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Wednesday Quote Of The Day (You're More Than Capable)

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
"The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you." - Robin Sharma

Growing up, one of the things Mum always used to say, when I told her I couldn't do something she asked of me, was "there's no such thing as can't". Truth be told, that there are many things that we simply cannot do in life, as they may be physically impossible, however there are also many things that we simply believe or assume we cannot do, yet they are actually physically possible. Every single one of the tasks that Mum ever gave me to do, in which I said I couldn't do, I ended up doing them, and successfully for that matter. When drilling down to the real reason behind why I always said "I can't do it", we would find that it was nothing more than a case of "I didn't want to do it". Nowadays, I get the "I can't" response from my own daughter. When asking her to tidy up, put away her toys, and place her dirty clothes in the washing basket, I get the good old "I can't", followed by several minutes of her grizzling and groaning, and me constantly telling her to stop being so lazy. How many times she just sits there on the couch, pretending not to hear me, as she continues playing with her toys, before I reach the "angry Daddy voice" stage, I think I have lost count. As a child, we need that discipline to help us with our behavior, our attitude, and our morals, moving into adulthood. We need that constant encouragement, motivation, and push, to highlight to ourselves that we are in fact capable of doing various tasks and actions, especially without the help of our parents, or others. The problem is, what I did as a child, what my own child is doing now, and what undoubtedly many other children worldwide are also doing, in saying they can't do certain tasks or actions, is that there are just as many adults worldwide who do exactly the same thing. When certain tasks and actions are asked of people, or whether it be ones needed to achieve their own goals and dreams in life, they tell themselves they can't do it, that they are not capable of doing it. Again though, let's drill on down further into the reasons behind this lack of belief in their capabilities, and the reason for their "can't".

I've already mentioned one of the reasons above, and that is "laziness". In using the example of my daughter ignoring my request for her to clean up her toys, she refuses to do so because she is having fun playing with her toys still, which is obviously more enjoyable than to be packing them away. Unfortunately, we seem to keep that same attitude as we progress into adulthood. When it comes to completing the actions that are working towards our goals, and a future blessed with success, happiness, and prosperity, because these actions can be tedious, mundane, and even energy sapping, we would rather be doing something more leisurely and enjoyable, such as hanging out with our friends, or watching television. Meanwhile, in doing so, we are denying ourselves the opportunity in achieving the rewards that are success, happiness, goals accomplishment, and prosperity. The lack of willpower that creates our laziness is undoubtedly one of the biggest success killers in life. Another common success killer is fear. When it comes to accepting the opportunity to strive for our goals, so many of us shy away from pursuing them out of pure fear, even though we wouldn't admit to such cowardice. We fear even just the thought of failure, and how we would cope with the emotions and disappointment that come with it. Not to mention the fact we also fear the embarrassment and potential criticism from others if we were to fail. Then there is the biggest fear that most possible have, which is losing financially. Even if it is investing into an opportunity that would lead us to accomplishing our goals, or be it an investment into designing a future to our own desire, the thought of potentially losing money sends an incredible wave of fear through us, to the point that we just don't want to take the risk. We understand the potential rewards in succeeding with such an opportunity, but we also are more than aware of the potential financial stress it would place us under if we were to fail, so we stay put in our comfort zone. Bad move!

Finally, the other most prominent success killer, is doubt. What would there be to doubt, when it comes to pursuing our goals, success, and happiness, in life? Well firstly, we have doubt that we can even achieve such rewards. We often seem to believe that such rewards are reserved for the lucky people of the world, or those who were born into a wealthy or famous family, or those who are blessed with a gift. One thing we do doubt most of all though, is ourselves. We honestly believe that we don't have the capability to achieve something so wonderful and rewarding. We feel that we don't have the required knowledge, we don't have the skill, we don't have the right attributes, we don't have the potential, we don't have the patience, we don't have the courage, and we don't have the talent. That's an interesting thought pattern though considering, how do we even know what we are capable of? When it comes to people and goals, there are five different groups of individuals. Some of us don't even try to pursue our goals at all, courtesy of such beliefs. Some of us begin the journey, but at the first sign of failure, we believe that is a clear indication that we are not going to succeed, so we quit the journey. Then there are some of us who also begin the journey, battle our way through a few challenges, rejections, adversities, and failures, but become overwhelmed by them, and quit the journey also. Many of us also become sick and tired of working so hard, and making sacrifices, for such a length of time, that we just can't be bothered any more, when there is no sign of success appearing. Finally, there are those of us who believe in ourselves, and keep the faith in achieving our goals, that even despite all the failures, challenges, adversities, rejections, and hardships, we keep going until we do succeed.

Each and every one of us are more than capable to achieve the goals we want to achieve, and the first important rule of turning these goals into reality is believing that we can. We have such amazing potential within ourselves, yet most of us never know we even possess it, because we never give ourselves the opportunity to reveal it. We constantly remain in our comfort zones, turning our back on anything that involves risk, running away from anything that we believe we can't do. There's no such thing as "can't" though, not when it comes to our goals anyway. We manufacture that belief of "can't" in our mind, when we should instead be manufacturing the belief of "can". We need to accept opportunities that come our way, place ourselves in the position where we do feel uncomfortable, step out of our comfort zone, be taking risks, and commit ourselves to the actions that are working towards our goals. Guaranteed we will encounter failures, adversities, and the like. These are not signs of defeat, and reasons to quit! These are stepping stones to the path of success, and what's more is, these are opportunities where we are confronted with the need to make decisions, change our actions, and prove our resilience. Each time we overcome these failures, adversities, and challenges, we grow as a person, and without even knowing it, we begin showing our true capabilities. When we reach that moment of success, we won't necessarily be celebrating in the rewards, we will be celebrating the journey we have conquered, and what amazing courage, resilience, perseverance, and patience, we have shown throughout. We will be reflecting on what we were actually capable of achieving, even though we perhaps initially believed we never had it in us. That is the greatest achievement, knowing how far we have come, and what we did to get there. So if you doubt yourself in any way, be it in your knowledge, skill, potential, talent, or ability, or perhaps you doubt you can achieve such a feat, as your goals, let me reassure you that you are more than capable. It's time to have the courage to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, strive for your goals, and prove to yourself and the world what you are really capable of.

#Wednesday #WednesdayMotivation #motivation #quote #capability #capable #goals #courage #skill #talent #potential #knowledge #fear #doubt #laziness #success #happiness #prosperity #journey #ability #ComfortZone #risk #opportunity #achievement #rewards #believe #BelieveInYourself #WindOfChangeNow


About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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