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The Lion: Unleashing the Power of Attitude

The Lion's Attitude: A Source of Encouragement

By Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPPPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

The Lion: Unleashing the Power of Attitude

1. Introduction

2. The Creator's Identification

3. The King of the Jungle

• Not the Tallest

• Not the Largest

• Not the Heaviest

• Not the Smartest

4. The Lion's Attitude: A Source of Encouragement

• Leadership and Attitude

• Transforming Cowards into Warriors

• The Power of Respect

5. The Elephant's Mystery

• Size, Strength, and Intelligence

• Attitude Trumps Size

6. Attitude: A Reflection of Belief

7. Conclusion

8. FAQs

The Lion: Unleashing the Power of Attitude


Have you ever wondered why the lion is considered the king of the jungle? What is it about this majestic creature that sets it apart from the rest? In a world filled with diverse animal species, there are only two animals that the creator identified himself with: the eagle and the lion. This article explores the extraordinary nature of the lion and the invaluable lesson it teaches us about leadership, attitude, and self-belief.

The Creator's Identification

When the creator chose the lion as one of the animals to identify him with, it became evident that there was much to learn from this magnificent creature. The lion's designation as the king of the animal kingdom and the eagle's reign as the king of the bird kingdom signify their dominance and exceptional qualities within their respective domains.

The King of the Jungle

Contrary to popular belief, the lion's kingship is not based on physical attributes. It's important to recognize that the lion is not the tallest, largest, heaviest, or smartest animal in the jungle. Yet, when the lion makes its presence known, all other animals instinctively flee. What sets the lion apart, then?

The Lion's Attitude: A Source of Encouragement

The lion possesses what can be described as the spirit of leadership—an attitude that differentiates it from mere followers. This attitude is the key to its dominion over the animal kingdom. Despite not being the most physically imposing creature, the lion's attitude commands respect and instill fear in others.

Leadership has the remarkable power to transform even the most timid individuals into bold warriors. An army of sheep led by a lion will always prevail over an army of lions led by a sheep. This exemplifies the significance of leadership and the impact it has on shaping individuals and communities.

The Elephant's Mystery

Consider the elephant, a creature larger, stronger, more powerful, heavier, and more intelligent than the lion. Yet, when the elephant encounters the lion, it acknowledges the lion's dominance. How can such a massive animal yield to a smaller counterpart? The answer lies in attitude.

Attitude is a product of belief. You cannot possess an attitude beyond what you believe. The lion's attitude emanates from a strong belief system. It is this unwavering belief in its own power and authority that makes the lion the king of the jungle.

Attitude: A Reflection of Belief

Attitude is a powerful force that shapes our lives. Just as the lion's attitude evokes respect and fear, our attitude determines how others perceive and treat us. We must recognize that respect, not fear, is the foundation of true leadership.

We can draw inspiration from the lion's attitude without resorting to fear-based leadership. By adopting an attitude of respect, we can earn the respect and admiration of those around us. Our attitude is a reflection of our beliefs, and when we believe in ourselves, others will believe in us too.


The lion's reign as the king of the jungle teaches us valuable lessons about leadership, attitude, and self-belief. It reminds us that physical attributes alone do not define greatness. Rather, it is our attitude, our unwavering belief in ourselves, and the respect we command that truly make us leaders. Embrace the power of attitude, and you too can unleash your inner lion.


1. Can anyone become a leader?

2. How can attitude impact our personal and professional lives?

3. Are leaders born or made?

4. What are some practical ways to develop a positive attitude?

5. How can we inspire others through our attitude?


About the Creator

Muhammad Jalil, TI(M),FCILT,CPP

Being a veteran of armed forces, I have a vast experience in multifarious fields of life from devotion to dedication, from commitment to loyalty, from fitness to healthcare, from war to peace and from conflict to solution..

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