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The 3 Ls that keep us away from all types of success

Avoid them at all time

By Spencer Jean-MaryPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
Photo by rebcenter moscow from Pexels

If we take some time to think about why we are at our current position in life, we can immediately see that every bit of our downfall, every setback, and every one of our shortcomings have three specific contributors to them. As I go over those contributors, it’s important to know that first and foremost success comes in all forms. You have your financial success, personal goal success, life goal success, success in our relationships with people, basically anytime we found ourselves achieving exactly what we strived for in order to experience this little and almost impossible thing to find called happiness, we identify this as a form of success. However, success doesn’t comes easy, in fact most of us go through the majority of our lives only achieving a small amount of what we desire, while a few percentage of the world’s population are able to obtain most our their desires. So what makes the individual who gain success so special from everyone else? Actually the real question is what are the rest of us doing or not doing that makes us different from those who are living their best life right now? Whether they have obtain financial freedom, found themselves in the right career making a difference in society, or are currently in the most loving, true, and long lasting relationship with someone they are head over heels in love with, the individual who are successful had obviously done something right with their time on this earth while most of us are looking at their wonderful life from a distance where we wish we could be just like those people. While there are so many ways to achieve success, what I find very hilarious is how we find ourselves struggling just to find one that really works. When we look back in our lives, those of us who are still wondering where we went wrong in life, I guarantee you that we will find that there are always three common factors that kept us from having every desire we strive to achieve. For those of us who still haven’t figure them out yet, here are the three common factors or as I like to called them the 3 Ls that keep us in the losing position in life.

Lack of preparation

This is an obvious one that most people do not pay attention to. It is also something that not only affects both our own lives but as well as the lives of our children for those who have children. It becomes a disease that get passed on to the next generation because we weren’t prepared to handle life’s obstacles. In my experience I find that education plays a major role in preparing ourselves for the future. Education, something that gets overlooked and has such low priority in our society right now is the key when preparing for success. We tend to have a lack of preparation when we focus our attention to something else and prioritize that thing over what we are supposed to be preparing for. Speaking of attention, it is the currency that gives us more of what we spend it on. When we lose focus and get lost in having fun and laughing at the crap that does not serve us nor help us in preparing for achieving our goal, we end up giving less attention to what we consider important to us, as a result we’ve become unprepared to receive it when opportunity presents itself. If you want something badly in life, you must give it the necessary amount of attention in order to be prepared for it. You want to have that career you dreamed of, well first education has to come into play, and most important prepare yourself by investing your time and attention to it. That way nothing catches you by surprise when you go out there to realize your dream. Looking back at the moments where we tell ourselves, “Man I wish I would’ve done this differently,” is the moment where the lack of preparation was the cause of you not getting what it was you hoped to achieve.

Lack of experience

The lack of experience to me is unavoidable and is one we have little to no choice in how it affects us. However, the lack of experience isn’t all as bad as we may think it is. For we are not born knowing everything. There’s that old saying” If I knew then, what I know now,” is the realization that at this current moment in time, we have gained some experience in whatever we have had some shortcomings in. Unfortunately, a lot of times we gained experience through life’s hard teachings. Usually it happens when we failed miserably at whatever we are working on, and as a result of this we learn a valuable lesson that will remain with us until the end of our days. Now some of us rookies have had the luck of having a friend, a parent, a colleague, a guru, or someone who came into our lives and taught us a better way to go on about certain things in life. These are the people we need to be thankful for, as it not have been for them we would definitely experience life’s harshest breakdowns. The good thing about the lack of experience is that you are a novice, and from this point on you can only improve and be the better version of who you used to be.


Finally, everyone’s favorite invisible buddy they don’t know about that’s always there making sure you failed at anything you put your mind to do. Yes, laziness is that friend that is always there giving the wrong advice, telling you to pay more attention the things that aren’t serving you, and always has an answer to validate why you are a loser. I hear people say all the times, “I want to do this, I want to do that, I want to get this, I want to be that,” and yet their lazy butt sits there in the same position and take no action towards what they desire. Then they wonder why there are not getting the results they want in life. There is this concept that if you act as you have something, then you will naturally attract that very thing to you. I find this to be true. Now when I say the word “act” I’m not talking about faking it till you make it, what I’m implying is to take the necessary actions towards your goals and the things you want. Sometimes people feel like they need to HAVE something or BE at a certain position in order to take actions towards a goal, and then they will reap its benefits, when the truth is the state of being is a result of you taking action first, not the other way around. This is exactly what laziness does. It causes one to procrastinate, and make excuses as to why they did not or are not taking action. Here is a good and perhaps a common example, you have an unhealthy and obese person who wants to lose weight and BE healthy. The first common thing he or she might say is I need to HAVE time go to the gym and work out, or I need to HAVE money to afford a gym membership or to start a healthy diet, or I need to BE motivated to wake early and exercise. You see they are saying things like, I need to HAVE or I need to BE. What they should be saying is I am going to GET up early to exercise starting tomorrow, or I going to start ADDING more fruits and vegetables to my diet as well as DRINKING more water to be more hydrated. Laziness makes us focus on our state of being and ignore the act of doing something to spark that change. This by the way can be an issue in everything in our life. Even in relationships, you might have that one guy who is so focused on BECOMING financial stable that he failed to GIVE his significant other the little things that matter like some time, a compliment, a simple dinner and a movie. While they’re dreaming about that big house, nice vacation, and not having to worry about money, they fail to give the necessary amount to attention to that person who is helping them along the way. In other situation you might have someone who wants a higher position in a company but doesn’t want to take on more responsibilities because they are not paying him or her enough so therefore, they’re stuck in the same position always talking about that higher up position they want but can never get. Taking on additional responsibilities is not only a good strategy to move up in your career but in everything else in life. It’s a sign that you are PREPARED to face new challenges and ready to handle new duties, thus elevating you to a new status. The fear that laziness puts in us is that we feel that we will be taking advantage of if we do more of what is required of us. What we need to understand is that every action we take will come around with either a reward or a consequence. Nothing we do in this life is in vain. Even if we don’t get that position we want in the company we are currently in, the EXPERIENCE we’ve gained will add value to us. Laziness can lead to lack of experience, which can lead to a lack of preparation, which eventually lead to failure.

We don’t always get what we want in life, but if you find yourself in a state of lack, then chances are, you are where you are due to a lack of preparation, a lack of experience, unfortunately, and finally laziness. Get your butt up and take action. I don’t need to give examples on how those three Ls can become a road block to your success. If you want to be something or someone, then start taking action as that being and watch how the results will truly make a difference in your life. About a year ago I made a decision to pursue a certain career path. Along that time, I was unprepared, I lacked experience in the field, and sometimes I found myself being too lazy to take action. So I would turn on my game console, and spent hours online on my favorite video game to escape reality. It wasn’t until about a couple months ago I’ve decided to take my goal seriously. I started by educating myself in the field, picking up gigs to gain experience, and forcing myself to invest a couple hours each week in doing more work in the field. Even though I’m still learning, I am making more progress now that I’ve chosen to put more of my attention on things pertaining to my goal, and the more I do this the more results I see. My advice to anyone out there struggling to get what they want, whether it’s a new career position, financial freedom, or a better relationship with someone they love, is to take action, be prepared to receive your blessings, gain as much experience as you can in life, and always stay active because laziness is the killer of goals. Do not let those 3 Ls turn you into a loser. For we are all winners in our own right.


About the Creator

Spencer Jean-Mary

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