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Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions

Or, an argument for gentle presence.

By Breyanna WilsonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Yep. You read that correctly. For 2021, I’m not setting any goals. And you know why? They never seem to work. This new year, I’m looking at this differently.

Before I get into my new mindset for 2021, I have a question:

Is anyone feeling the pressure of being productive? Especially as the end of the year and *shudder* new year’s resolutions start dropping into your energy field?

I am. And it’s the same every year. We make all these goals only for each one to fall flat. And then we feel horrible about ourselves, which pushes us even further away from getting anything done.

What if we treated 2021 differently?

This year has been bumpy for most of humanity, and I want to introduce a gentler approach.

There’s been talk of taking advantage of your time while we’re all at home for a lot of people. And while that’s admirable, it’s really not most people’s realities. There’s no reason for you to put pressure on yourself at any time. So if all you were able to do this year was manage, I’m proud of you.

I want to give everyone a different way to deal with the new year.

There are two options in front of you. Option A is to keep working, keep striving, stay busy, and never stop to rest. Fill up your time with new hobbies and accomplishments, and work.

Sounds exhausting, huh?

And then there’s Option B. Option B is gentleness and space for us to experience life. When’s the last time you stopped doing things and just felt into life? If it’s been a while, you may want to spend some time journaling and ask yourself: what are you distracting yourself from?

I’m picking gentleness and receiving going into 2021. I know that this new year has a lot in store for me, and I don’t want to miss anything.

Now obviously, you can make your life whatever you want. And if you tried something new this year, congrats! I’ve done a lot of new things this year myself. But I’ve also made sure to give myself rest time and be in the moment and appreciate life.

And you can absolutely make goals for yourself. I do it all the time. With New Years’ resolutions, we are typically trying to create a long-term habit or change. And we don’t give ourselves the time or actionable steps to cement this new habit. So it crumbles.

And I don’t want any of us feeling like our life is falling apart. 2020 was a year of slowing down. And 2021 has a lot in store for humanity. So what would it be like to just be?

Instead of new year’s resolutions, how about this year we decide just to experience life?

In a recent poetry circle, I wrote this poem to give a different perspective for 2021. May it help you as we move into a new stage of our lives.

Clean your house

Organize all the cabinets

Drop 10 pounds this year.

Drop 20 pounds this year.

All this busyness dresses itself up

as the go-to operandum for human improvement

at the start of each year

But one by one,

as it goes

each goal slowly slips away

the workout equipment gathering dust

the tower of books left unread

all the new hobbies you said you’d get to

burying itself deep in procrastination and unimportance.

as it happened the year before that, and the year before that.

Crowding your mind with unfinishedness.

What if we tried a different approach this time?

Shift the paradigm a bit?

Instead of all these shiny goals,

which sound so nice

but feel so wrong when

they remain incomplete

we give ourselves this year

to simply breathe and be?

Rather than a goal,

how about we let this new year be an experience?

A resolution quickly strips the present moment

of any significance

and leaves us scrambling, grasping,

yearning for the future

while the present fades into obscurity

Let us greet each moment-to-moment

as a simple truth:

that who we are

right now

is to be celebrated

and any endgame we have

will meet us as we live.

Clear your mind.

Shift your thinking.

Drop all the heaviness

that living in the future carries

and settle into simple consciousness.


About the Creator

Breyanna Wilson

Have you ever felt that you had to figure out life yourself? Well I'm here to tell you that we're meant to traverse life together. Find my thoughts, tarot tips and more here. If you want more from me, check out

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