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10 Unique Ways to Improve Your Pet's Life Quality

Including Animal Communication, Meridian Rebalancing & Chakra Clearing

By Colleen FlanaganPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

I've recently heard and agree with the belief that Spirit's creatures - who are Earth Angels here to help us - are evolving along with the bond we humans share with them.

Meeting the basic needs of shelter, healthcare, water and food may no longer be enough to maintain an evolved animal’s total well being in body, mind, emotions and soul.

Animal caregivers and pet owners can learn from the newer, kinder practices of humane zoos and wildlife parks. These organizations give the animals daily tasks that keep them busy, relieve boredom, exercise their bodies and stimulate their minds.

I'd like to add three often overlooked practices for our animal friends: emotional release, chakra rebalance and meridian recharging.

Check out the below list to find some activities that both you and your animal might enjoy. Most cost very little or nothing.

1) LEARN ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: one of the most wonderful gifts to give yourself and your animal is to learn interspecies communication. Anyone can do it, and plenty of information is available to learn how. You can also contact a professional animal communicator for one-on-one or group training.

2) INTERACTIVE TOYS: introduce these increasingly popular boredom-blaster items into the animal’s environment, then move them around every few days. Horses and other pasture animals like to roll spools and chase balls just like home-bound animals do, and these activities are great exercise.

3) FOOD HUNT: animals naturally forage for food in the wild. Specialized toys are available that you can fill with dry food and leave for your animal friends to sniff out and extract the treats.

4) GUARD THE HOME: before you leave your house or apartment, tell your animal friend(s) that they’ve been assigned the job of keeping your home safe and protected. I used to tell my Siamese Fighting Fish to do this. One day I came home to see them enthusiastically fending off a neighbor's cat staring at them outside the patio door. They seemed quite proud of themselves afterward.

5) INCREASE EXERCISE VIA LEARNING: teaching your animals new tricks stimulates your mind and body as well as that of your pets. I recently saw a kit to teach tricks to aquarium fish. Why not?

6) TAKE A CLASS: Your local community’s animal-related businesses may offer classes with additional ideas to keep your pets busy, including products they offer such as hi-tech toys and boredom-blasters.

7) GO FOR DAILY WALKS: Dogs aren't the only animals who enjoy getting out of the home. People are now walking their cats, pot-bellied pigs, and some reptiles. Exercise is beneficial for us all, even obese pets.

8) JOIN A GROUP: Depending on your type of pet, consider joining groups that meet and compete in activities or events that animals enjoy such as obstacle courses or easy races. No groups or events like this in your community? Start one yourself for the sake of the animals!

9) ACTIVATE THE MERIDIAN SYSTEM: meridians are invisible energy channels that become clogged due to inactivity, stress, or trauma, which can include them waiting for you to return home. Easily correct imbalances (at least once a week) by simultaneously running your hand from the top of your pet's head, down their spine to the base of the tail and repeating clearing phrases three times such as:

  • "I now neutralize all trauma and fear-based emotions in this precious animal. I also recharge and rebalance my animal's meridian system to 100% effectiveness and functionality."
  • "I now recharge and rebalance all beneficial cells in my animal's body to 100% well being, along with their immune system and all functionality of body, mind, emotions and spirit."


Please watch the video attached to this article to learn about your critter's Brachial Chakra. Doing this daily or weekly can deepen the heart bond that you share as well as provide holistic balance for your animal companion, and it only takes 1-2 minutes.

When we provide invigorating environments to keep our pets' minds active, we'll help them live happier, healthier, longer, and higher quality lives. Aren't these precious souls deserving of your extra time and love? Yes!

Bless you for being a kind, loving pet parent.

Thank you for reading this article!

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About the Creator

Colleen Flanagan

Bohemian confessions & healing how-to stories are my gig. Let me entertain you with weirdness & guide you to wellness. Self-care videos on YouTube & Twitter &

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