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Friday Quote Of The Day (A Change For The Better)

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
“Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change.” - Richard Branson

You can run, you can hide, and you can try and escape, but there's something you will never be able to avoid, and that is change. Even if you decided to live your life in an isolated cave, away from civilization, you still wouldn't be able to avoid change, because as you continue to age, even your own body is not exempt from change. Change is just a natural aspect of life, and as much as many of us don't like things to change, or like change at all, it is inevitable. For those who dislike change, they will often find that change is imposed on them anyway, leaving them with no other choice in the end but to accept it. There's no disputing that some changes are not beneficial, convenient, helpful, or in any way impressive, but like anything in life, there will always be some successes and some failures. We need to dismiss the belief from our mind that change is not a good thing, as after all, without change, there is no growth, and without growth, there is no success. If we resist change, we are simply going to be left behind in life. I think it's funny the number of people who are introduced to something new and different, and they are totally against it, they are not at all interested in it, they refuse to embrace it, and they don't want to even trial it, but then comes a day when they do actually try it for themselves, or they have no other choice but to try it out, and they end up discovering that it is actually fantastic after all. They realize that they didn't know what they were missing out on. We are creatures of habit, we love to be in control, we love to feel knowledgeable, and we live by a certain routine we create for ourselves, so when we face the prospect of change, we can become very hesitant and resistant to it. Why? Because change draws us out of our comfort zone, and we don't like that. It's that feeling we are relinquishing the control, knowledge, and routine, we are so accustomed to.

One of the biggest reasons why success and happiness continually eludes us is because we fail to embrace change. Because we are so set in our ways, and feel safe in our comfort zone, we halt ourselves from growing in life. Life is about constantly learning, growing, developing, and maturing though, so if we continually try and resist that ever important ongoing education and experience we need for growth, we become stale. When we become stale, we become bored, we become miserable, we become lifeless, we become unhappy, and we even become depressed. Life wants us to grow, so if we refuse change, then life starts to make things uncomfortable for us, to the point we get so frustrated and angry, that we do finally ending up making that much needed change anyway. We should never wait until we hit that breaking point though! We should be constantly looking to better ourselves, to be growing, to be improving, and to be maturing. It's exactly the same when it comes to our actions, in which we are trying to achieve our goals or some element of success. We can't just continue on repeating the same action over and over again if it's not producing results. We should be trialing it for a certain period of time, and if it continually results in failure, then we need to change it up and try something different. It's all about being adaptable on a constant basis! Change brings about opportunities, and those opportunities include success, happiness, prosperity, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Why wouldn't we then embrace change? Change will likely involve fear, risk, uncertainty, doubt, and hesitation, but this is only normal. It's about overcoming all these concerns, because on the other side of these concerns is where our happiness and success in life can be found. Change for the better, that's what life should always be about for us!

#Friday #FridayMotivation #motivation #quote #change #better #success #happiness #prosperity #fulfillment #satisfaction #goals #growth #learning #development #maturity #experience #embrace #education #ComfortZone #courage #risk #life #knowledge #control #WindOfChangeNow


About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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