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Unveiling Feng Shui Wall Art For Living Room That Brings in lots of Money

How to Enhance Wealth and Abundance with Feng Shui Wall Art in Your Living Room

By Brian KaPublished 10 months ago 12 min read

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Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, is based on the belief that the arrangement and placement of objects in our living spaces can profoundly impact our lives. It aims to create harmony and balance in our surroundings, promoting positive energy flow and enhancing various aspects of our lives, including wealth, health, and relationships.

A harmonious living space is crucial for our overall well-being, and Feng Shui offers valuable principles and guidelines to achieve that. By applying these principles, we can transform our living rooms into spaces that not only look aesthetically pleasing but also promote prosperity and abundance.

One significant aspect of Feng Shui in the living room is the strategic use of wall art. Wall art holds immense potential to influence the energy within a space, and when chosen and placed with intention, it can attract wealth and abundance into our lives.

The wall art we select for our living rooms serves as more than mere decorative pieces. It becomes a means to harness the positive energy and symbols associated with wealth and prosperity. Just as colors, shapes, and materials impact our emotions and mindset, the right choice of wall art can evoke specific energies that align with our financial goals.

Whether it's a painting, a tapestry, or a carefully crafted arrangement of artwork, the wall art in our living room has the power to create a favorable energetic environment that supports the manifestation of wealth and abundance. By incorporating Feng Shui principles into our wall art selection and placement, we can unlock the potential for financial growth and attract positive opportunities.

In the following sections, we will explore the key principles of selecting Feng Shui wall art, the significance of placement and positioning, the importance of colors and materials, and even delve into some creative DIY ideas. By the end of this blog post, you will be equipped with the knowledge to transform your living room into a space that not only reflects your personal style but also invites wealth and prosperity into your life.

How to Choose the Right Wall Art for Wealth

When it comes to selecting wall art for your living room to attract wealth and prosperity, there are key principles of Feng Shui art selection that you should keep in mind. By following these principles, you can create a harmonious and energetically aligned space that supports your financial goals. Here are some essential considerations:

Symbolism and Personal Preference

The first principle of Feng Shui art selection is to consider both the symbolism and personal preference. Look for artwork that resonates with your energy and reflects your aspirations. While there are traditional Feng Shui symbols associated with wealth and abundance, such as money trees, fish, dragons, and gold coins, it's important to choose artwork that genuinely speaks to you. Trust your intuition and select pieces that inspire and uplift you.

Popular Feng Shui Symbols

Explore the popular Feng Shui symbols that are traditionally associated with wealth and prosperity. Money trees, such as the Jade plant or the Pachira aquatica, symbolize abundance and good fortune. Fish, especially the golden carp, represent wealth and prosperity in Feng Shui. Dragons are revered as powerful symbols of good luck, strength, and wealth. Gold coins and other symbols of wealth can also be incorporated into artwork to enhance the energetic vibrations of prosperity.

Resonating with Your Energy and Goals

Your wall art should not only align with Feng Shui principles but also resonate with your personal energy and goals. Consider the emotions and feelings that different artwork evokes within you. If a particular painting or image brings you joy, inspiration, or a sense of abundance, it is likely to enhance the positive energy in your living space. Choose art that reflects the financial goals you aspire to achieve. For example, if you seek a successful career, consider artwork that portrays a thriving business environment or images of professional achievement.

Placement and Positioning

Proper placement and positioning of wall art in your living room play a crucial role in maximizing its impact on attracting wealth and prosperity. Here are some key considerations for effectively placing your Feng Shui wall art:

Significance of Proper Placement

The placement of wall art in Feng Shui is significant because it determines how energy flows throughout the room. Strategic placement ensures that the artwork activates and enhances specific areas associated with wealth and abundance. It creates a harmonious flow of energy that supports your financial goals. By paying attention to where you hang your wall art, you can amplify its positive influence on your living space.

