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Overcoming self-doubt

Do not doubt yourself!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

When confronted with unfamiliar or difficult circumstances, it is natural to have emotions of trepidation or apprehension. Self-doubt is defined by feelings of insecurity about one or more elements of one's own identity and behavior. There are moments in our life when we all may be subjected to this kind of situation. However, when it becomes debilitating for us, we may need additional skills to help us overcome our self-doubt and go on.

Negative events in the past, as well as attachment type problems, may cause self-doubt to develop. Those who have insecure attachments may have had negative experiences with criticism, which may lead to feelings of self-doubt later in life. If someone has been informed in the past that they are "not good enough" or that they are incapable of doing anything, this may have a significant detrimental impact on their sense of self-worth and confidence. In addition, we are subjected to significant social pressure to succeed, which may be more detrimental than inspiring for us.

After all, do you recall a time when you were apprehensive about anything, whether at school or at work, but it turned out to be a great success? The ability to reflect on specific accomplishments when something difficult for us transformed into something wonderful is beneficial. A lot of great things have come about as a result of early hesitation or skepticism. In order to avoid repeating mistakes, it is beneficial to recall instances when things went well, since the same thing might happen in the current moment.

On the other hand, it is important not to dwell too much on the past or whatever failures we may have had in the past. Even if things didn't go according to plan the first time, the current moment offers a fresh chance to perform admirably.

When negative ideas begin to sneak in, they may be difficult to notice at first because we have grown used to having them. Imposter syndrome feeds on negative ideas that tell us we aren't deserving of our current position or that we aren't capable of producing high-quality work. The next time these ideas come to mind, pause for a minute and consider whether or not you really think them to be true. Consider how positive thinking may alter your frame of mind and enable you to feel more confidence in your own skills and abilities.

When we get affirmation from others that we are doing a good job or that we are capable of completing a tough task, it is equally essential for us to have confidence in our own ability to succeed. Constant reinforcement is pointless if we don't trust in ourselves in the first place. No matter how insecure we feel about our current situation, it is beneficial to practice being accepting of our own talents and all that we have to give in return.

Also, take a time to consider your own beliefs and what is most important to you. It may be that you are nice to others, that you are a wonderful friend, or that you make a significant contribution to something important in your life. As soon as we identify these principles and what really matters to us, we can let go of our fear of receiving negative feedback from others. And when we conduct our lives in accordance with our beliefs, being criticized or making errors does not seem to be as harmful.

Finally, journaling is a therapeutic activity that should be done on a regular basis. Self-doubt and encounters with impostor syndrome may be relieved by putting them on writing and letting them out into the world. In fact, after you have your worries written out, you may come to understand that they are not as harmful as you had first believed them to be. This may aid in the gradual removal of self-doubt from one's mind.


About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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