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Simple love of self

5 easiest ways to be kind to yourself

By Jose PadillaPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Simple love of self
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

1. Write down the good things

You've already accomplished so much in your life that you fail to take note.

Schools, weddings, buying a house, maybe even childbirth.

You've also been through funerals and injuries.

But you don't give yourself credit for any of it, and there's no reason not to be proud of these not to be proud of these experiences.

This is just the iceberg, and there is no way to write about all of you.

I have accomplished in writing. But you should give it a try.

Because it's only when you start to write down everything that's happened to you and all of that you appreciate that you've come to understand how lucky you are.

Gratitude and appreciation are just a mindset.

Unless you develop these faculties, you're still going to seek more and more And despite more and more, you will never be satisfied.

The world is full of people seeking more and more, and it never works.

What does work is to be grateful and thankful for what you have.

Keep a gratitude journal near your bed.

Every morning and every night, write down just 3 things that you are.

No matter what comes or what the day it was, just write down 3 things in the gratitude journal.

This will create positive change throughout the day.

As you write down and review all the positive things that happened in your life, you will begin to cultivate an appreciation mindset.

And as this happens, you begin to appreciate life more, which will have a snowball effect.

Get into the habit of writing down everything you enjoy.

It's one of the easiest and most effective strategies for cultivating self-love.

You have a lot more to be happy about than you think you do, but.

You need to take the first step and remove yourself from a negative mindset.

If writing doesn't suit you, you can also recall some happy memories or keep a scrapbook full of pretty pictures.

It just needs to be a repository of positive elements or traits that you appreciate yourself.

2. Get rid of the junk

The fact is that you deserve better than what you are achieving right now.

And you shouldn't be reluctant in any way to get rid of the things that aren't serving you.

Things you need to getting rid of will probably include news, social media, technology, bad foods, alcohol, cigarettes, negative thoughts and general laziness.

You need to get out of a relationship that you're not fully committed to.

While the idea of finding the satisfaction of a partner alone is incredibly misguided, you Must at least feel happy with your partner and be compatible.

If not, be kind to yourself and find a different partner.

Work is one place where you need to make sure you are the right fit.

If you are really unhappy with the role, then leaving might be the best option.

Alternatively, you may want to save up some cash and wait for an opportunity to make the change.

A toxic work environment can be very damaging to your self-esteem.

there are many options available and if you really want the life of your dreams, you can have it.

The truth is that the best way to take care of yourself is by eliminating many of the things that make you feel bad.

Make sure that you're putting yourself first by making sure that you're putting yourself first by making sure that you're putting yourself first by eliminating excess.

This is a far simpler step than most people think it is.

When you finally quit your toxic job or relationship, the relief will be palpable.

There are few, if any, who have said that quitting their job to go travel the world was a bad decision.

You will also need to eliminate limiting beliefs.

These beliefs often prevent you from really caring about yourself.

You may believe that you're not a confident person or that you're always depressed or introverted.

But these beliefs often stem from a single past experience that you thought about a lot and repeated yourself.

When you embrace positive beliefs, your enjoyment will really begin to unfold and you can pamper yourself shamelessly without any feelings of guilt or reluctance.

3. Take a break: be happy now

Every individual needs rest and relaxation.

What this entails is unique to everyone.

It could be sitting by a fire and reading a book, going to the spa for a massage or taking a walk in nature.

book, going to the spa for a massage or taking a walk in nature.

Regardless, identify what you like to do and incorporate it into your daily life as much as possible.

Because you deserve to do them frequently.

When you put things off for an extended period of time, it can create an uneasy feeling in your mind.

But joy and happiness should be present in work, play and vacation.

They are not something to be be postponed for a single second.

You should smile going to work and smile going out.

While this may seem ridiculous, there is no reason why it can't be except for your conditioning.

Consider that many people are content with just having food or their health.

Make a habit of being happy at all times rather than waiting for it to arrive.

Alternatively, if you schedule a regular relaxation time for whatever it is you like to do on a daily basis, then you can be happy about it during the day.

There is always something to be be thankful for.

If the worst comes to the worst, you can open your gratitude journal to see how good it really is.

4. Prepare for a better future

Everyone needs a goal or something to look forward to.

Time This usually takes the form of a financial gain, it would be best to focus on emotional, mental, spiritual and spiritual development.

Establish a self-development plan that is comprehensive and all-encompassing.

Obviously, you can't become too dogmatic in terms of what you will achieve with this.

But you must be committed to improving each and every day to ultimately deliver.

There are many brilliant online courses that are specifically designed to increase self-esteem and overall well-being.

Some consist of a month-long series of practical experiments that are designed to push you to the limits of your consciousness.

You have no shortage of information or challenges to improve version of yourself.

But it takes consistency and dedication.

Your speaker or philosophy obviously needs to be something that you reason with deeply.

It is best if you have a network of people who you are friends with who follow the same ideology.

If you do Put in the work you are going to improve.

There is no reason to be be too dogmatic about whether the philosophy is correct or not.

Different speakers have different teachings that are useful.

At other words, they work for certain people at certain times.

Some benefit from Stoic works, others from positive psychology, still others from metaphysical practices such as Yoga, chanting or chanting bocce.

The point is that you enjoy it and you feel that you are developing as a person.

This is 2021.

You can go pretty much anywhere in the world you want to go, learn any language, try any food learn any language, try any food, start any business, choose any hobby you want.

The options are endless.

But most people aren't sure of themselves.

They want validation from other people that what they are doing is right.

So they often don't evolve and live an incredibly fulfilling life.

There is absolutely no obligation to work a 9 to 5 job in a city if you don't want to.

5. Watch your self-talk

Everyone has a lot of negative self-talk going on inside their heads.

They have had negative experiences in the past and then fear it will happen again.

They may not feel safe have social anxiety, financial worries, health problems and more.

But the worries they have around these issues far overshadow the events.

In the words of Carl Jung: "We have met the enemy, and he is us.

The truth is that we are our own worst enemy.

We criticize ourselves incessantly and are very conscious of what other people think of us.

But when we focus on what others think of us, we don't receive the fullness of what we think of ourselves.

we don't receive the fullness that life has to offer, because we miss the details while our focus is on our identities.

You are doing great, regardless of where you are in life.

Everyone has unique struggles to go through and you are doing everything you can to get out of a hole or to reach higher states of consciousness.

Either way, focus on the positive and do some affirmations to help you along the way.

They can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

Many people have made a lifelong habit of complaining about where they are and being unhappy with their circumstances.

They constantly Think about what they are doing wrong.

A good exercise might be to analyze how much longer other people would be your friends if they talked to you the way you did, Things like:

● "I'm overweight."

● "Some people just aren't good with money."

Should be replaced with:

● "I'm going to lose weight very soon."

● "Money is just a product of the mind that I will master."

Your internal dialogue has the greatest impact on your overall well-being.

Be sure to let yourself know that it's okay to cry, you are worthy of love, that life is pleasurable, that you have nothing to fear, and that you can manifest whatever you want.

Ultimately, this is empowering.

You are the one who decides how you feel.

Bonus point

Taking care of yourself is actually uplifting, revitalizing, compassionate and completely natural.

It's the way things are meant to be.

Make lifestyle changes such as meditation, gratitude, exercise and diet can begin as household chores.

But as you continue to move forward they serve to become an enhanced way of life where you learn how to really take care of yourself in a meaningful way.

Nothing could be harder than what most people do, working their way up a corporate ladder and berating themselves for going Too slow.


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