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By W.T. HamiltonPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Imagine what it would be like if you could INSTANTLY have everything you ever WANTED? Really think about that. What would it be like to have ANYTHING at the snap of your fingers?

It sounds WONDERFUL I know, but it would be so BORING and UNFULFILLING.

It is also MENTALLY UNHEALTHY to have everything you ever wanted in such a short period of time. That’s called INSTANT FAME & SUCCESS. And we have all seen the results of that.

Once the THRILL OF SUCCESS fade’s, all you're left with is an accumulation of stuff you may or may not be able to continue to afford, no more goals ahead of you to accomplish, and a life void of excitement. So you're FORCED to turn to EXCITEMENT ADDICTIONS just so you have something to look forward to in life.

But that is not a sustainable LIFESTYLE. It leads to burnout and despair. An emptiness that cannot be filled with THRILLS & THINGS.

How Do We Avoid This?

By LEARNING to ENJOY the pursuit of everything we ever wanted. It’s in the little steps, roadblocks and hurdles that the sensation of excitement lives. Attempting the UNKNOWN, challenging the IMPOSSIBLE, undertaking the UNLIKELY OUTCOME, that makes the pursuit fulfilling.

It’s much less about the having and more about the doing. Although we tend to look past this stage of success, favoring the end result; the EXHILARATION is in knowing you’ll get there but not knowing exactly how or in what way you’ll TRIUMPH.

It’s like when you order something ONLINE. Even though you know the approximate SHIPPING DATE, there’s ANTICIPATION for it’s arrival. You anxiously wait for it to appear, WONDERING if you entered the correct ADDRESS when you filled out the order form. ASKING ONESELF if the package was delivered to the wrong dwelling, or, if it arrived and SOMEONE stole it.

Then on that GLORIOUS DAY when you have your package in hand, you are filled with the same feelings you feel on CHRISTMAS DAY; tearing open your boxes. It’s a MAGICAL MOMENT that quickly fades with time until you place your next order.

The Pursuit

This is why the pursuit is so important. The feelings of not knowing but believing for sure that you will achieve your impossible goal, is what drives your chase for everything you ever wanted. It’s the fuel for your ambition. It is to be CHERISHED, and not to be taken for GRANTED. Appreciate the LITTLE MOMENTS in between the BIG moments.

Those who OBTAIN INSTANT SUCCESS spend the rest of their lives CHASING the ANTICIPATION of SUCCESS.

We are the LUCKY ONES!

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to you for taking the time to read my blog on the pursuit of everything. I hope that you found the tips and strategies helpful, and that you're feeling motivated to take action towards achieving your dreams.

We all need that key factor that will help us move forward in the direction of our dreams. Here's something that has help a lot of people and I'm sure it will help you too.

➡️➡️➡️Simple 3 Digit Manifestation Code ⬅️⬅️⬅️

So, if you're ready to take your focus and commitment to the next level, I highly recommend checking out the Simple 3 Digit Manifestation Code. With its proven track record of success, this program is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to achieve their financial goals and live a life of abundance. Click the link below to learn more and take the first step towards manifesting the life of your dreams.

➡️➡️➡️Click the Link⬅️⬅️⬅️


About the Creator

W.T. Hamilton

W.T. Hamilton is a mutiple time, award winning author, entrepreneur and mindset coach specializing in helping people turn their dreams into awesome products and services.

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