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The Myth of Success

How to Stop Living For Others

By RJPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Matt D'Avella, a film maker who produces the podcast "Ground Up," featured Amber Rae, an author, to discuss the myths centered around success. What motivates someone to create? What are the parameters that judge whether someone is successful or not? How do you personally gauge your level of success? As creatives, we sacrifice our souls for the approval of the masses. Society chooses whether to accept or reject your contribution.

When I started out and still today, I battle with the notion that I am only successful if I am better than my fellow man. If I am wealthy, live the lifestyle that is deemed ideal, or have the belongings to show off and the kids that everyone envies. As individuals, we desire to have the approval of others, and we are worried about how our peers will react and what they will say. The expectations of others keep so many from even trying. We live in a world that is centered around competition and comparison. What truly is success, and how can we achieve it?

What is Success?

Van Gogh- Wheat Field

Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime. No one found value in his art, but today his paintings are everywhere. They are regarded as some of the best pieces of art ever created. He did not paint to make money or look more talented than his constituents; he painted because he loved to. He had something to say or to offer to the world.

If we as a culture can shift our view of success from getting ahead and being competitive to what we genuinely want to say or do. Instead of focusing on the end goal, we need to relish in the process. How can you add to your own creative field? Is your work providing growth for you as a person? Do something because it is your reason for being not because you want to prove yourself to anyone else. What you create is how you communicate. The quality of your work in other eyes does not equate to your self-worth.

Now, I am aware that you cannot live off of satisfaction with your work; you have to make money, I understand. I also know that everyone is not driven by the desire to create. Yet, we all want to contribute something to society. Maybe you are an editor that can craft the tone of the artist perfectly to fit the goals of the project. Perhaps you know how to market the product, maybe you know how to get it in front of the right people. It is okay to have weak areas, and it is okay not to be interested in the sensitivity of the artist, or the semantics of the financial analyst. You can be all of these people or only one, but knowing which mode you are in and how to direct your energy can lead to more productivity.

How Can you Shift Your Outlook on Being Successful

By Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Some people hate the color black. Some people love the color black. When we are working or creating, it is essential to put more of our own vision into the piece rather than trying to make something that will appeal to everyone. When we try and create what others want, it ends up watering down the real purpose of the project. If you focus on- saying what you wanted to say or doing what you set out to do instead of how much money you made or how well it was received, you will find more joy.

The most successful people are the ones who live unapologetically. Criticism will occur, and it will eat you alive if you allow it. Your two choices are to release what you want to or allow others to force you into a box. Be yourself, focus on what you cannot step away from because it consumes you. Follow your passion, even if that is what people typically deem as boring. The times where I have allowed myself to be vulnerable are the pieces that people latch onto. They are looking for someone to say what you did because they relate and feel alone.

Do not be Afraid to Leave Opportunities

When you redefine your definition of success and what will make you happy, it will be easier to identify your goals. I wanted to avoid a 9-5 job, and so I knew not to focus on those opportunities. I want to write, so I focus on everything centering around that. I write articles; I read others' writing. I collaborate with authors who I find interesting. I gain so much in personal satisfaction that money is an added bonus. If you set out with good intentions and have the grit to continue when it is not going well, it will pay off.

As a society we need to move away from the stock images of success and focus more on our personal aspirations and what provides us with growth and happiness. Success is a myth because it looks different for everyone and it is not confined to numbers in a bank account. Re frame what matters to you and what kind of work would make you happy. If you live for others and strive for the version of success they want, even if you achieve it, you will not be happy.


About the Creator


Find me on Instagram at @awriterwhodraws

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