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Why Not Everyone Become a Successful Entrepreneurs

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over.” – Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group

By Arsalan HaroonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Why Not Everyone Become a Successful Entrepreneurs
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Today it’s a trend to become an entrepreneur and change the world. Everybody is interested in it because they think they can change the world.

But when some people start the entrepreneurship journey. Then, they realize that becoming a successful entrepreneur is not as easy as most people think.

Because most people don't start their business as an entrepreneur. So they think it’s cool and, They will succeed and become the next Steve Jobs or Elon musk.

But it is certainly not easy if you just think that you become like steve jobs and Elon musk without considering what it takes to become like them. If you don't start your business. Then, you probably don't know that it is not easy to become the next steve job.

You have a myth that you were born to be a successful entrepreneur. Although some people are, they are few.

So in this article, we learn why entrepreneurship is not for everyone and why everyone does not become a successful entrepreneur.

Please remember, I am not discouraging you not to start your entrepreneurial journey. But I am just telling you a reality about what it takes to be an entrepreneur.


3 Skills of a Successful Entrepreneur You Need To Learn

Hard work

By Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Sometimes Elon Musk works 120 hours a week and, it’s not just him that works like that. If you know Steve Jobs, he sleeps in his office most of the time.

Every successful entrepreneur needs to work hard and forget their personal life. For sometimes, if they want to be a successful entrepreneur. But obviously, not everyone makes that sacrifice and works like that. Because they have a family to spend time with and friends to hang out with.

So if you are pursuing entrepreneur because you think you will be the next Elon Musk. Then, please consider that you have to work hard like crazy that no one does.

When everyone is partying you have to work, When everyone is spending time with their family, You have to work. When everybody is spending time with their girlfriend, You have to work.

When you are starting as an entrepreneur, the only thing that is important in your life is work work work. That is why entrepreneurship is not for everybody and, it is not that easy.


You have to make sacrifices in your life if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. You have to stop spending every day hanging out with your friend. You have to sacrifice the time you spend with family or your loved ones.

So stop watching Netflix and start learning new things which help in your business and work like crazy. Making sacrifices like this is not easy for everyone and, That is why everyone did not become a successful entrepreneur. I know if you want to enjoy life, you want all this thing.

But here is the question: if you think that these are the things that will make you happier But not your work? Do you know why entrepreneurs work so hard? Because they love what they do, They don’t care about watching a movie. Because they don't love watching movies.

They know if they want to be successful entrepreneurs, they have to work and love their work. Some people sacrifice this thing and, some people have a hard time sacrificing this thing. But if someone sacrifices this thing, then they will probably become a successful entrepreneur. If they never give up.

Getting out of the comfort zone

It’s not anything that any motivational guru says to you and, you become motivated for some time and when you again do the thing. Which is in your comfort zone.

Let's see what getting out of the comfort zone means? It means to take action, which makes you uncomfortable. Face your fear of selling and overcome that fear so you can get out of your comfort zone.

But most entrepreneurs today listen to online gurus and dont understand what it means about getting out of your comfort zone. Most entrepreneurs don't know how to get out of their comfort zone.

They are too afraid of their fear of selling that they can’t sell anything to anyone. If you want to get out of your comfort zone, do the thing, which makes you fearful and overcomes your fear.

If you stay in your comfort zone and think that you get out of it, which you certainly do not. It’s a lie that you tell yourself.

I am not telling you to do all the things, I am just telling you that everyone did not become successful entrepreneurs. Because they don't want to make these changes in their life.

Never give up

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash

If you have the confidence to fail hundreds of businesses and still start another? If you do. Then, probably no one can stop you from being a successful entrepreneur. People like this never give up no matter what. They think that they have only one direction, which is entrepreneurship. They don't have backup plans like, if I fail then I go and find a job.

They just believe that entrepreneurship is the only thing they take and, no matter how much they fail. They will never give up until they become successful entrepreneurs.

Do you have this confidence in yourself when you fail so many times and still not give up? But just thinking that you never give up is not enough until you work. Then, you find out who you are.


Everyone does not become successful entrepreneurs unless you have the guts to make these changes in your life and work hard on building your business, making a sacrifice in your personal life, and doing a thing that makes you fearful.

These are not the things that Normal people can't do. that is what separates a Normal person from a successful entrepreneur. A normal person becomes more fearful if they see that they have to make these changes. They never follow the path of entrepreneurship because it makes them fearful.

But if a person has the guts to sacrifice his personal life and work like crazy and do stuff, Which he is afraid of. Then sooner or later, this guy will become a successful entrepreneur if he never gives up.

So ask yourself this question: do you still want to pursue entrepreneurship if you have to make these choices? Think more about the answer because it takes a long time and, don't stress if it is not for you.

Remember, never give up, keep exploring until you find something which you are Passionate About.


4 Common Misconception About Entrepreneurship

4 Things Most Successful People Never Do

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About the Creator

Arsalan Haroon

Writer┃SEO Expert┃Investor

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