Ideal Locations for Wealth-Related Wall Art

In Feng Shui, there are specific locations within the living room that are considered auspicious for displaying wealth-related wall art. The wealth corner, also known as the southeast corner, is traditionally associated with abundance and prosperity. Hanging artwork depicting symbols of wealth, such as money trees or flowing water, in this corner can enhance the flow of financial energy in your life. Additionally, the entryway is another ideal location for wealth-related wall art, as it welcomes positive energy and opportunities into your home.

Hanging at the Right Height and Balancing Harmony

When hanging wall art, it is essential to consider the height at which it is placed. In Feng Shui, it is recommended to hang artwork at eye level or slightly higher. This ensures that the energy of the artwork is easily accessible and visible to anyone entering the room. Additionally, consider the balance and harmony of the overall room design. The wall art should complement the other elements in the living room, such as furniture, lighting, and colors. It should harmonize with the space rather than overpowering or conflicting with the existing decor.

Colors and Materials That Attract Money

In Feng Shui, colors hold significant importance as they can greatly influence the energy and vibrations within a living space. When selecting wall art for attracting wealth and abundance, considering the colors and materials is essential. Here's what you need to know:

Importance of Colors in Feng Shui

Colors have the power to evoke specific emotions and energies, making them a powerful tool in Feng Shui. Different colors are associated with various aspects of life, including wealth and prosperity. By incorporating the right colors into your wall art, you can create a vibrant and energetically aligned living room that supports financial abundance.

Auspicious Colors for Prosperity

Several colors are considered auspicious for attracting wealth in Feng Shui. Shades of green are associated with growth, abundance, and wealth. They symbolize money and financial prosperity. Gold represents luxury, success, and opulence, making it an excellent choice for wealth-related wall art. Purple, particularly deep shades, is linked to wealth, abundance, and spiritual growth. These colors can be incorporated into your wall art selection to enhance the energetic vibrations of prosperity in your living room.

Symbolic Materials of Abundance

In addition to colors, the materials used in wall art can also symbolize abundance and prosperity in Feng Shui. Consider incorporating materials such as metal, which represents strength and wealth. Paintings with vibrant colors and dynamic brushstrokes can infuse your living room with the energy of vitality and financial growth. Wooden frames or artwork made from natural materials connect with the Earth element, promoting stability and grounding. Choose materials that resonate with you and align with your personal style to enhance the abundance energy in your living room.

DIY Wall Art Ideas for Wealth

If you're looking for creative and affordable ways to incorporate Feng Shui wall art for attracting wealth and prosperity, DIY projects can be a fantastic option. Not only do they allow you to infuse your personal energy into the artwork, but they also provide an opportunity to align your creativity with your financial goals. Here are some DIY wall art ideas:

Painting Your Own Symbolic Artwork

One of the most fulfilling ways to create personalized wall art for attracting wealth is by painting your own symbolic artwork. Choose symbols associated with abundance, such as money trees, flowing water, or gold coins, and create a painting that represents your financial aspirations. You don't need to be a professional artist to do this. Let your creativity flow and enjoy the process of expressing your intentions through art.

Creating a Vision Board

Another DIY project for wealth-related wall art is to create a vision board. Gather images, quotes, and symbols that represent your financial goals and desires. Arrange them on a corkboard or poster board, and place it prominently on your living room wall. This visual representation of your aspirations will serve as a daily reminder of what you want to manifest in terms of wealth and abundance.

Incorporating DIY Projects into Living Room Decor

When incorporating your DIY wall art into your living room decor, consider the following steps:

Choose the right location: Determine the ideal spot for your DIY wall art, such as the wealth corner or a prominent wall in the living room.

Prepare the wall: Ensure that the wall is clean and free from any imperfections before hanging or displaying your artwork.

Frame or mount the art: If necessary, frame your painting or secure your vision board in a visually pleasing way. Choose frames or mounting materials that complement your overall living room decor.

Hang with intention: Pay attention to the height and positioning of your DIY wall art. Follow the principles of Feng Shui, such as hanging it at eye level or slightly higher, and ensure it aligns with the overall balance and harmony of the room.

