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How i Rebuild my life by Martina Motwani

My struggles makes me stronger.

By Martina Motwani Published 3 years ago 9 min read

1. Your full name and age

Martina Motwani , 32

2. What is your educational qualification?

I have done BCA and MCA

3. What is your professional qualification?

MCA i have done professional Digital Marketing training to work in the field of digital marketing.

4. Where are you based? And how has been your life as a girl child in your hometown?

Udaipur Rajasthan. I had a great time in udaipur. Its world is beautiful, peaceful and a tourist place so i visited all the places with family and friends . My family gives me freedom to do what i want to do so i never feel that as a girl it's something different.. I spend great time in udaipur

5. You informed me that you parted ways with your husband. Would you like to share the struggles and the courage you faced it with?

Yes Its very hard time torture and even i am more qualified than my husband i never show attitude of my profession and my job. I earned and give it to them otherwise suffering from torture daily. Due to their dowry demands increases day by day. I work hard from morning 6 to night 10 but they never appreciate. I even affected too much after my accident i am unable to work at that time job. They send me back to my parents home. Never come to take me back. It was hard time for me and my family but my family support me my mother father and brother gives my chance again to live and work with freedom as i am doing now. I am nothing without them with their support. I will fight and work hard to continue my career in Digital Marketing.

6. Tell me how your parents supported you? And also how did society react to your stand? And how did you shut their nasty comments if any?

My parents are supporting me as a tree gives shade . I am suffering from lots of problems and my family solves my life's problems. I am just feeling that time why this all happened to me but my family tells me you are a winner. You fight in hard times and achieve better life . Society members are also supports me because they know how my inlaws and husband are wrong and demands dowry my parents are doing everything for them but after that they try to kill me. So Society is favouring my decision and healthy happy life. I worked and never included my mind in their negative comments . they stopped automatically after time passed. Truth is in front of them then they also change their mindset.

7. What gave you courage to restart your life? Share all that you can....

I Restart my life because my mother and brother always support me to work and try new things and my life is precious from any relationship. They understand me and tell me if i am not healthy and happy then it's better to be single. It takes 2 years but my work is giving me more courage to restart my life.

8. How and why did you join Sharing this? And how do you think it has changed your life for the better?

I shared because its essential to know why giving torture to girl how is highly qulified and well settled family background . Just for money or accidentally she is not happy with herself and the people who are more bad than bitch are trying to trap her. Her innocent nature and age of 24 not too much aware of this cruel world. Cruelty heights that they crossed and torture her family .

9. How long have you been a Digital Marketer? And what is our daily routine in life these days?

I have been working as a digital marketing professional for 10 years. It's not easy to stay a long time in the same profession and achieve success. I worked from 10 am to 6.30 a day and also at night if i have work due to different time zones and different countries clients i am dealing with.

10. Lots of cookery videos and posts on your profile? Is it your hobby? And what made you share daily videos for women ?

I like cooking but day to day healthy eating is very essential and when i started making food recipes. People like and ask for recipes. I started video creation and sharing on youtube and facebook. Then I joined vocal to share this because I need change in women's life. I met with a road accident that time I lost my complete stamina, body weight and completely nervous system broke down. So i start learning and cooking everything at home from last 5 years.

So i am sharing Recipes on Youtube channel-



11. What motivates you to be a support system for women on Sheroes?

I think if women's support womens it's a great community and set an example in the world. Because I always saw womens have a jealous nature not appreciating each other and hate each other. As my best possible way I support by sharing my skills through videos . Digital Marketing, Food blogging and Motivation talk. Solving the problem of a single person makes me happy.

12. What are your other hobbies?

My other hobby is my passion for singing. I love to sing songs.

13. You met with an accident. It changed your life. Share the story and how did you come out of it as a winner?

I met with an accident in 2014 when I was coming from work . It's been a hard time after my marriage of 9 months this happened . My inlaws and husband dont want to give me proper treatment and behaving very wrong with me pressure me to go earn otherwise go home and live with your parents. You are useless. Even in an accident my body affects me too much. I am unable to drink water for many days. And have no meal for 2 months. Just soup and juice. Finally after 2 months my in-laws demanded too much money from my parents . Give us money otherwise take back to home.I came to my parents home. After that they decide to divorce and at that moment i am physically and mentally broken.My family love, support i am alive . They give me proper medication and care. That helps me recover my body and heal my pain. I am happy , healthy and able to work that biggest achievement.

