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Get unstuck now

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” - Henry David Thoreau

By FRANCO CIANFLONE Published 4 years ago 4 min read
"Rewire your brain & catapult your results in life and business."

Get unstuck now


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“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” - Henry David Thoreau



Well, you’ve come this far, so I need to take you to the door that unlocks this so-called secret when in fact it’s seriously not rocket science.

Knowledge is potential power and it only becomes real, tangible power when you act.

I refer to it as the XY knowing, doing gap or the left hand, right hand syndrome.

It’s rampant and visible everywhere on this glorious planet. What you know and what you do, determines your results according to the five boxes that I was referring to earlier.

The five boxes are intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial.

The same results over and over again are due to old paradigms that keep us stuck.

No one wants to be stuck.

People will go to incredible lengths to get unstuck.

Paradigm is a term used to describe a mass of information that is programmed into an individual’s subconscious mind, genetically at the moment of conception and then environmentally after birth.

"Get unstuck now"

This information, or the paradigm, is then expressed in behavioral patterns producing the results a person gets in life.

Paradigms control people and further control people from moving forward.

In fact, in corporations, business and sales we are treating symptoms.

In business we are not treating the cause of low profits or subpar employee performance or engagement.

In sales, we are not treating the cause of low sales or the yo yo effect in sales from one month to another.

Until we treat the primary cause of results we will never create permanent change that has the ability to be nurtured and evolved.

The one principle of achieving wealth is to crush these controlling paradigms.

Joe Barker the author of paradigms stated, “To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgement is to put yourself at risk when exploring the future.”

Are you ready to explore your future?

Let’s discover why this controlling force holds so many people back from achieving their heart’s desire.

Paradigms are insidious, devious, controlling, manipulative and dictatorial.

Wow, does that sound like many beautiful people on the planet that you know?

If you don’t believe it, just look at your results.

These paradigms are a multitude of behavioral habits that have been entrenched into your psychological house for years.

However, this next statement might be shocking to you as an intelligent human being.

Paradigms are a result of other people’s habits and are not created by you.

These unruly psychological creatures shape and control your ability to earn money, your perception, logic, productivity, effectiveness and time.

In order to crush these dictators we must have a goal in our life that has more power than the paradigm.

Seriously, it’s not rocket science.

Deliberately changing any paradigm demands awareness, a strong desire and a high level of discipline.

Can I change my paradigm Coach?


Paradigms are changed through a process of study, understanding and over time.

The most crucial ingredient in this process is understanding.

Think of squeezing your body through a funnel that is smaller than your size with a hope of getting through on the other side.

It might seem insurmountable but you can do it if your desire is strong enough to sustain the pain.

In this case, the pain is continuous study, sustained understanding and an investment of time.

Paradigms influence your thinking and control what you do.

Education in our formative years, gave us valuable knowledge however most of what we learned remained in our conscious mind therefore we frequently don’t do what we supposedly learned how to do.

Moreover, we need to create new paradigms with brand new ideas that will create exponential results.

Change your controlling paradigm today and you will get unstuck.

Get unstuck now.

Carpe Momentum

Franco Cianflone


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Mental Toughness For Life Podcast


While the designers, contributors, and author have used their best efforts in preparing these Power Action Blogs, they make no warranty or representation with respect to accuracy or completeness of the contents of this material and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability, finances, personal or medical remedy for a particular purpose. It is further acknowledged that no warranty, of any kind, may be created or extended by any written sales materials or sales representatives.

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About the Creator


L & D Specialist, Author, musician, composer FRANCO CIANFLONE B.S. Ed. M. Ed. CS IACS MENTAL TOUGHNESS FOR LIFE PUBLICATION (USA) c2007

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