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The Greatest Fairytale

The greatest true story ever told

By Michelle MathisPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Many men and women of today's culture brag about how they are kings or queens and even princesses or princes of what they are doing in life. That title of royalty means that you, indeed, are handling your businesses and doing things like a boss. We know what it means to be royal as it would show the world you are entitled to all the country has to offer plus more. Each day even the children are inspired by the fairytale stories of royalty like Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Princess and the Frog, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and The Little Mermaid. I, myself as a child was raised on Disney Princesse's stories with the favorite princess being Sleeping Beauty.

Now, fast-forward to the modern-day royalty, and you finally, see Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, and Prince Harry of the British Royal family. I know we have other royal families all over the world, but somehow this British royal family is different. This British Royal family has been a media staple of fascination, innovation, influence, and admiration of power. Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle set a new standard by establishing her place in a traditional family that was not accustomed to a racial difference within the family. The remarkable ability of love between two individuals with a different past to come together in front of the world and display, a unit of power is amazing. Indeed, in these modern times, we still have to encounter racism on a major scale to succeed in life because success is a controlling factor in life. We all want to succeed in some way or another and see ourselves in an identifiable ethnic race as an example of success. With that said, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle embodies success in the power to the royal throne and that is what she instilled in me a sense of achievement to be fit to be a true Queen to a potential throne one day. Just the example of a major royal that looks like your ethnicity will motivate you to be more and do more because the world sees you as important. Examples, of Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, is seen throughout all the lands as a boost in morale to her ethnic race to be a King, Queen, Princess, or Prince in their own right to whatever they are doing to be successful. Impressed at the role that is in the spotlight as a real biracial black princess, it made us want more out of life. As a huge step for mankind with the present and past racial transgressions, her royal role makes those wanting to disrespect respect her whether they want to or not. It is said that racism still exists to the point of total disrespect, and those in high-ranking positions of power can not abolish it through their achievements but just deal with it.

The time has come now to recognize that our past does not precede us but shows why we are what we are today for a better world. In an era where the Illuminati exist, we have been held in a secretive cult-like state of disbelief that this can not exist by the current affairs of what is happening to Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle. To demonstrate that even in the 21st century Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle could mean little to nothing to the British royal family for seeking help on safety concerns that caused her mental anxiety exit from the royal family treatment. To further the British royal family attempt to remove Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, the British royal family decided to remove the royal name from her and still not provide her adequate protection or even any protection from the exit from the British royal family. However, there had been many marriages of the British royal family and not one had to deal with the snub like Meghan Markle had to deal with in losing her title, money, and protection. Again, protection and money are very important in a prestigious status like what Meghan Markle had to the British Royal family, and yet she lost that out of disagreements with the British Royal family. Those disagreements of the British royal family more than likely had racial undertones just like the color of her babies, where Prince Harry detailed that in an interview with Oprah. Moreover, Meghan Markle, now stripped of her royal title, takes a lot of courage to have Prince Harry peripeteia's situation in front of the world. Seeing the world is confused about the Meghan Markle situation, I will quickly add an epexegesis to the end of this dedication to my innovator. Entertaining the thought that Meghan Markle can be an ethnic refreshment to our usual sighting of the British royal family, the world has to accept the ineluctable future of getting used to a real live black ethnic royal of power. It is without question a black ethnic royal of power is needed and can deny the racial injustices that continue to prevail in all our world. To the world, it is the worst royal crisis in eighty-five years with a rush to demand answers from the British royal family. Just Meghan Markle's presence in the spotlight speaks volumes to the voiceless victims of racism that can not speak to the media at all about the world injustices against them. Even Meghan Markle is still challenged with speaking out and saying too much because of the power of the British royal family and the world. She had chosen to go silent about some issues that she had with trying to speak out on her issues of being part of a royal powerful family. I recently had a Facebook group timeline of commentary that could not believe that a black family monarch can potentially lead the USA as exampled with a conversion about the movie Coming to America and its remakes. Yet, we are behooved to move like a royal within a democracy that wants us to feel and live like royals when we are celebrities, politicians, and entrepreneurs. Thanks to our dedication to the fascination of royalty, it has been an innovation and the creation of an entrepreneur-like royal behavior that will allow for a royal lifestyle if you are successful. Overcoming unseen battles every day would put one like Meghan Markle at the top of the list for all of us to see a true potential Queen that has become a real live ethnic princess of power for us all. To see our dreams realized and manifested in each other is to one day see ourselves the same. Challenges each day calls upon us to see our power in the face of our ethnic race and using it in the power of good against the evils of the world. If something happens to one, it happens to all because one injustice is an injustice to all, and Meghan Markle represents this injustice within power itself.

I am agonizing while I am writing this as I see Meghan Markle as myself in the injustice of losing a lot while trying to live on a public scale. Enough is enough of the world only seeing what is common and can now expect a royal named Meghan Markle who is a precedent now to the world. Only if we could make her power more pronounce to reveal the real royal issues that plague us all over the world every day, then we are more geared to move to a peaceful and enjoyable future. So, in the ending, I would have to say that above all royal deeds allows the world to function with a black woman as Meghan Markle, leading the example for us to better ourselves with a higher view of oneself and in turn foster innovation, creation, and inspiration to admire for years to come.


About the Creator

Michelle Mathis

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