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How To Overcome Poverty Consciousness

3 Simple Methods to Reprogram Your Brain to Recognize Abundance and Attract More

By Lady RedPublished 6 years ago 4 min read
Poverty consciousness will block you from realizing your fullest potential.

Many of us are in a state of lack and don't even know it. Belief that you do not have what you need to survive or what you want to reach your goals is poverty consciousness or a state of lack. The law of attraction may be working against you if you are focusing on what you do not have and ignoring what you do have. When you focus your thoughts and energy on "I don't have..." or "I wish I had..." you are actively participating in your own state of lack and keeping yourself in poverty. In order to move forward and accomplish your goals you may need to reprogram your brain, your thought patterns to recognizing an abundant state and attracting more abundance. Here are three simple methods you can implement in your daily life to reprogram your thoughts, reach your goals and find true joy in your daily life.

Be Grateful

Gratitude for the simple things is the first step in achieving your goals.

Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for every morning. Start your list before you even get out of bed when your subconscious is active, present and in complete control think of one or two things in which you are grateful. You may find yourself grateful for your bed, your pillows, and blanket. That's gratitude for something, right? And a great way to start your day. Write this down, make a gratitude journal, a record of everything you are grateful for every day. As you go about your morning routine, what else are you grateful for? Starting with the simple things we most often take for granted is the first step in realizing deep gratitude. When you have 10 things on your list, read it back to yourself. Reading your list will show you that you do in fact have many things to be grateful for, that is abundance. The law of attraction works like this: you attract what you put forth into the universe. If you are focused on what you do not have, you will get more of "not have." When you focus on the wealth within your reality, you will attract more wealth by attracting opportunity to acquire even more.

Is Your Job a Life Draining Experience?

When you find no pleasure or joy in work, it drains you and blocks your progress.

You know you work hard when you come home and are drained, sore, tired, and so glad to be leaving work. That is not hard work, that is your body, mind and spirit telling you it is not happy. When you do not enjoy your job, when you dread every minute before you leave for work and count the seconds until its time to go home that is a sure sign you are doing the wrong thing. Being in a job you hate is the biggest block any of us will face. Each of us has a purpose, we all have gifts and talents that we may never realize and by the time we are too old to work we are on fixed incomes and barely surviving. You must realize that there is another way! There is a talent within you, there is something your spirit wants you to do if you will only listen. Finding your true joy, the thing that makes you happy and does not feel like a slow death is the key to achieving your goals. As long as you are unhappy and unfulfilled you will continue to attract unhappy and unfulfilling experiences. When you discover your purpose and act on it, it will be tough but it is also rewarding. Money isn't the key to happiness, it is the experiences you have that hold the secrets to happiness. When you find the right work that is joyful and fulfilling the universe will reward you, you must simply have faith.

Live in the Moment

Release your hold on yesterday and do not worry about tomorrow, all we really have is now.

Another way we hold ourselves in a state of lack is by focusing on something we may have lost and worrying about we may not have in the future. We tell ourselves "I will be happy when..." or "I could be happy now but I..." The only time that we really have is now, this very moment and by dwelling on what was lost in the past it only furthers the state of lack. We convince ourselves we cannot be happy without certain things, certain people. Recognizing and realizing that happiness is a condition that is achieved from within and completely independent upon any outside influences sets us free from worry. By worrying about what we may not have or have lost we are actually creating our own blocks. Focus on the present moment, you see what is all around you and not dwelling on the past or trying to guess the future. Let the joy of the present moment be your happiness, the warmth of the sun or the sound of the rain bring you happiness. This does take a bit of effort, it requires you to shut down and redirect your thought pattern to the here and now every time you find yourself dwelling on some past event or worrying about what hasn't even happened yet.


Abundance is the presence of enough for yourself and some to share.

Getting out of a state of lack, of poverty consciousness, requires work and effort daily. By reprogramming your thoughts to recognize gratitude, finding the experiences that give you joy and a paycheck, living in the present moment and not in the past or future you will open yourself to more rewarding experiences. To accomplish your goals and feel true joy and happiness you have to recognize what all you really do have and by doing so, you will attract more opportunities for more rewarding experiences. That includes meeting your goals and achieving abundance.


About the Creator

Lady Red

I am Lady Red, as a Tarot practitioner and YouTuber. I have heard so many crazy stories about life, love and the pursuit of happiness. I'm here to share my experiences with you, guide you and entertain you!

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