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You Got to Do What’s Best for You!

Here’s How You Do It!

By Rosie Anne WrightPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Are you like me? Do you overthink every decision you ever make?

Do you often find yourself worrying about what people think about you are doing in life?

Do you often find yourself seeking or craving approval from others when you have a new idea?

I definitely have struggled with this.

In the past, I have procrastinated doing what I really wanted to do because I was scared that my family will think I’m being young or foolish, or even worst, people would laugh at me.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much I have stopped myself from doing because I was scared people would laugh at me and think I’m being pathetic.

It’s so sad.

The main case of this for me is posting my content online or simply posting on social media.

I mean I do and have posted so much online in the past. But there is so much I haven’t posted, because I feared people making fun of me.

It’s so sad that people have had this power over me. People I care about and even people I don’t even know! It’s silly.

However, it’s not just content creation. It’s also how I chose to live my life and the decisions I make.

I have put off doing so much in my life because I feared I won’t get the approval I craved from others. I feared people will belittle me, put doubts in my head and every other crazy thought possible to be scared of.

Do you know what? The saddest/funniest thing of all is that people don’t matter.

They really don’t.

No matter how you believe they do, they don’t.

They have their own life to live. They are not living your life.

YOU are living your life!!

You are the right to live your life the way you want to.

You don’t have to go to university, get married, have kids and get a house if you don’t want to.

You don’t have to travel the world, buy luxury brands and own the latest gadgets if you don’t want to.

Only you know what’s best for you. Only you know what you want to do.

It’s that gut feeling. That little voice inside that you often ignore but you wish you could follow.

Well, I’m telling you to LISTEN to it!! You got to do what’s best for you. Truly you really do!

I’m currently at a point in my life where people think my life isn’t amazing. It’s look bad and I can understand why. But to be, I am in the most perfect and divine place I can be!

I am loving my life right now, and I know I am on the right path for me. No one else. Just me.

I’m doing the things in my life that are best for me. No one else. Just me.

I’m not saying I have got this sorted. I am not saying I know every step. I’m not saying I don’t get a shit what people think entirely anymore. Those thoughts still come into my head but I’m fighting back against them!

I am just saying I know what I got to do to make me happy and mentally healthy.

And here’s my top tips for you to starting doing what’s best for you!

  1. Trust your gut—like I said that voice you ignore is right majority of the the time. If it saying to do or maybe not to do something, it’s most likely the best thing for you to do!
  2. Find approval within yourself—give yourself permission to do what you want to do. Stop seeking others approval because that’s an empty resource which will never fill your cup. As long as you are hurting yourself, others or the environment, you can do whatever you want. If you do need approval or permission from someone else, then I GIVE IT TO YOU! I’ll write your permission slip, as long as you enjoy yourself and work on your self worth.
  3. Work efficiently, have fun and be grateful. These are some of the key ingredients to happiness which will allow to live your best life. You will then shine and glow in the world and people will see you are doing amazingly.
  4. Remember, as hard it maybe, people don’t usually care. You always think people care so much more than actually do. So, fight back against those thoughts in your head and remember the freedom that comes with knowing no one gives a f**k.

So, please my love, starting your life in the way is best for you. Only you know what that look like though, however.

I can’t tell you.

I’m too busy living MY best life!


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