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Start Moving Forward Toward Your Dream

Start Anywhere, Just Do It Already

By Ang BanksPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Start Moving Forward Toward Your Dream
Photo by Thaynara Souza on Unsplash

"Get busy doing or get busy dying" was quoted by "Red" Redding (Morgan Freemen) In the movie The Shawshank Redemption. This isn't just a quote from a movie this saying also has a very true meaning behind it as well.

By Jude Beck on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered where your life is going? Or maybe you know you need a change but feel stuck. The thing is if you want or need a change you need to take action instead of just waiting for things to change. How are things supposed to change if you do not take action? This quote has a lot of meaning behind it because if you are not taking action you are staying still.

So what do you do? It's simple you just start.

But where you ask? Again it simple you start anywhere you can think of. Maybe you start writing in a gratitude journal every day.

Maybe you start by broadening your mind with the practice of reading some if not all of a book every day.

Or maybe you think of something bigger like, maybe I should start being my own boss.

Whatever it is just start somewhere.

But what if I don't know what to do you may be wondering.

That is exactly why this article is being written to give you pointers.

Let's start with not knowing how to do something.

I was thinking the same way on the topic of Instagram reels, but I also knew everyone was and still is saying that reels are the best way to get traffic to your page.

So here is what I did instead of making excuses. I went on to youtube and typed into the search bar "How Do I Make A Reel" and just like that I now know-how. All that can be said about not knowing how to do something is that is just an excuse due to the fact that you have many resources to turn to.

By Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

You don't just have to use the web either you can use books, people, and any other resource you can think of because we are not short of ways to help us learn things.

By Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

Now getting back to just starting anywhere. Anywhere is exactly meant the way you are reading it, anywhere.

Here is a list to help start the thought process.


Read everyday

Listen to a podcast

Intake positivity instead of negative

Dress different (As if)

Doing and Saying things a different way

Really there is no shortage of things you can do. The quote stated at the beginning means if you are doing nothing to move forward you are staying still or stuck in life. If you do not like being stuck then get moving, get doing.

Before you start in on what I know you are thinking because I too thought the same thing at one point. You do have the time and ok I realize we all have stuff to do but if you want it bad enough you will find a way.

You could listen to a podcast in the shower or on your way to work.

Read on your lunch break

There is just another small example for you.

So really what are you waiting for? Don't wait to turn your dreams into reality, that's how nothing gets accomplished. Dreams can come true but not by some magical source, you have to make the effort to make those dreams into reality.

Everyone that has been successful has not just waited for things to happen they were just like you at the start and became action takers.

They worked hard to get where they are today even those who aren't here anymore.

Don't for a second think your age matters either, you can change your reality whenever at whatever age you want; by no means does your age make you less than anyone else.

So "Get busy Living or Get Busy Dying" it's as simple as that and the choice is up to you.


About the Creator

Ang Banks

Small Business Owner


My goal is to motivate you to make that change you want to live your best life by sharing the knowledge I have around being abundantly wealthy in every aspect of life, as well as sharing opinions of things & life.

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