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My Weekly Gym Routine

As a beginner gym-rat!

By Salena LackeyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Starting off at the gym can be hard. You walk in and don’t know how to use any of the machines, you wonder around not knowing what to do first, it’s intimating. Now I’m no professional but I have been going to the gym the past couple of months and it’s one of those things where you learn something new everyday and there is ALWAYS something new to learn. The workouts I have listed below only include you, your body and a pair of dumbbells. The first week or two I would start off with some of these easier yet highly effective workouts that don’t involve any of the big cable machines you see around the gym. While you do these, this leaves you with a great opportunity to scout out you’re surroundings and observe others using some of the equipment, therefor you will have an idea of how to use them yourself when you feel comfortable and confident enough! Take a mat and a set of dumbbells and set up your area off to the side or at any corner on the gym. The gym is basically your playground.

One thing I was super nervous about was keeping to myself at the side of the gym. It sounds silly now but when I first started I wasn’t aware that you could do a full work out off to the side without using any of the cable machines. I thought that people were going to give me strange luxe and stairs but the more I went the more I started to realize that I wasn’t the only one who did that. As long as you’re not directly in anybody’s way you’re free to use the gym to your advantage and do whatever you feel comfortable with. Remember, you are there to better yourself and work on your body goals just like everybody else in the gym, there’s no need to feel ashamed for anything. You won’t automatically know every single thing about the gym when you first start but that’s okay. It’s a total learning experience but it’s definitely a well worth at learning experience to make sure that your training your body in a way that doesn’t harm you and gives you the full workout experience to set you further into your goal.

Now remember, down below is my personal weekly workout routine it doesn’t have to be yours but it’s a good start and a good example on how to get started. It’s okay to switch things up and it’s okay to do things at your own pace. Even though I’ve been going to the gym for a couple months now I’m continuously learning new things every single day, so let’s get you started on getting you closer to your goals!

Monday: Legs and Butt

1. 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

2. Big barbell hip thrusts

3. Big barbell squats

4. Big barbell walking lunges

5. Small barbell step ups

6. Bulgarian split squats

7. Fire Hydrants / donkey kicks

8. Lateral leg raise

9. Cable machines

10. 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

Tuesday: Arms

1. 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

2. Assisted pull-ups

3. Bicep curls (dumbbell)

4. Shoulder press (dumbbell )

5. Lateral raise (dumbbell)

6. Overhead extension (dumbbell)

7. One-arm dumbbell row

8. Two arm bent over row

9. Tricep dips

10. Assisted close grip push-ups

11. Cable machines

12. 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

Wednesday: REST

Thursday: Abs and Core

1. 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

2. Plank till fail

3. Russian twist with weight

4. Bicycle crunch

5. Plank till fail

6. Windshield wipers

7. Flutter kicks

8. Crunches into reverse crunches

9. Side plank till fail

10. Plank rolls

11. Abs twist machine

12. 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

Friday: Total Body

Butt and Legs:

1. 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

3. Barbell hip thrusts

5. Barbell sumo squats

7. Barbell walking lunges

8. Hip abductors


1. Assisted pull-up machine

2. Bicep curls / hammer curls

3. Lateral raise / bent over lateral raise

4. Overhead extensions

5. Tricep dips

Abs and Core:

1. Plank till failure

2. Russian twist

3. Bicycle crunch

4. Windshield wipers

5. Plank twists

End with 20 min on treadmill, 12 incline and 3.0 speed

Now this may not be for everyone but I’ve been working really hard these past few months to appreciate my own body and these are what I feel most comfortable to start with. I was so nervous the first day I stepped foot into a gym I was there for 2 hours trying not to look silly while trying to figure out the machines. Now the gym is almost like my therapy. You feel incredible when you leave and it personally makes me feel so much happier! I hope this helps in any way!

I hope you enjoyed what I had to say and I hope that any advice I get will help anybody in the long run. Like I said before, starting at the gym can be really scary and intimidating but it doesn’t have to be if you have the right people by your side, tips and tricks and good ol’ advice!

I can cover so many different areas from the knowledge that I have researched and gathered myself. Any tips would be greatly appreciated in future advice. We need to stick together and help push each other in a positive and friendly environment so that nobody feels uncomfortable or intimidated by working on themselves and achieving their body goals. Everybody deserves to be happy and find something that works for them. Slowly but surely we can change gym culture and create an environment where we are able to push each other and create a positive impact on one another! Thank you very much I hope this has helped in anyway!


About the Creator

Salena Lackey

Hey! My name is Salena!

I love the gym, creating fun stories to tell, talking about my interests and more

If you’re interested in hearing, I’m more than happy telling! Tips are greatly appreciated for more fun and juicy stories!

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