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All capitals mean business baby!

By ItsFluent_FamPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read

One of the most powerful affirmations. The one that could just change your life. . I mean it's playing a major part in changing mines. Do you encourage positive thoughts? positive actions? Is it true that you can in fact think yourself crazy? because if that is the case then you can think yourself happy, talented, beautiful, wealthy. . Yes? Maybe?

Of course YOU CAN! but merely thinking it, is nothing without also BELIEVING

I'm sure I can speak for a lot of people by saying this month has been B-A-N-A-N-A-S and it doesn't seem to be quite over yet! The retrograde and opioids crisis, the Libras and Scorpios, the fires, the masks, various crises all over the world. GO VOTE! constantly being shoved down our throats at the same time everyone is shouting in different tongues. How can one really keep track of it all and their own personal lives?

WOW! This is real adulthood huh? Throughout it all the bills are still coming and the kids are still in need of happy mommy/daddy

I was talking to my grandpa and as he was expressing his concerns for this generation and the ones to come; I felt a bit of relief. Personally, I believe our world WILL be better. Let's slow down for a second. I want to ask you to really think about how many people you personally know that have a hustle? I know quite a few. These are the people who are hungry right? These are the ones who are resourceful? The ones who just can't accept the minimum? Maybe I'm being too optimistic, if there is such a thing. I believe these are the people who want a world they can live in happily and safely, and without the demands of a 'typical life'. These are the ones who want to continue their businesses in a unbothered state and one day bask in all their fruits. That's what I want to focus in on! It's all so possible. It's possible right now.

Before moving into my current home, my boys and I were floating to say it beautifully. I came to a point of brokenness not that it was the first time it was however, the last time! There's something about us humans, we are truly amazing.

I had space and opportunity that led me to desire more. . .

I remember when my youngest was born we used brain development music as he slept and to help soothe him when he was cranky. One night I was sitting in the bathroom staring at the wall. That day, I just needed to know something good. After sitting there replaying my entire life, you know how it goes? Trying to figure out every single thing past, present and future. After a couple hours, I felt I got nowhere. I picked up this little busted phone I had and I started to look up things like "how to be happy?", I was led to music. This music wasn't just any music. This music focused on frequencies and subconscious healing. Instantly I started to feel calm almost comforted and very curious. I was intrigued so I wondered into the comment section that was just filled with people uplifting and encouraging one another.

Complete Strangers, It was beautiful!

I said to myself "I need this", not the comments. The fact that so many of those people were themselves going through difficult situations, but yet still could give and have and be real examples of superhumans. Let me tell you I am a fan of YouTube. I've become a fan of Vocal! I've always been for the arts, however being a realistic, practical Capricorn; that mixed with a little life can sometimes smoother our inner child. What is it you're looking for? love? peace? money? acceptance? If I may advise, I'd say go get it! It all starts with you, no cliché! and no cap!

This is a win/win situation!

The facades that we've been made to believe, the traditions we've been told to hold, it can go so far as to the words we use in our everyday lives that are simply attracting exactly everything we DON'T want. Take note of your thoughts, remember those things that cause dis-ease, use all that is NOT positively serving you for your good. Don't just believe it, Know it! Everyday choose your stance, or someone will choose it for you!

I have the power

I am strong

I am happy

I am healthy

I am financially free

I am mentally stable

I am able to both love and be loved

I have everything I need to be everything I desire to BE


- Carisma Marie

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Thank you with love


About the Creator


Am I the only one with a newfound love for life?

This year has been opening my eyes to interesting and new perspectives! May my words reach you well ✨

Newtuber x New grammer x Better me everyday


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