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Get over it

By Gabriela MarcialPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Why do you get jealous if they are living their best life?

Whether they get married and have their little family it shouldn’t matter to you.

Maybe if you wouldn’t have done what you did they would have still been with you. Why do you sit there and put words in other mouths?

It’s not how they are feeling it’s how you are feeling. Are you jealous and can’t admit it to yourself? Are you jealous that they look good and are happy? Nobody wants your miserable vibes. Why don’t you live your life? Why do you think that person left you? I have grown to learn there are reasons why people leave you. And these are the reasons.

1. you stopped giving attention

2. You stopped appreciating

3. Healthwise with losing weight but you didn’t want to lose weight. You wanted to still gain weight. And when they wanted to lose weight you weren’t supportive.

4. It’s not okay to take sexual intimacy without ASKING.

5. acting like you are tough when you aren’t being fake, a liar, and a manipulating person.

6. Verbally abusive

7. Physically abusive

8. Acting like you are the victim.

9. Control freak

10. Cheating

11. Having a family member in your relationship

There is more but these are the main ones I see in some people. You should only be concerned about what you do in your life, not in others. Why do you think it’s okay to judge? You don’t get that right to judge people only God does. You are not God. Why do you care what others do? Look at yourself in the mirror because you are no better. Let other people live their lives and move on with yours. Let all your hate go because if you don’t you will regret it. Let me give you an Example: well my ex decided to tell me if I get pregnant again I’m hurting the children. How is that possible to hurt children for having another sibling they can get along within this world? And why would you tell the children no to meeting their sibling? Are you that redundant? Why do you care so much? Now that I am a married woman you want to get mad because I am happy? You don’t make any sense at all. Instead of being so obsessed over what I’m doing in my life worry about yours. Worry about giving the children their mother and stop keeping them from their mother. If it was vise versa I’m pretty sure you would have not liked it. If the children's happiness mattered to you why do you not let them talk to their mother? I bet you are telling them that I’m not calling or making excuses up to the poor children. You want to say I’m slandering your name but I’m not. These are my stories and they are true with every word. When my words hit paper and computer it comes from my heart and from what I have gone through. These are the truths and I will forever speak the truth. You won’t shut me up. I will keep moving forward and not let you affect me. You won’t affect me with your words. Because your words don’t matter to me. The day you kicked me out was the day that hurt the children and me. But I’ve not hurt anymore. You see I am a great mother, wife, best friend, daughter, sister, aunt, and granddaughter. I have not lied once nor will I ever lie because I’m not a liar and I am authentic. I won’t let you defined me because you don’t have the right to. So look in the mirror because at the end of the day you won’t change who I have become and I am NOT afraid of you. I will NOT let you ruin the life I have and deserve. Because at the end of the day God gave me a second chance because he has seen my pain and suffering.

So ladies and gentlemen if you are going through the same thing or something similar. Remember it’s jealousy. So don’t let them get to you because you are strong. Get over your selves, jealous people.


About the Creator

Gabriela Marcial

Hi I am a mother, wife and love to write and express what life has been for me. Thank you guys for your time and reads I appreciate you guys, I’m very caring and humorous.

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    Gabriela MarcialWritten by Gabriela Marcial

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