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Who's Not Going To Quit?

And why that matters

By Connor WarmanPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Up Before You Podcast

Most things in life come down to who can last the longest. Who simply doesn't quit. Not just in my world of CrossFit but in all aspects of life. The lessons we learn in the box usually have a deeper meaning than barbells and pull-ups and muscles. Think about it for a second.

The great things that have been created or thought of came from people who didn't quit. Take Walt Disney for example. He was shot down dozens of times and someone even told him that he, "Wasn't creative enough to make cartoons." Huh. Do You mean the same Walt Disney that created Mickey Mouse and Disney World? Yup. Now, imagine for a moment that Walt would've quit after one of his rejections. It would have completely altered the course of history and life as we know it today. Okay, maybe not that dramatic but you get where I'm going with this.

We all know what happens when we quit. We don't get it done. Whatever that is that we are pursuing doesn't happen. Now, we might not think that's a big deal but what if it is? I'll use myself as an example. I tell myself something like this all of the time when I'm thinking about podcasting and questioning if it's worth continuing or not. I'll say, "Connor you might not know this but there could be someone out there that you've inspired or that one of your guests has inspired to lose weight, push towards a goal, or start working out again." For me, this totally makes it all worth it. One person out there who might be inspired by my work is enough for me to keep going. Even though I might not know who they are or what I might have inspired them to do, it's all worth it.

That being said, I know what happens when I quit. It may feel good at the moment to procrastinate or not do something but it almost always ends up with a feeling of regret.

What I challenge you to do is to flip your mindset. Stop thinking about what happens when you fail or stop. We all know where that leads and it's not a good place. Stop thinking about, "What if I fail?" Forget that. Don't even give the idea of failure any real estate in your head. For some of us, real estate in our head is cheap. It's easy. Don't let it be that way. Make the thoughts you entertain earn their way into your headspace. What do I mean by this? Keep the bullshit out of your head, it has no home there. If it's not important to you and your goals or you don't love it then keep it out of your head. We need to flip the mindset and question into, "What happens if I keep going?" Because that's the great mystery in this life. We all know what happens when we quit but what happens if we keep going? Sure, failure is an option and it always will be. We have to come to accept that. But what if my idea is the next big thing? What if I push past this pain in the gym and PR my back squat? What if I keep running and finish this race when nobody else thought I could? Start to think about those things. Start to think about what could happen when you don't quit.

Try and flip this thinking today in whatever you're doing. Refuse to quit and decide instead to push on. Force the quit in you to sell its space in your head and once it's gone make sure it doesn't even have the opportunity to put in an offer next time around.

Get After It.


About the Creator

Connor Warman

A CrossFit Coach and Podcaster's perspective on life.

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