Enhance with complementary elements: Consider adding additional elements that support the energy of wealth, such as a small fountain nearby or a tabletop display of prosperity symbols.

Maintenance and Energy Flow

To ensure the effectiveness of your Feng Shui wall art in attracting wealth and prosperity, it is essential to prioritize regular cleaning and maintenance. By keeping your wall art clean and free from clutter, you can maintain a smooth and positive energy flow within your living room. Here's what you need to know:

Importance of Regular Cleaning

Just like any other aspect of your living space, wall art accumulates dust and dirt over time. Regular cleaning is crucial to maintain the optimal energy flow and vibrancy of your artwork. Dust can obstruct the flow of positive energy, so make it a habit to dust your wall art regularly using a soft cloth or a gentle brush. By keeping your wall art clean, you ensure that it continues to radiate positive energy throughout your living room.

Keeping Wall Art Free from Dust and Clutter

Clutter can disrupt the flow of energy and hinder the effectiveness of your Feng Shui wall art. Ensure that the area surrounding your wall art remains tidy and clutter-free. Remove any objects or items that accumulate around the artwork, as they can create stagnant energy. By maintaining a clean and organized space around your wall art, you allow the positive energy to flow freely, enhancing the abundance and prosperity in your living room.

Additional Tips for Enhancing Positive Energy

Beyond regular cleaning, there are additional steps you can take to enhance the positive energy in your living room:

Strategic use of mirrors: Mirrors can be used to expand and reflect positive energy. Place mirrors near your wall art to create a sense of spaciousness and amplify the energy of abundance.

Incorporate natural elements: Introduce elements of nature into your living room decor, such as potted plants or fresh flowers. Natural elements bring vitality and a sense of growth, promoting the flow of positive energy.

Ensure proper lighting: Adequate lighting is crucial to energize your wall art and the surrounding space. Use natural light whenever possible, or opt for warm and inviting artificial lighting to create a harmonious ambiance.


Feng Shui wall art has the power to transform your living room into a positive and prosperous environment. Throughout this blog post, we have explored various aspects of incorporating Feng Shui wall art for attracting wealth and abundance. Let's summarize the key points discussed:

  • Feng Shui and Its Importance: Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of creating harmonious living spaces. It plays a crucial role in promoting positive energy flow and balance, including the use of wall art.
  • Significance of Wall Art: Wall art in Feng Shui holds the potential to attract wealth and prosperity. It serves as a visual representation of your financial goals and aspirations, creating an energetic magnet for abundance.
  • Choosing the Right Wall Art: Consider symbolism, personal preference, and popular Feng Shui symbols associated with wealth. Select artwork that resonates with your energy and aligns with your goals.
  • Placement and Positioning: Proper placement and positioning of wall art are crucial. Consider the ideal location, such as the wealth corner or entryway. Hang art at the right height and ensure balance and harmony with other elements in the room.
  • Colors and Materials: Colors and materials used in wall art influence the energy and vibrations. Choose auspicious colors like green, gold, and purple, and incorporate materials that symbolize abundance, such as metal and wood.
  • DIY Wall Art Ideas: Engage in creative and affordable DIY projects to infuse your personal energy into the artwork. Paint symbolic art or create a vision board with images of your financial goals.
  • Maintenance and Energy Flow: Regular cleaning and keeping wall art free from dust and clutter ensure optimal energy flow. Strategic use of mirrors and incorporation of natural elements further enhance positive energy.

In essence, Feng Shui wall art holds immense potential to create a positive and prosperous living environment. By exploring and experimenting with different options, you can harness the power of symbolism, personal intention, and energetic alignment to manifest wealth and abundance in your life.

So, go ahead and embark on this exciting journey of incorporating Feng Shui wall art into your living room. Trust your instincts, follow the principles discussed, and let your creativity flow. With the right wall art, you can transform your living space into a magnet for wealth and abundance. Embrace the opportunities that Feng Shui offers and invite prosperity into your life.

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Brian Ka

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