggressive, despite the imposing appearance.

Although we would like to continue the list of fluffy cat breeds endlessly, we must end here the plea for these adorable cats, but not before asking you to write in the comments section what other pets you like.

And if you are curious why cat's meow, find out the answer to the question that bothers you!


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