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You Are Not Alone…

This is for everyone that feels isolated and alone on their spiritual journey to remember all that they are.

By Kari GPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Original Photography by: Kari G

How often do we try to convince ourselves that we must go through our challenges and struggles alone? We fight to keep it together while we put on a mask for the world in hopes when they see us that they too will be convinced of how strong we are, which in turn, feeds our projections of illusion. Where do this concept and belief come from? Is it an outmoded way of thinking that has been passed down through generations only to be embedded within our very DNA so that it is a running program within our subconscious minds? Why do we feel as though we cannot be authentic in our human experience of life? Why do we silence our voices as though they don't matter or won't make a difference in the world around us? Is it because we fear rejection AND acceptance from our peers, family, friends or the society we live in? Yet by fearing others acceptance of us, which would only reflect back to us that what we are going through actually matters or by fearing rejection on the other hand, does that not shed light on the fact that we ourselves are rejecting who we are, which in turn invalidates the very experience of struggle we are enduring? We are denying ourselves the birthright we have had since the beginning which is support from not only the Universe but from our tribe. Those that resonate with a similar frequency who incarnated at exactly this moment in order to remind you that you are not alone, remember this: at times we must reach out to others albeit God, The Source, intuitive guides, angels, friends or family for assistance or a fresh perspective into what we are struggling with or resisting seeing. And by doing so, never think that this makes you weak, for you are not weak. This is in actuality a sign of your growth and willingness to receive the blessings Creation is waiting in the wings to offer you. It shows your strength and determination to expand your consciousness into your higher Self. Now don’t get me wrong, there is a time for introspection and self-discovery that we all must go through, in solitude or in our private moments, and parts of our journey through the Dark Night of the Soul are meant to be transmuted and processed alone. Yet to hide your struggles or sadness while trying to project to the world that you’ve got it all together is such a disservice to not only yourself, but it cheats those that love you out of the blessing to be your support system. Holding things in and denying them or disassociating from them does more harm than good. But to stand, head held high, in your most vulnerable moments while sharing all parts of your journey, now that is true strength and honest transparency. And to do it as you face your fear of exposure or fear of being seen as fragile or weak or as a failure, now this is where you begin to discover the magnificence of your true authentic Self and just how powerful you are! So just keep in mind, whenever you are going through your dark night of the soul or a pain that feels insurmountable while your in the midst of it and you feel alone, as though no one could ever understand what you are enduring. Look up and see your support team, your tribe, those that believe in you cheering you on!!! Now go ahead…..look up and receive that which you deserve because you are needed and you are worth it!!!


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