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Integrity and why it matters: Part 1

Be your word, it could save your life

By Max RadbillPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
There's freedom in your word

What do I mean by "integrity?" Merriam-Webster dictionary defines integrity as, "1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY 2: an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS 3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS."

All of the above definitions are great and really connect very well. However, for the purposes of this article, I'd like to talk about how this can help you in your everyday life.

If we are complete in ourselves and who we are there is integrity there. When we are incomplete there is a conversation that tends to arise in our heads that can become all encompassing and the mind goes wild. Boss, " you're 20 minutes late..." You, "there was traffic, my alarm didn't go off, I had a tummy ache." The excuses pile up and our mind starts to rachet off excuses, blame, and insults directed at oneself or others. It's all an astounding way to protect ourselves from the truth of the matter and that is that we have lost integrity in the moment. When a breakdown like that occurs unless we are numb to life we feel less complete and integrity is missing (we may be numb because we break our word so often).

Another example might be when we start believing that we are not "good enough" or "worthwhile" or some flavor of that. There's always a conversation that goes on in our heads about those words. At some point in our lives we've made up some sort of story or prior decision that we're not good enough for what we want. Some examples could be the boy or girl you like, getting that raise you've been thinking of asking for, or taking that dance class you're interested in. For me writing this article pops up in my head. How could I possibly be good enough to write this article? What gives me the right to publish here when there are far better writers? Do you get where I am going with this? These conversations are all created to keep us safe. Our ego's protection system from being embarrassed, hurt, or upset. But when we do this we lose integrity within ourselves because these are all very disempowering conversations. When we are disempowered there doesn't tend to be a lot of creative inspired thinking or actions. I know for me when I am thinking negative thoughts they grow until I am convinced that I must seek comfort by eating food when I am not hungry. So if you're able to maintain an empowered state of thinking and being then you can stay within integrity. Do not let yourself fall into habitual negative thoughts about yourself. Realize you're great and thoughts telling you otherwise are constructed to shrink you and keep you small or in a safe comfort zone.

Finding ways to create principles that help to keep you honest, whole, happy, and empowered goes a long way. I believe focusing on how you can keep your personal integrity at high levels is empowering and being empowered leads to clarity, creativity, and new opportunities that you might not see otherwise. My challenge to the reader would be to notice the next time you break your word and notice negative thinking and when it occurs. It's a practice, but once you start doing it, you become aware of things you didn't know might be stopping you from getting what you want and a whole new world of opportunity arises.

Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed the content or not, please take the opportunity to provide a tip. You may feel more empowered and in integrity with yourself if you do. Thank you.


About the Creator

Max Radbill

I'm a new writer and get nervous every time I post. I am a fun loving guy who is always looking to expand and grow life! I garden, I cook, I eat, I shop, I write. I'm a friend, I am a brother, I am an uncle, I am a husband and son.

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