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This One Mantra Sees Me through Dark Days.

When ‘I am enough’ is not enough.

By Katarzyna PortkaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
This One Mantra Sees Me through Dark Days.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

When I stumbled upon my path of awakening, I was convinced I have found the remedy to all pains.

No more grey clouds above my head. No more low energy mornings. I have finally found my armour made of steel.

That was when my ups and downs hit in.

By adopting this notion of spiritual awakening as a superpower, I have found myself strongly disappointed once I felt out of whack, once my fears kicked in, once my eyes were brimming with tears. The clash was unbearable.

Do you know what did it stem from?

I got used to a constant struggle, putting myself out there into the world, chasing various jobs, interviews. One minute felt like I was on top, the next thing I knew, it was never enough. I wanted more. I demanded to do things faster. The result? I was never fully satisfied with where I was at that time.

Still, after all those years of chasing the perfect career, the perfect boyfriend, I did not give myself permission to slow down. Now, the awakening was my perfect goal. The hustle culture was still paving the way.

Why should I participate in the race of instant gratification and the movement of not-enoughness as it clearly deprives me of joy, satisfaction, and fulfilment?

One day, my destructive thoughts took a toll on me. I felt myself sinking back into my old patterns of limiting beliefs.

In the act of surrender, I sat down in nature, and the thought found me:

Let it be enough.

It is not enough to chant 'I am enough' on repeat. You need to penetrate through the subconscious mind. Do not fight it, but work with it.

We look for somebody else to tell us we have done a good job.

We wait for the perfect profession, car, house so that we can feel the enoughness running through our veins.

Why should I choose to be miserable when life is so magnificent? Why would I surrender my own power?

And the power lies in enjoying the present moment, being all in.

When you are content with where you are, there is no chase. You are simply content with being enough, having enough.

When such harmonious happiness resides, creativity can flow. When you thrive, you can be of service to others, where joy resides and health flourishes.

But first, we need to give ourselves the permission to be enough.

The word ‘let’ is very important. We need to convince our minds that where we are right now, whether it is a crappy apartment, middle of a divorce, ungrateful career path, we give it permission to be enough. For now.

Your journey has its own pace. You are heading somewhere purposeful, but right now, it is enough to be where you are.

You are climbing that ladder. Hell, you can jump off the crazy carousel with no explanation necessary. That also is enough.

The key is to allow yourself to be in the process of becoming. The situation may not be ideal, but it is what it is.

Now, you have two options: rack your brains into stress and frustration with the current situation. Or, you can choose to soothe yourself with this mantra.

I allow it to be enough.

This helps you to take the focus off the surrounding circumstances.

When you bring back the focus to yourself, to your breathing, to your calm state of mind, you open up the gate to creativity, inspiration, hope, who knows maybe even gratitude?

This unsatisfied appetite serves a lesson.

Success should not feel like a constant struggle. Success is always preceded by happiness. Not ecstatic moments from time to time, but genuine contentment with life.

Previously, I did not allow for the process of slowing down to take place.

We are always on the go.

We chase the next project.

We are in a rush for the next meeting.

Once we read one book, we are eager to jump on the next.

We buy the dream shoes and immediately become in need of the matching dress.

The promise of reaching that top is an illusion. When you cannot admire the path you are climbing, the view from the top will not suffice either. The thought of the next journey will be looming in the background.

How about if we relax? Simply, let everything be.

No stress response in the body. No nervous system shattered.

Life is meant to be fun and enjoyable. A string of constant battles cannot account for winning the war, as there is not any. You are fighting the enemy and your biggest ally in one: your mind.

But you know, grey clouds are okay. There are still beautiful blue skies above them. It is a gift we can recognize them, observe and let them pass.

You don’t need steel armour. You are human. You are vulnerable, and you accept that.

Don't enter the territory of the victim mentality, it will lead your thoughts to a downward spiral.

Allow for your life to be enough. Allow your interests to be enough. Allow your pace to be enough. Allow for your home to be enough. Letting go is the getaway to new creation.

Letting go of worries. Letting go of resistance. Letting go of overthinking.

Nobody can jump in and go through the process for you. You need to be willing to follow that path yourself. That calling needs to be louder and more attractive than the illusionary pursuit of perfection and relentless chase for more.

There is nothing outrageous with wanting more as long as you know that where you are is enough, you are enough and everything you have to offer is enough for now.

Life will always present you with chances, open doors to walk through. No key is necessary. You are the missing piece.

There will always be more.

You are on the journey, and there is no final destination.

You are on the path of a thrilling self-development adventure. Make the best use of it by striding with pride and determination for growth while being satisfied with the process.


About the Creator

Katarzyna Portka

Mindset coach. Writer. Reader. Coffee enthusiast. Tolkien’s fan living in Harry Potter’s world.

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