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Forget this 3 fears. To succeed in your life.

If you follow this steps, surely may get success in your life.

By IwritesPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

For a long time I have been so afraid of four large body of water. So, I have never learned to swim. I have been so scared of heights, I never dare to go up a Skyscraper.

You see fear is part of human nature it can be a driving force to succeed or a repelling force to push you back from succeeding. It is always about your choice for most people in the world here is a repelling force but holds them back from doing what they are supposed to do. Going where they are supposed to go and achieving what they are supposed to achieve.

If you ask over 1 million people, who are not achieving their dreams and living the kind of lives. They really desire to be living it is most often due to one fear about the other yet someone rightly said that, everything you will ever become as on the other side of fear. In today's article I'll be sharing with you three kinds of fears. That if you have you can forget about ever succeeding because this kinds of fear neutralized that chance.

1. Fear of being criticized for a long time.

I remember being so afraid of trying a business idea. I was sure would work. I was mingling with a certain group of religious folks though believe pursuing money was a problem at this time. I who used to be reached by running my own business had become Pope because I had embraced a very wrong mindset about money. The fear of being criticized the fear of being told. I was wrong the fear of being told. I was doing something crazy and what would destroy me was keeping me broke and holding me back from living the kind of full life. I had always wanted to achieve for every successful person in the world. There is always something bad being said about them. I'm yet to see one successful person that doesn't have a critic. No matter how good or how kind that successful person is Rockey was so severely criticized for being a cheat and a rootless businessman. Who took advantage of his competition to gain money through oil. Yet he had garnered his wealth by exploring options as competition would not consider and taking measures his competitors were unwilling to take. If you can't fight you can't succeed. If you will rather fold your hands while your competitors take your lunch you can't succeed someone said business is a zone without bullets this is very true because successful people know this they are always prepared for it. They're prepared by the lash of the media they are prepared for the wrong things people and the media will say about them. I saw a video yesterday of a youtuber who made a 17 minute video on how another rich youtuber was lying to everyone. While I do not say that anyone should make money unethically. I asked myself why won't this guy stay poor when he wouldn't get his nose out of other people's business go and figure this out people will never get their noses out of other people's. Businesses are often poor because successful people are always so busy trying to make something of their lives. They are not even concerned about how they will have to discuss other people's lives. If you're afraid of being criticized forget about succeeding. criticism is part and parcel of a successful life.

2. Fear of being broke.

This is the second fear that holds lots of people back. if you're afraid of being broke. If you're scared of living without money don't expect to succeed. I have discovered in the journey of success. That how much you are willing to sacrifice is? how much you're willing to have back? how deep you're willing to go down the value is? how high you will climb up the mountain? Most self-made successful people. Who made their wealth ethically were often directly broke. But believe strongly in their dreams. What keeps you rich isn't the money you have in your bank account. But the wealth of knowledge and understanding about success. That has formed your mindset about how you approach life. If you're always afraid. You will not have you may allow this fear to hold you back from taking risks. That will move your life forward and I can promise you this when you decide to take risks that will move your life forward being broke will be inevitable. There will certainly be times .When you would think you have made the wrong move. Only as you keep believing and you keep working on well. You see the light at the end of the tunnel but most people want to start on their journey of success. Yesterday and get there today. It won't work. If you're a secret about being broke don't ever think of succeeding. it's not likely.

3. Fear of being alone.

Successful people thrive on being alone. You can't threaten a successful person with loneliness. Fact rejection motivates them to success. Chris Gardner was rejected by his wife and was left with his key because he was very poor instead of filling all alone. He took this as a motivation to work even harder never pitying himself. Until he succeeded. if you're afraid of being alone working in the trenches without anyone ever looking your way to think. You exist you're not likely to succeed. Successful people are often celebrated publicly but no one remembers the nights and days to sacrifice in these secret places. Cring in women working hard and failing hoping things will work out soon. The years of sacrifice will never be Discussed. Only the period of success will be celebrated. If you can't stay alone, if you can't bear family members, the people you care about the most rejecting your idea as foolish and pushing you out of their midst. Forget about succeeding it won't work for so many years. my family memories counted only to succeed, so I take care of them but instead of getting a job. I said I would become a writer I suffered the atones for a while. I was always broke while my other siblings had money. I would wonder if something was wrong with me. since I had so much perspective but now it looked like I didn't know, what I was doing? loneliness is part of the success, journey there will be reasons. You will feel lonely even your staff will desert you but it is your determination to succeed in the vision in front of you. That will keep you going. If you can't bear to be alone don't expect to succeed. Fear can be a good thing, it can help you to succeed or hold you back from succeeding. Don’t let it everything you want is always on the other side of fear. Don’t let the fear of being criticized hold you back. Criticism is a natural part of success. Don't let the fear of being broke stop you. Yes you will be broke sometimes, but it will always be for a while keep pushing to succeed. Don’t let the fear of being alone to tie you down. You will suddenly be alone for a while this is part of the success. You cannot become anything great if you're not willing to sacrifice some things.

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