14. What is your message to women, because you are a woman of courage and pride.

My message for all womens. Don't give up . Work hard if you want to achieve something. Problems may forever come one after another but you have to think about solutions. Love yourself and your family. Don't compare with anyone because god gives everyone different skills and mind.

15. Anything else that you would love to share about yourself.

I started my company Martina Motwani Digital World

I started Digital Marketing Course


7 years I worked as a freelancer and 2 years in other companies as a Digital Marketer and Senior SEO Manager profile.I am having the jolly nature of always loving and caring for close ones friends and family. I helped many people in the best possible ways. I never try to do any wrong thing and oppose also for wrong things to happen with anyone.I try my best and never complain about what i have as i learned from my parents.I am down to earth and kind. I always want to grow and learn something new as a career oriented thing and in life. No age for learning. I shared all things on social media which is useful and good for all.

16. Be besides your parents who all are in your family. And how have they been a support system in our life.

Mom, Dad and brother in my family. I am Blessed with a good family and positive environment . I failed so many times to do many things. I never give up because I have hope and support from my family. I love them so much that it is possible to say in words. They are a support system in all ways from childhood to education and teenage to profession.They just gives me a chance to work and improve my skills and learn new things.

17. Any tips for women to promote their work through Digital Marketing. Share some six points

Digital Marketing is best way to promote their work-

If you are having a company or brand you must have a Website or App to connect with users to your brand.

Social Media Marketing is the best way to promote their skills, services use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Pinterest to share your brand reputation on social sites.

Email Marketing is the best way to get in touch with clients and subscribers.

If you are selling some products or services Facebook Marketing and PPC ads are good for real leads and sales.

Newsletter subscriptions to your blog and website reach more readers.

Content is king, use only unique content to increase followers and readers to your blog and products description. Create interactive content in different formats text, images,infographics,Videos

Maybe we can also ask her to share a little about her self-care/ unwinding schedule - for instance if she travels, etc.

Answer- Selfcare s very important part for me. A healthy life is very essential for everyone and my schedule in the evening i spend 1 hour for self-care. I do daily 4 km walking and exercise in the evening daily. It gives me stable body weight and good stamina and connects with natural beauty. I like to travel to new places. I almost visited Rajasthan, Gujrat, Delhi, Punjab, and Mumbai over the years. It was a great experience. Especially Holy places In Rajasthan Udaipur Jag Mandir, Jagdish temple, Fateh sagar lake and Sukhadia circle i visited many times,Mount Abu sunset point dilwara jain mandir and Nakki lake my fav place. In Gujarat Ahmedabad, I like Govinddham Gurudwara and Iskcon temple, Dwarka Mai and Bet Dwarka best places. Ajmer Ajmer Sharif, Chandigarh Golden Temple, Mumbai Balaji Mandir, and Mahalaxmi temple , Pune Dagdusheth temple of Ganpati ji, Shirdi Sai Baba Temple. In Delhi Krishna Iskcon temple and lotus temple are the most beautiful places. When I find time I go to the best places for peaceful and cool places.I have visited College camp tours and Family trips. It's a beautiful thing to spend time in new places. Explore new things, Different food, and culture.

5. Maybe some tips for those women who might be experiencing something similar to her in her marriage.

All women who are suffering from the same problem in marriage. First, I suggest clearing all misunderstandings with your partner if he is not understandable and doesn't want to continue the relationship don't force him.. Try to solve problems at a personal level. If it's not solved by you take family support. Family is helping in arrange a marriage to the council . Marriage is very important but if you are feeling physical and mental tortured and unsafe then, please try to solve this. A relationship is a secondary primary to you and your life's happiness. I can advise women should be independent and focus on career personal and professional life totally different don't mix it.No ones care what's going on your personal life if you are professionally working it gives you mentally and financial support.Its easy to live life if you are independent.


About the Creator

Martina Motwani

Martina Motwani Digital World

Join me on Facebook, Twitter , Instagram @martinamotwani

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