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Five habits that will keep you broke (must read)


By Fabian ChingorivoPublished 10 months ago 2 min read


In today's fast-paced world, financial stability and success are aspirations for many individuals. However, certain habits can hinder one's ability to achieve financial abundance. In this article, we will explore five common habits that can keep you broke and provide insights on how to overcome them. By understanding and addressing these habits, you can pave the way towards a more prosperous future.

Failing to Budget:

One of the primary reasons people remain broke is their failure to create and adhere to a budget. Instead of allocating their money wisely and investing in appreciating assets, they often spend impulsively on depreciating items. When payday arrives, they rush to fulfill their immediate desires without considering the long-term consequences. In contrast, wealthy individuals understand the importance of budgeting and actively manage their finances. They allocate funds towards investments, savings, and assets that appreciate over time. By adopting a disciplined approach to budgeting, you can break free from the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck.

Influenced by a Broke Friendship Circle:

The company we keep plays a significant role in shaping our financial mindset. If you surround yourself with broke individuals, their negative attitudes and perspectives can influence your own. It's essential to recognize the impact of "poverty by association." By distancing yourself from negative influences and seeking out a network of successful individuals, you can gain exposure to new ideas, opportunities, and a more positive mindset. Building a supportive network of like-minded individuals can inspire and motivate you to achieve financial success.

Maintaining a Negative Attitude:

A negative attitude can be detrimental to financial success. When you approach new opportunities with skepticism or doubt, you limit your potential for growth. Rich people understand the power of a positive mindset and maintain an optimistic outlook. By cultivating a positive attitude, you become more open to seizing opportunities, taking calculated risks, and persisting through challenges. It's important to recognize that your attitude has a direct impact on your altitude—your ability to rise to new heights in life.

Failing to Plan for the Future:

Living solely in the present without considering the future is a common characteristic among broke individuals. They prioritize immediate gratification over long-term financial security. Successful individuals, on the other hand, understand the importance of planning for the future. They make informed investment decisions, diversify their portfolios, and focus on wealth creation over time. By adopting a future-oriented mindset and investing wisely, you can position yourself for financial abundance and security.

Blaming Others for Financial Circumstances:

Broke people often resort to blaming external factors or other individuals for their financial struggles. They believe that circumstances beyond their control are the primary reasons for their lack of success. In contrast, wealthy individuals take responsibility for their financial outcomes. They view challenges as opportunities for growth and actively seek solutions rather than playing the blame game. By taking ownership of your financial situation, you empower yourself to make positive changes and overcome obstacles.


Breaking free from habits that keep you broke requires a conscious effort to change your mindset and behaviors. By embracing effective financial habits such as budgeting, surrounding yourself with positive influences, fostering a positive attitude, planning for the future, and taking responsibility for your financial outcomes, you can pave the way towards financial abundance. Remember, achieving financial success is a journey that requires determination, discipline, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Start making changes today and set yourself on the path to a prosperous future.


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