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The Strongest Motive For Success

Psychologists confirm that feeling so-called school jealousy is normal.

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The Strongest Motive For Success
Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

Psychologists confirm that feeling so-called school jealousy is normal, provided that it does not lead to actions that harm the person we are jealous of. For example, if I am jealous of a friend because she succeeded in a course, and I failed in it, it is possible that the feeling of jealousy may lead me to an action that harms that friend, and this is called dangerous negative jealousy.

But if I make this jealousy a motive for me, in order to make up for what I missed on the one hand, and increase the number of study hours in order to have a larger group on the other hand, then I will have succeeded in a really great thing, and I turned that jealousy into a real motive for success, and here I only have to approach From that friend and thank her, this is called healthy positive jealousy, or what is also known as honest competition.

Do you agree with me? If you are, keep reading these words, so that we may come out with something useful.

The difference between jealousy and envy

It is the desire to obtain the same success that colleagues and friends obtained, and the feeling of the necessity of owning such success, which means that it is a healthy thing that leads to motivation and entering into real competition, whether with oneself, or with successful people to reach the same level they have reached, or even exceed it. Reaching a higher level of academic success and excellence, whether at university or at school.

It is also the person’s wish to possess the same success that their colleagues and friends obtained, in addition to wishing that success would disappear from them and that they would reach great stages of failure, even if success did not pass to the envious person, for what is important for them is that success disappears from the path of all those around them, to turn into likenesses them and reduce the gap between them, knowing that the envious person is considered one of the most pariahs in society.

Now, you can know how you feel, is it envy or just academic jealousy, and how are you going to turn it into a motive, an important and practical question which is the essence of the most important topic, how do I succeed in my life?

How do I turn study jealousy into a motive for success?

It doesn't take much thought, how to turn jealousy into a real motivation for success, just focus on a few key points:

1. Watch them and follow their lead

Be sure to observe the successful person, try to learn everything that may benefit you from them, how they succeeded, how they obtained these marks, how many hours they studied, how they organised their time, was they focused in the lecture, when I was absent-minded, or escaping from it.

2. Focus on yourself

Move to focus on yourself, and say to yourself, “How am I going to beat them and be more successful than them? Let me try to rectify the previous mistakes I made, to become more committed to university and study, and to increase the number of my study hours.”

3. Intrinsic stimulation

Tell yourself, this friend and other friends must possess study jealousy of me during the next exam, I will outperform them all, but beware that it remains only in the framework of wishing, and go directly to the stage of work without drowning in daydreams.

4. Boost your self-confidence

Whoever feels a sense of jealousy is often a person who lacks self-confidence a little or a lot, so it is very important to work on enhancing self-confidence, by thinking about your strengths, focusing on them and even exploiting them.

5. Stay away from comparison

The comparison may be good sometimes if you do not exceed it alone, you cannot fully compare yourself with others, when they succeed in something and fail at it, you may be successful in something they are failing at, all you have to do is enhance your strengths, as well as try to reduce points The weakness that you possess after recognising and acknowledging it, of course.

6. Define your goal clearly

Is your goal to achieve a high grade in this course, in spite of your friend's high mark? Or is your real goal to graduate at a rate you want (good or excellent..etc), and then achieve the dream of graduating and entering the labour market with a university degree? You should always focus on the general picture without drowning in its details. Thinking in a practical way is very convenient. It will make you transcend school jealousy and turn it into a real motivation for success, even if it is far-reaching.

So, my friends who accompanied these words to the end. Study jealousy is never a wrong behaviour, or never predicts a weak personality, but it is a very natural behaviour. It is important to invest and exploit it to become a real motivation for success, instead of drowning in the details of negativity and turning it into a feeling of envy. It will spend You, not the successful student, whom you will never harm with your envy.


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Judith Isidore

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