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The Light Bulb's Lesson.

Finding Balance in Life

By David KolawolePublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, a young man named Thomas was in a small factory. He had been working diligently under the guidance of an experienced technician, his mentor, who taught him the value of hard work and continuous skill development. The old technician emphasised the importance of actions over words, urging Thomas to remain focused and dedicated in every aspect of the factory's operations.

Ten years passed, and the old man retired, leaving Thomas to carry on his legacy as a technician. Thomas upheld the teachings of his mentor faithfully, pouring his heart and soul into his work each day. However, despite his dedication, he couldn't help but notice that less skilled colleagues were being promoted while he remained in the same position, earning the same meagre salary.

Feeling disheartened, Thomas visited his mentor, seeking guidance and understanding. As he poured out his frustrations, the old man listened attentively, understanding the weight of Thomas's concerns. He pondered for a while before offering an unexpected solution.

"Thomas," the old man said with a thoughtful expression, "I want you to request a day off, using any reason you like. It's time for you to give yourself a break."

Surprised by this advice, Thomas questioned its purpose. However, after careful consideration, he realised there might be wisdom in the old man's words. Thanking his mentor, Thomas swiftly made a time-off request and eagerly awaited his return to work.

When Thomas arrived back at the factory, the manager summoned him to the office. To his surprise, the manager informed him of the troubles that arose during his absence. Many problems, typically handled by Thomas, had stumped his colleagues, highlighting his importance to the smooth operation of the factory.

Recognising his dedication and value, the manager decided to promote Thomas to the position of senior technician as a gesture of gratitude. Clearly, Thomas's break had shed light on his indispensable role within the company.

Grateful for his mentor's wisdom, Thomas realised the secret to success was not just in consistent hard work but also in understanding one's own value and occasionally taking a step back to be appreciated.

Months went by, and Thomas continued the pattern he had learned. Whenever he felt undervalued, he would take a day off, returning to find the situation improved to his satisfaction. However, one fateful day, he arrived at the factory only to find himself blocked from entering. Confused and shocked, he soon discovered that his employment had been terminated.

Devastated and uncertain of his future, Thomas sought solace and answers from his mentor. He couldn't understand how things had gone so wrong after following his teachings diligently.

With wounded pride, Thomas asked, "Why did I lose my job? Did I not do everything as you instructed?"

The old man sighed and shook his head. "Actually, you did not. You only heard half of the lesson, my dear Thomas."

Confused, Thomas questioned the missing half, finally realising the mistake he had made.

"The second half," the mentor spoke slowly, emphasising his point, "is the realisation that if a light bulb goes off frequently, sooner or later, it will be replaced with one that is more reliable. People take for granted what is always there until it's no longer present."

Thomas began to understand the profound truth behind his mentor's words. He realized that he had neglected to learn the importance of balance—the delicate equilibrium between being taken for granted and being irreplaceable.

The old man continued, "In life, cherish your friends and family today, for they may not always be there. Please give thanks for their presence before it's too late. And in your own work, don't allow setbacks or disappointments to discourage you entirely. Find the balance, and life will reward you with equilibrium."

With a newfound perspective, Thomas bid farewell to his mentor, grateful for the lessons learned. As he ventured forth into an uncertain future, he carried the wisdom of finding his own worth and maintaining a balanced approach to work and relationships.

And so, the young man, once a devoted technician, embarked on a new chapter of his life, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, armed with the knowledge that finding the right balance would be his guiding light.

Motivation Stories: Finding Balance in Life

In the realm of motivational tales, "The Light Bulb's Lesson" shines as a beacon of wisdom. This heartwarming story reminds us of the significance of balance in our endeavors. Through the journey of Thomas, we learn the importance of appreciating our loved ones, avoiding complacency, and maintaining equilibrium in all aspects of life. Join us on this inspiring adventure and discover the transformative power of finding balance.


About the Creator

David Kolawole

Welcome to my page! I'm David Kolawole, a passionate teacher and content creator.

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    David KolawoleWritten by David Kolawole

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