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If You Have Faith, The Mind Will Find a Way to Work

Believe me, you too will learn to think constructively

By Henry madmanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
If You Have Faith, The Mind Will Find a Way to Work
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

The only purpose of this test is: Whenever you find a task impossible,

Your mind will also look for reasons to prove why it is impossible. Again, if you mind

Believe that it is possible to do the work, your mind is also in favor of your opinion

You will find different ways to do the job.

Creative ways emerge from the belief that it can be done. The task is impossible.

Such thinking is not religious. This truth applies to all situations big and small. that

A political leader is bound to fail because he has no faith in permanent world peace

His mind is confused, his mind does not want to creatively find the way to peace. that

Economists believe that a financial recession is inevitable, to eliminate a recession in the business cycle does not try to find creative ways.

Similarly, if you think someone likes you, you like them

You can find many reasons to like it.

If you believe that the solution to personal problems is within your control then that is

You will definitely find a solution. If there is such confidence, then the new big

You can definitely buy the house.

Creativity springs from belief. Mistrust hinders creativity

stands up

If you give the mind a chance, the mind will find new ways

About 2 years ago a young gentleman found me a more promising job

Said to give As a clerk in the credit department of a mail-order company

This gentleman at work felt like he couldn't move forward at work. we are

Discussed his past records, talked about what he is interested in doing

done After gathering some information about him, I said, “That's you

Looking for a better, more responsible job, wanting to advance in life, he is

That's great, but for the kind of job you're looking for these days, college is the way to go

degree required. You have completed three semesters. Complete reading

Why didn't you do it? Don't finish college in two years? Then sure

You will get the desired job in the company of your choice.”

"I know," she said, "a college degree is important. But now it's back to school."

"Impossible, why?" I asked.

"Because," she said, "I'm twenty-four now. We're in the next few months

We are expecting our second child. I spend my days creating voice in what I earn now goes. So it is impossible to complete the studies.”

"This young man convinced himself that it was impossible for him to complete college. i him

Said, “If you think it's impossible to complete reading, it never is

will not be possible However, if you believe reading is possible then you surely are

You can complete the reading. Find solutions to problems

“Now tell me, what can you do. Proceed with firm assurance of completing the reading.

Always keep that in mind and then think about how to raise a family

Reading can be completed. A few weeks later he met me once

Let me know your final decision.

"Two weeks later my friend came to visit.

“I thought your words well,” he said, “I read them thoughtfully

I will finish. I haven't thought about anything in detail, but I will surely find a solution."

Indeed he found the solution.

He managed to arrange a scholarship from a trade association, so they were his

Covers tuition, books and incidental expenses. Changing working hours

As a result, he could attend the classes. His enthusiasm and passion for a better life

Seeing that his wife fully supported him. Both have good management of money and time

Found new ways.

After receiving his degree last month, as a management trainer for a large organization.

has joined Remember, thinking big always pays off -

1. Don't fool yourself. Don't belittle yourself. Find your qualities

see You are a bigger person than you think you are.

2. Use the vocabulary of thoughtful people. Big, bright, happy sound

apply The word that contains the promise of victory, hope, joy, happiness

Apply the word. Words that evoke feelings of disappointment, failure, sadness exclude.

3. Expand the vision, not only of what is, but also of what can be, what is possible

see Adapt content, people, even your own value.

4. Know the larger purpose of your work. Trust, your present

The work is very important. Your attitude towards this current job is yours

will affect promotion.

5. Learn to ignore pettiness, pettiness. Stay focused on the big goal.

Before getting caught up in trivial matters, ask yourself, “Is this really important?”

Think big to become a big person.


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