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How to make your dreams bigger and stronger

Dream big and strong!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

My ambitions are lofty, and if they are realized, they will have a profound impact on future generations. But, more importantly, how can I keep them alive? How can I keep them from starving to death while I'm waiting for their wishes to be granted to me? Depending on your personality type, here are some suggestions on how you may fulfill your goals.

Create a mental image of what you want the final product to look like to fuel your aspirations. This image may be from 30 years in the future, yet it represents what you want and want. If you are able to paint a clear image of what you want your life to be like, you will be successful. Imagination should be used to the fullest extent possibly Imagine yourself with the guy or woman of your dreams, dressed in stunning attire, and capable of doing the activities that you have been wishing to learn. Create a mental picture of your future by telling yourself a narrative. Continue to play it again and over.

Be conscious of the fact that if you give in to your desires to just live in the now, your dream will either take longer to manifest or will fail to materialize altogether. The goal here is to make your desire so vivid and attractive that nothing would be able to stop you from achieving it. Don't miss any opportunities to provide color and life to your idea. Dreams were never intended to remain in one place. When you meet with outstanding artists, they often express regret for not doing something a little differently or for not using a different hue in their work. According to them, the greatest works of art are never really completed. Treat your dream in the same manner, and you will ensure that it remains well nourished.

Make your desire a reality by achieving it. Typically, the desire to give up lasts just a little period of time. If you turn down the doughnut at one meeting and then walk away, you have achieved success in one meeting. Set modest, attainable objectives that you can achieve on a daily basis. While you may select a number of goals, be sure to include at least one "Must Achieve Goal." There is just one! The rest may be seen as a bonus, but establishing one "Must Achieve" objective every day will provide you with a taste of success every day.

That one taste has the potential to turn you into a successful junkie. Just make sure that your success is holistic and that you do not get stuck in one aspect of your life for long periods of time. In other words, don't sacrifice your family's well-being in the pursuit of company success, nor should you sacrifice your own health objectives by overworking and hurting your body and mind. Celebrate your achievement as soon as you achieve this little taste of accomplishment. Share your accomplishments with someone you can rely on.

Also, surround yourself with individuals who are successful in order to fuel your ambitions. We each have our own idea of what constitutes success. People-oriented individuals should seek out others who are at least somewhat similar to their own personal idea of success. Contact them. Yes, they are overworked, but you may still enchant them if you show them that you value and appreciate their time. Nevertheless, pay them a visit and find out what it took for them to realize their ambitions.

If you are easily distracted, you must first choose one item that must be completed and then forbid yourself from engaging in any other activities while this one task is being completed. Make a note of it. Then you should go to work on it. If you are too preoccupied with running after every rainbow and chance that comes your way, your dreams will never come true. Before pursuing something, ask yourself the following questions: How much closer or farther away from my dreams does this get me now? Is this a shortcut, and if so, what exactly am I giving up? Is there anybody who will be harmed by this opportunity? Who can I speak with who can point me in the right direction?


About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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