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Quotes That Will Enlighten you.

Quotes From History's Most Famous Philosophers With Their Meanings To Enlighten Your Mind

By AliPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Quotes That Will Enlighten you.
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash


Not engaging in ignorance is wisdom.

When you see something, that is profoundly ignorant, it's better to avoid it and learn something from it, then to engage with it and make yourself part of it.

All know the way; few actually walk it.

Everybody knows how to succeed, everyone talks about how to succeed.

Yet there aren’t many folks who are able to achieve it and embody the ideas they offer as a success.

Many roads lead to the path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice.

There may be many approaches to succeed in life, there are lots of ways to accomplish in life.

But when it comes to achieving them there are only two things involved.

A reason on why you want to do it and daily practice that leads you to do it and which results in success.

As long as you’re enthralled by a lifeless form, you’re not free.

You may think you're free or that you have self-control,

but as long as you engage in meaningless actions which make no difference in your life

or the ones which result in nothing, then you're not free rather you're in a prison with no escape.

Seneca The Younger

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

We can have every type of opportunity that exists in the world, but if we don’t prepare for it as required it will go to waste. True luck is when we prepare for any opportunity that arises and use it to its full potential.

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.

Every Great thing that begins or every fortune that arrives comes from the sacrifice of other things such as time, doing of hard work and vice versa.

Time heals what reason cannot.

Time has the potential to heal even the deepest wounds that exist, that wouldn’t heal by reason alone. Time heals and makes us change for the better.

Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body.

It's only difficult things that make us grow and adapt to the circumstances need. When an obstacle arises, it's only then that we prepare and work hard so we may succeed.

All cruelty springs from weakness.

It's only a sign of weakness and inferiority to do acts which are full of cruelty and are inhumane. The powerful person never does any such thing which may bring harm to another.

Gautama Buddha

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

Out of all the things that cannot be hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth will never be hidden, wherever you go you will find them, from them there is no hiding place you will ever find.

The mind is everything. What you think you become.

Whatever you see, whatever may happen to you, no matter what you see yourself, everything that you are is due to what you think. Your thoughts are everything and whatever you think will become you.

You only lose what you cling to.

If you let a thing such as an ideology, obsession, luxury, or any other thing define who you are, and the more you hold it dear to yourself, the more you will lose yourself to it.


About the Creator


A Philosopher/Poet In the Sea of Wonder/Wilderness. I Narrate and Tell Philosophy Through My Writing and Poetry. For More Visit My Youtube Channel.

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