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Set Successful Goals And A Success Story

You will not let despair enter your heart

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Set Successful Goals And A Success Story
Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash

Can we succeed in our lives without defining what we want from it in the first place? To what extent have we been able to define our goals with sufficient accuracy and clarity that qualifies us to prepare for the development of the plan or to determine the necessary approach that we will take in the journey of our lives in order to achieve those goals?

The story of a dream, we tell it to act, and we learn to draw goals

“My dream is to join the cadres of Toyota.”

This dream was in the minds of a student who was still in school. With enthusiasm, faith and conviction, this student worked hard developing the concept of the piston ring used in cars.

His first wish was to sell it to Toyota, so he struggled day and night, motivated by hope, love of struggle, and determination to achieve his goal. His attempts continued, forcing him to sell his wife's jewellery to be able to continue his work. But when he completed his invention and presented it to Toyota, it was rejected because it did not conform to the approved measurements for Toyota cars. He returned to school bearing the pressure and ridicule of friends, making them an incentive to achieve his dream. After two years of patience and persistence, Toyota signed the contract he had always dreamed of.

A dream begets a dream, and goals do not end when they are achieved

Our story did not end and our maker's dream did not end. This decade was the first seed he planted to reap the ears of success and brilliance. He was not satisfied with what he achieved, as his dream began to grow to become a manufacturer of valve rings. However, the conditions of World War II made the Japanese government refuse his request to build the factory. He did not despair, but he and his companions invented a kind of cement with which to build the factory.

But the factory, which he did his best to build, was bombed twice during the war, and a large part of it was destroyed. Soichiro, who was tough and stubborn, did not stand in the face of difficulties, recruited friends to collect the empty petrol cans that American fighters disposed of to make it an essential raw material, which was not available. In Japan, at the time, to rebuild the factory, but a devastating earthquake toppled the (Soichiro) factory, so he presented a golden gift to Toyota, which bought the (Soichiro) patent for the production of valves.

  • Perseverance and will despite obstacles, served by flexibility of goals

Soichiro did not reach the end of his dream and did not live the joy of success, so he searched for another success, because he only wanted to taste the taste of success.

Japan after World War II suffered from a severe shortage of gasoline supplies, so many people were forced to ride bicycles.

The regular bike (Soichiro) did not help him in his transportation, so he developed and installed a small engine for it, and soon his neighbours asked him to modify their bikes to run on engine power. This idea was his new success and he established a factory to produce motorised bicycles, with the help of bicycle owners in Japan.

His project did not bear fruit at first, so he modified the bike to become lighter and smaller than its predecessor, and for his new invention, the “Excellent Lith,” was awarded the Emperor of Japan Prize. And then his project grew, and in the seventies of the last century he produced cars that are very popular to this day.

  • The dream came true, the goals paid off

At the beginning of the third millennium, the company had more than 100,000 workers working in both the United States and Japan. It is considered one of the most important empires in the automotive industry in Japan, and this company has succeeded thanks to the efforts of one man who realised the power of sincere commitment to a decision he made and a goal to paint. He did not know the word despair nor the meaning of frustration. Whenever goals appeared before him, he would strive to achieve them, and whenever a major goal and a lofty summit appeared to him, he sought to reach them.

He is Soichiro Honda, owner of Honda Corporation, the second largest distributed car company in the United States after Toyota. And the author of the famous philosophy that says:

“We feel that there is weakness in strength and that weakness turns into strength if you wish.”

The Ten Steps to Setting Successful Goals

In order to achieve your goal, you must first define it; There is no doubt that goals are not achieved in the air, nor are they created out of nothing. You must first define your goal accurately, and then seek to achieve it by the available means. In order for your goal to be successful, you can follow the following ten steps that will help you set successful goals.

  • Think of overarching goals

The most important question a person should ask himself before setting a new goal to achieve is:

  • What would you like your life to look like?
  • Does this goal fit that vision?

The goal must be part of the journey of life and its achievement is in the interest of that journey, and in this context.

Several questions should be answered such as “What excites you in life?”, “What things would you like to take the time to learn more about?” There are many questions that will help you to determine the exact goal.

  • Define goals clearly

Before setting goals, state in clear terms what you hope to achieve. Be precise and firm in setting the goal. For example: My goal is to achieve a sales volume of 500,000 within the next year. Whereas, if you said: My goal is to achieve a good sales volume during the next year, your goal would be vague.

Goals should be big and motivating: If you set yourself an easily attainable goal, it won't motivate you to do more than a minimal amount of effort. Honda experience, for example.

  • Goals must be realistic

The goals must be realistic and achievable according to the skills and abilities you possess. For example, a running championship cannot be a target for someone who suffers from heart disease. A person who specialises in the literary aspect of his studies cannot set himself a goal of being a doctor, for example.

  • Building goals on action

This means that there are actions associated with each goal that you set, and getting started requires you to have a vitality such as mental vitality and emotional vitality. George Stephens not only dreamed of building a steam locomotive. He even drew his graphs while he was inside coal dust in the mine. While attending math classes at his evening school, he studied theories that would help him in the future design of the model. Because pure energy is not enough, it must be focused on a firm and firm goal. There is no value for education and talent unless they make us achieve something.

  • Objectives must be measurable

It is not possible to measure and quantify your goals. Some goals can be measured by financial or other numerical metrics. You can set goals to achieve a specific amount of production within a specific time.

  • Define partial goals

After dividing the general goal into partial goals, you have to set a timetable for each of them to eventually reach your primary goal.

If you can set weekly goals throughout the year and continually assess the direction you are going, you are on a fast track to career success. Each goal will lead to the other, thus achieving your long-term goals more closely.

  • Writing down goals

Many people make resolutions at the start of a new year. Some intend to break free from bad habits, but many of the things they intend to stick to at the beginning of the year are forgotten. One way to ensure that goals are not forgotten is to write them down, draw a timeline for achieving them, and then constantly ask yourself: What am I really doing in order to achieve those goals? You will discover and record your default points so that you can avoid them in the future.

  • You have to tell someone else about your goals

It's a great way to keep your goals from falling into oblivion by telling someone about them and so you feel an outside obligation to your goals. Your commitment to others is stronger than your commitment to yourself, so knowing others about your goals makes you work harder to achieve them.

  • Your goals must be flexible

Circumstances change often. Which loses the goal you set in mind its importance. Therefore, your goals should be flexible so that you can adapt them to your available circumstances. For example, your goal may be to set up an air-conditioning factory, and a war broke out that led to power outages for long periods, which made people reluctance to buy these air-conditioners. Then you have to shift your goal to what suits the general situation, such as saving batteries or solar panels and re-setting the goals according to developments.

  • Finally

Remember that hardships are felt only by those with great goals and ambitious goals. If you do not know which port you are sailing, all winds are favorable.


About the Creator

Judith Isidore

I'm happy to share my stories with Vocal media community.

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