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On the Beautiful Uncertainty of Life

There are many factors that determine the course of life.

By Eduardo SiuPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
On the Beautiful Uncertainty of Life
Photo by Matthew Lancaster on Unsplash

Life is uncertain, and it will always remain so. There are many factors that determine the course of life: chance, fate, other people's actions, natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes, etc.

Life is a collection of experiences and the memories associated with those experiences.


It is what makes up the entirety of human life, from birth to death, and everything in between. We have our experiences as humans, which include many different things such as emotions, thoughts (both conscious and unconscious), actions, reactions and interactions with other humans and 'things', both animate and inanimate.

These experiences are all different and unique, but in a way they're also similar. They can be split up into three main categories: positive, negative and neutral experiences.

By Miguel A. Amutio on Unsplash

Positive experiences are the ones that make us happy, they bring joy and pleasure. They come in many forms: acquiring new knowledge, making a friend or accomplishing something you have been working towards for a long time.

Negative experiences are the ones that make us unhappy, they bring pain or suffering. They come in many forms: getting hurt, losing a loved one and facing failure. But, we can overcome them.

Neutral experiences are ones that have no effect on our emotion, we feel neither positive nor negative emotions. They come in many forms: watching a movie or reading a book.

These experiences affect us humans in many ways, some of which are positive and others negative. Our emotions are affected by these experiences: we feel happy when we have positive ones; sad or angry when we have negative ones; and nothing when we have neutral ones.


We can see that all things in the universe are uncertain. The future is uncertain as it has not yet happened. A person's life is certain to come to an end, but this death may be at any time and from a wide variety of causes. All events in which humans take part are uncertain because we cannot know what will happen next, or even how people will act.

The uncertainty of life is one that many people fear. It might be because they see it as the death of their self, or it may be a fear that they will die before achieving all that they want to. But such fears are not rational and stem from ignorance.

Uncertainty makes us uncomfortable

Uncertainty is something that no one likes. It makes people uncomfortable in a way that certainty does not. Most of the time, we like to know how things will turn out for us and others, but sometimes this can be very difficult.

We have many fears when it comes to uncertainty: fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection, etc. But what if uncertainty was eliminated?

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

What would happen then?

Many would argue that this is impossible. But it may not be as unlikely as you think.

Suppose that it was possible to predict the future. Not only for yourself, but for everyone else as well. You could know what will happen in a month or years from now.

This would take away all uncertainty that we have. No more fear of the unknown or failure.

But people would be able to plan for the future with certainty, and we can say that these plans are very important to human nature.

The way that the world works is very well defined, and we do not like uncertainty because we don't know for sure how things will turn out. We need to plan for the future.

Embrace Uncertainty

Surely, it is better to embrace uncertainty rather than fear it. A person who fears death has not really accepted the inevitability of their demise. They are still clinging onto life and have not fully understood that they will die at some point.

The acceptance of death is not depressing, but liberating and empowering. It means that we can live life to the fullest knowing that it will come to an end at some point.

By Iqx Azmi on Unsplash

In fact, it is precisely because life will come to an end that we should live each moment as if it were our last. After all, no amount of time after death can ever compensate for a single missed opportunity in life.

To live life as if it were our last is to embrace uncertainty and make the most out of each moment we have. In fact, it is not just the uncertainty of death that should inspire us to live more fully, but also all uncertainties in general.

At most, it's best not to be troubled much about such thought and just live and embrace the moment.


About the Creator

Eduardo Siu

Sharing ways to live life maximizing for happiness.

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