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If You Fail to Plan, Then You're Planning to Fail

But How Does One Plan for Success in an Ever-Changing World?

By Lisa PearlmanPublished 9 months ago 5 min read
Selfie shot on iphone, edited in Facetune app

“If you fail to plan, then you're planning to fail.”

That well-meaning piece of advice needs no explanation, as most would agree with that sentiment, expressed eloquently in several famous quotes throughout history.

But planning is just half the battle... Committing yourself to and following through with the plan is the other half.

Or is it?

Well.... Yes... and No.

As long as your plan is flexible, then yes.

But, if you are so attached to your plan of action that you can’t deviate from the plan when faced with new challenges, then success will elude you, and any wins will be short-lived at best.

During these times of uncertainty, in a world where the only constant is change, you must not only plan, but also be able to adapt to change and pivot with ease, to succeed in your goal-oriented pursuits. This is especially essential to your success as a passionate entrepreneur or creator, intent on manifesting your lofty vision and achieving your intended results.

Never give up on your dreams!

You can ideal-ize your dreams, and allow them to exist as merely ideas. Or you can commit yourself to their real-ization, and manifest them into reality.

Nothing has ever been built that was not first a dream. Everything is created twice. You build or create something by taking action steps toward real-izing your conceptual vision, first as an idea, then as a form.

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."

~ Henry David Thoreau

Allow yourself the freedom to dream the impossible dream. The word Impossible has within it the empowering thought “I’m Possible.”

Because YOU ARE!

Your very existence proves it. You defied millions of possibilities to get to where you are now.

What were the odds of YOU being born, nine months after your parents conceived you, out of all the gazillion possibilities floating around in every potential pairing of chromosomes, out of every spermazoa candidate swimming around, racing to attach to your egg donor?

You already are a success story, my friend. You started off as an amazing miracle!

Success is Always Possible!

Dream it - Plan it - Take Action!

However, be flexible with your plan because life is changing constantly, and sometimes we must deviate from the plan when life switches things up. Even the most carefully considered and best laid out plans are subject to change in an instant.

Success starts with a Vision, and is achieved through constant Re-Vision.

The ongoing, fluid process of revision involves trial and error. It requires vigilance, hardiness, and the ability to shift your focus back and forth between proactive creation and reactive solution (i.e. problem solving.)

Always leave wiggle room in your plan and be able to pivot if need be. Real preparation and planning includes backup plans, as well as emergency exits, so you aren't left in the dust when disaster strikes!

With proper planning and the flexibility to adapt to unexpected changes, you can weather any storm and do the next right thing with confidence.

This concept of Adaptability is the key to survival and evolution, on both the micro and macro level, whether in life or in business. Adaptations are a necessary part of any growth process. To survive in a dynamic, ever-changing environment or ecosystem, ideas must evolve accordingly or be phased out, just as with any living species.

Success, therefore, is not a matter of luck and does not happen randomly, by chance. It is manifested, not by any "woo-woo" process, but through conscious choice, or "natural selection."

"Natural Selection,” scientifically speaking, is the process by which “species that acquire adaptations favorable for their environment will pass those adaptations to their offspring.”

This revolutionary idea was the basis of a famous book written in the 1800’s by Charles Darwin. Titled "On the Origin of Species,” this book introduced Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, or “Natural Selection,” commonly referred to as “Survival of the Fittest.”

This can be extrapolated and applied to "Game Theory," which is "Natural Selection" in a gamified environment, or virtual world, like the Metaverse. One who is able to adapt to their immediate environment, gets "fitness payoffs," a form of insurance that protects them from becoming obsolete - it ensures their relevancy and survival.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change.”

~ Charles Darwin, British naturalist

With consistent action, success is inevitable, but it takes time and perseverence, and requires the ability to pivot and adapt to change.

Trust the process, and accept that mistakes are a necessary part of the learning process.

It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, as long as you get back up each time and give it another go.

Reverse engineer your steps so you can analyze the process and learn where you went wrong; then try again, doing something different next time, tweaking the process as needed.

Believe in yourself! You got this!

Don't settle for a life that is less than extraordinary, a life that you were not meant to live. You are here for a reason!

"It is never too late to be what you might have been!"

~ George Eliot

Reach out to me if you need any help getting started creating your dream life and becoming your best version of yourself.

If you feel like you were meant for more than the life you are currently living, it's because you ARE meant for more! You are not living your truth... your authentic life.. your passion!

It’s not too late!

Life is too short, and too precious, to not live your best life possible. When it’s your time to transition, you deserve to look back on your earthly existence, fulfilled by your memories and experiences that you chose to create. Nobody should have to die with regrets over missed opportunities and forfeited dreams.

"Don't die with your music still in you!"

~ Wayne Dyer


About the Creator

Lisa Pearlman

Writer/iphoneographer/B.A. Psychology Empath/HSP/INFJ/Projector * I write poetry, inspiration, & informative/educational pieces on topics in Personal Development, including mental health, spirituality, chronic illness, making money online.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran9 months ago

    This was both very insightful and thought provoking! Thank you so much for sharing this!

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