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Ten Quotes To Steer Us Away From Negative Minded People

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
"When you are pursuing your dreams, they will call you crazy because they are lazy. They never know you are a hero who just jumped away from step zero. Stay away from negative people; they will only pollute you." - Israelmore Ayivor

When I first entered into depression, back in 2010, not only did my outlook on life change for the worse, but so did my behaviour and attitude also. For much of the following decade, I became this negative minded, easily angered, nasty, spiteful, and frustrated individual. I had become this horrible version of myself that I never ever wanted to become. Not only had the depression drained the happiness out of me, but also the positive characteristics that I possessed throughout my life, such as generosity, kindness, compassion, understanding, care, and love. I'd become nothing more than this pathetic little bitter, angry, and miserable person. How anyone wanted to associate with me throughout this period of my life still totally escapes me. I did manage to put on a brave face, with a radiant smile, for much of the time, but inside of me was this extremely unhappy, frustrated, and negative minded person. I knew the main trigger for my depression was my job, and the corporate world in general, for that matter. I was sick of working long hours at jobs I hated, that were making me miserable. I also knew that if I was to rediscover happiness in my life once again, there was going to be more than a change of working environment to solve that. I needed to better the environment I was living in, full stop. So I thought to myself, other than work, what else was making me unhappy, angry, frustrated, bitter, and miserable? The answer; people!

I had reached a stage in my life where my kindness, caring, compassionate, friendly, and generous nature, was being taken advantage of. I was allowing people to continually tread all over me, I was constantly focusing on trying to be liked and accepted, I was constantly focusing on pleasing others, and I was constantly allowing myself to easily be manipulated and influenced by others. One thing I was sick to death of was people always dragging me down, and making me feel bad. There was nothing worse than the feeling of being happy and content one minute, to being transitioned into a bad mood the next, because of some negative minded and toxic individual. So what I started to do was remove any negative minded and toxic people out of my life. Anyone who was negatively impacting on my happiness, wellbeing, and mental health, I made the decision to part ways with. I didn't want to be surrounded by these type of people who were always dragging me down. It wasn't the easiest thing I have ever done, let me tell you, but as time has gone on, I have started to realize more and more how important and beneficial such an action has been for me. I've started to no longer care what people think of me, or how they are judging me. Naturally, I have received quite a lot of opposition and criticism for parting ways with these select individuals, but people will always get their back up and deny any wrong doing anyway, when you advise them you no longer wish to associate with them. Even parting ways in the politest of manner will still cause friction and opposition, but it's vital that we remove these negative minded, and pessimistic people from our life. Why the big deal? Well, take a moment to think of the different emotions you feel when you are in a negative headspace. Perhaps think of all the times you have reacted when angry, or when in a bad mood, or you were frustrated, and then ponder over the sort of decisions you have made, and the actions you have taken, when in such a frame of mind. Guaranteed that many of those decisions and actions have led to regret, at some time or another. It's only natural that negativity creates more negativity. Therefore, it's so important for us that we operate from a positive mindset, and we simply cannot do that when we are constantly surrounded by negative minded individuals.

Remaining positive minded is not the easiest thing to do either, in life. After all, life will always throw different types of adversities and challenges our way, so it's hard to remain motivated, upbeat, and positive. That's where we need to better train our mindset to focus on something positive, even if various circumstances and events aren't going our way. How do we do this? Simple; focus on our goals. If we continually focus on what we are striving for in life, something we desire so badly that it drives us, inspires us, and motivates us, whilst at the same time we are taking action in actually working towards these goals, then this helps us to feel more upbeat and motivated. We cannot keep that positive attitude however when people are in our ear constantly criticizing us for our actions, or belittling us, or making us feel bad, or constantly whinging and groaning about life, or being pessimistic about our chances of achieving our goals. We've got enough things to worry about and deal with that aren't pleasant as it is, so we don't need further negativity thrown at us. It's time to escape the negative and toxic environments that so many of us find ourselves trapped in. We need to muster up the courage to part ways with those who are regularly dragging us and our mood down. We need to surround ourselves with people that are actually supportive, uplifting, inspiring, motivating, encouraging, helpful, caring, and compassionate. We want to be spending as much time as possible with these type of individuals, so we can feel these positive vibes ourselves. Spending time with negative minded, pessimistic, and toxic individuals will only ever detract us away from achieving our goals, and accomplishing a future blessed with happiness, success, and satisfaction, but surrounding ourselves with positive minded and inspirational individuals will help lift us towards accomplishing our goals, and the life we desire. Be it friends, family members, our partner, workmates, people on social media, whoever it may, part ways from those who are negative minded and toxic. If you can't part ways with them, then isolate yourself away from them as much as possible, and totally minimize the time you spend with them. Parting ways with certain people doesn't mean you don't love or care for them anymore, it just means you value your happiness, wellbeing, and mental health more, and that's how it should be! Here are ten quotes to help steer you away from spending your valuable time with negative minded, pessimistic, and toxic people.

1.- "When you are pursuing your dreams, they will call you crazy because they are lazy. They never know you are a hero who just jumped away from step zero. Stay away from negative people; they will only pollute you."

- Israelmore Ayivor

2.- "However, when you make the decision to avoid associating with negative people your own attitude will start to change for the better."

- Alex Uwajeh

3.- "Don’t walk away from negative people - run!"

- Mark Twain

4.- "You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people."

- Joel Osteen

5.- "Cut out any negative people, they will never smooth you towards a great life."

- Edmund Ronen

6.- "Gravitate towards your goals and avoid negative people and situations."

- Phillip Crone

7.- "Avoid negative people, for they are the greatest destroyers of self confidence and self-esteem. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you!"

- Auliq Ice

8.- "Reduce the time you spend with negative people and surround yourself with positive people, it will soon rub off on you too."

- Andy C. E. Brown

9.- "People who are constantly negative have a tendency of rubbing off that negativity to others. It's not just annoying, it is unhealthy. Surround yourself with positive people and positive attitudes."

- Louise R Allen

10.- "If you attach to the negative behaviour of others it brings you down to their level."

- Guru Singh

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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