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If not me then who? If not now then when?

Small, local, now.

By Roz BPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
I delayed getting a dog for years because I couldn't get a landlord who would allow pets without sacrificing my whole pay packet. We finally moved, this is my dog!

There's a lot to worry about...

Oceans rising, devastating fires, a fast spreading epidemic, political instability and increasing division. There are new linguistic phrases to describe the accompanying cognitive load that these scary developments place on people: terms like Filter-Bubbles and Eco-anxiety.

Where to start when the world is on fire? How can I possibly help when I feel like I'm drowning in obligation. Little old me, recycling my cartons, not going to save the Polar Bears, Am I right?

Sort of!

Float first. Save yourself, swim to shore, get some food in your belly, build a little hut, tick off the levels on Maslow's hierarchy of needs like a to do list. Then, the work begins.

Start Small

So, you have a little spark, a little part of you that knows that things aren't quite right, and you want to help, to do your bit.

You don't have to change the world, but you can demand alternatives to a system that is clearly exploiting billions. Every single thing that we own is the product of someone or something else's exploitation. The phone, the clothes, the transportation.

What? You only shop at the most ethical shops? Well done, for having the savvy and economic resources. Before we get too comfortable on sustainably sourced hemp virtue thrones, let's not pretend that even the cleanest supply chains don't have their dark, dusty and neglected corners...

Start Local

OrganicLea is a great organisation in London, they produce low cost salads and veggies and training opportunities for diverse and disadvantaged groups. Food miles contribute significantly to Air Pollution. If we can reduce this and support our local economy whilst lifting up others into education and work and the same time, win-win!

Second Hand First.

A look around the typical high street will reveal the rise in discount retailers. I'm often shocked at the abundance and variety of things that are available for a third of the price that they would cost at a traditional department store. We live in a world that our every whim can be accessorized. Unfortunately, these indulgences are often produced in awful conditions, have a short life cycle and are destined for the landfill with no way or means to repair them. Many towns now have repair cafes, places that you can go to learn and fix your broken items for free. If it can't be fixed, a quick scout around the charity shops will save you money and help feed the kitties or fund research into Heart Disease or Cancer.

Social currency.

One of the oft repeated adages of contemporary life is: that we have never been more connected, but despite this, we have never been so lonely.

In the UK, the National Health Service has finally recognised the benefits of what they describe as Social Prescribing. Different life phases, mobility, illness can cause incredible isolation. Pilot studies in the UK and around the globe have shown significant improvements on a variety of patient outcomes after being prescribed a social activity like gardening, a walking group, a choir.

Show up, take part, and if you can, lead or start something.

I see so many people that I know delaying their lives because of Brexit or some other ominous future deadline. Sometimes playing it safe is sensible, the necessary and right thing to do at the time.

I've done it myself, got the right education to get the right job. The real question that I force myself to answer at regular intervals is: why am I doing this, is it to build the life I think I should have or the life that I truly want?

Am I delaying making significant changes in my life out of habit, obligation or fear? For me, it's a combination of all three... But, I try to check my blind-spots and encourage you to do the same.


About the Creator

Roz B

I'm a PHD student in London. I have a dog and teach Yoga.

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