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Getting to know entrepreneur Manuela Kom

Getting to know entrepreneur Manuela Kom

By Jason James Published about a year ago 7 min read

How did you start your business?

I started my business based on a desire I had for good quality products! Then I did some research on suppliers, cost, risk management, the supply chain and even profit to make sure that I would not dig myself into a hole.

What are some mistakes you wish you could have avoided?

Truly, there are no mistakes I wish I avoided. They helped me understand the business even more. Without them I would not know how to handle certain situations. The mistakes I have encountered along the way were never mistakes that affected me enough to not want to keep going. They even helped me to avoid other business decisions I was planning for.

What advice would you give to starting entrepreneurs?

The advice I have for starting entrepreneurs is, make sure you know what your goal is. Write it down so you remember what it is you want to achieve, and then just keep doing everything you can to get there. Putting in the work and asking for help, tips, advice and perspectives are musts. Inform yourself about the different tools and resources that are out there. Don’t just jump in and say you are starting a business. Do your research, find the pros and cons, and study your market.

How can I come up with a great name for my company?

Coming up with a great name is something I struggle with, typically because the name I want is already taken. I tend to lean towards names that are easy to remember, and maybe a little catchy. Occasionally I also look up the name I came up with but in a different language, and use that to name my business.

How do you come up with business ideas?

I come up with business ideas based on my own personal need, or the needs I see of the people around me. I Look at the people’s barrier, and find a solution for it.

How can I protect my idea so others don’t steal it?

Don’t share, and don’t talk, then look at how to trademark or copyright your idea. Depending on the type of business and your goals for it, get a patent.

What are the biggest mistakes first-time entrepreneurs can make?

Biggest mistakes that first time entrepreneurs can make would be being disorganized. Disorganization means no set plan. Another mistake first time entrepreneurs make is acknowledging misinformation. Trust, but verify. What you hear isn’t always what’s right. Knowledge is power, so do your own research.

What kind of entity should I set up if I’m only starting my business journey?

I think if you are just starting your business journey, A sole proprietorship or an LLC would be your best option. Although LLCs have become very popular, It’s beneficial to do your research because you know your business best. A sole proprietorship is straightforward, one of the simplest entity’s to actually start. On the other hand, an LLC is far more complex, but allows for great protection in the instance of a lawsuit. When it comes to taxes, LLCs, and sole proprietorships profits are both categorized as personal income.

What are you most excited about at work right now?

I’m actually most excited about my iPad! I just got one for my new venture in Amazon FBA and KDP! But I can’t wait to use it for KomfortCo, and the design of new swimwear and apparel as well!

What are your tips for building a great team?

A great team is a team with people after the same goal, however they have different experiences, knowledge, and perspectives. Don’t build a team that thinks just like you build a team that will add value to you.

How do you market your business?

In addition to my personal accounts, I market my businesses on social media platforms, such as TikTok, Facebook Ads, and Instagram. I also make QR codes with direct links to my sites that I keep on my phone for networking purposes. Any opportunity I have to speak I find a way to insert my business ventures.

What online marketing techniques do you use?

My online marketing techniques include wearing my own product, displaying the lifestyle I’m hoping to sell, and even using tons of hashtags that my target audience clicks.

How should I decide where to set up my business?

When it comes to deciding where to set up your business, if you want to expand off of ecommerce, look at the demographics of your customers and where they come from. With that information if you plan on opening a brick-and-mortar, go TO them! For example, you wouldn’t sell swimsuits in Alaska if you had the option of going to Florida. Follow the demand. Make it easier for your target audience to have access to you.

How did you push through your biggest business doubts?

I remembered that quitting would just mean I would always be asking myself “what if”? I don’t want to have any regrets.

How did you handle fast growth and scale your business?

I’m still waiting for my business to reach a point of extreme exponential growth. I worked with my suppliers a lot more though. Having a supplier that understands your needs and goals will help the growth of your business.

What are the most common mistakes that new business owners make?

I touched on this earlier but, the most common mistakes that new business owners make would be Underpricing, improper vendor/supplier management, and Not having a plan.

Underpricing your business means little to no profit margins. Working with a supplier or vendor that can’t help you meet your goals will be the ultimate downfall of your business. Look for multiple suppliers don’t just trust one. Lastly, failing to plan, means planning to fail.

How do you plan for the future of your business?

I plan for the future of my business by paying attention to the people around me. What’s next for me is based on the question, “What do people want?”

How do you evaluate the past ups/downs of your business?

I don’t think too much about my business ups/downs like I should. However I do celebrate the success, but I don’t dwell on the negatives. As I keep going there’s going to be bigger ups and less downs. That’s what keeps me moving.

What advice would you give to a new business owner?

My advice to a new business owner, don’t think anything is too expensive. A lot of the times cost drives people away from pursuing the business they want to start. This is an investment in yourself, and maybe even your future family. Apply for business credit, apply for business grants, but most importantly always do your research. There’s information out there on every and any topic to help you help yourself.

What’s non-negotiable when you start a business?

The quality of the goods and services offered! I will never provide something that I myself would not pay for. Either part of the best or nothing.

How do you craft a great mission statement?

I craft a great mission statement by putting myself in the shoes of a customer. I read my competition and try to one up them. What kind of business would I want to buy from… and then I draft it up from there.

How did you raise funding for your business?

When I started my business, I didn’t have a real job. The funding for my business came from me making cakes and coaching tennis. My parents saw how stressful it was for me and even offered to invest in my businesses. I wanted to do it all alone so I could document the process of what to do when you don’t have the funding that businesses require. I know there’s so many people out here who did like me and looked up how to build a business with like $50- $100. Truth is, depending on the grandeur, it’s nearly impossible. When I started my current occupation, I used the funds from that to invest into my business. Then as one business grew I used part of my profits to start another one, and repeated the cycle.

How has your business shifted over time?

Over time my business shifted from the focus of trying to sell the product, to selling the lifestyle associated with the product. This resulted in growth I did not think I would see from such a minor change.

What KPIs do you use to measure your business success?

The KPIs I use to measure my business successes are my ROI, Conversions, and how aligned I was with my goals.

What are you working on now?

I’m working on so much right now but the one that I am willing to share? --- TENNIS! I’m playing again and working on a tennis apparel line that would fall in the parameters of KOMFORT FIT. I’m super excited for this because I’ll be able to represent my own brand on the court.


About the Creator

Jason James

Jason James is an American journalist Andrew writer from Miami, Florida that specializes in covering the entertainment industry.

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