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Fear is a lie.

Protect yourself.

By Marinez Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Marinez

"Are you ready for the war out there?!"

"Are you ready for the fight?!"

"Do you have your Armour on for when the battle will strike?"

The speaker's loud booming voice rang through my ears.

I looked up to see him extending his arm out with his water bottle in his hand.

Aiming the bottle as if it were a sword.

“There is a war out there!” he boomed

“And it is between you and this”

He first pointed to himself and then at his head.

Silence filled the room and he began to speak again.

"What do you wear for Armour for the day to day battle?"

"What you speak to yourself is who you are."

"How you speak will determine who you will be, and who you will become.”

"How do you view yourself?"

"What goals do you have?"

"Are you trying to achieve your goals?"

"Do you ponder on your goals to only be knocked down by fear?"

"Fear that you aren't good enough?"

"Fear that you need something more?"

"Fear that you won't be heard?"

"Fear that you can't stand out?"

"Fear that you won't make it, if you follow your dreams?"

"And again:

Fear that you aren't good enough?"

"That is the worst fear -

Fear is the enemy and it can be you talking in your head."

"How thick is your Armour?"

"Because you have to be ready for the day."

"You have to be ready for your mind."

"When you want to act on your curiosity or act on your dreams-

Is your Armour ready for your doubt and your fear?"

"Is it ready for the lies that fear can breed?"

His voice faded and the crowd cheered. He thanked everyone and left the stage.

His name was Jerod Troy. I closed up my notebook, packed up my things and left my seat and headed out of the auditorium.

I went straight to my car, put my things away and rushed back to the event center. I walked around the building to the back doors. I waited and waited. I heard in a faint announcement the host thanking everyone for coming and to remember to stop at the book stand on their way out. Music started playing and I could hear people exiting the building in the front.

I waited some more and thought this may have been a useless idea. I looked at my phone , it was almost 10:00pm. I waited some more.

The cold wind bristled through my hair and I pulled my sweater closer to myself for warmth.

I leaned up against the cold stone wall and looked up at the sky. The dark sky showed very few stars that twinkled in the moonlight.

Doors opened suddenly and I stood straight up to see the speaker that captivated my attention during the conference.

Jerod Troy was tall and stood with confidence. He spotted me and looked surprised to see anyone outside the back doors in the dark cold night.

“Hi” I said suddenly

“I listened to your speech and I wanted to say thank you for your words.”

“Your welcome. what is your name?” Troy said.

“My name is Edra. I've never heard anyone speak about the importance of protecting yourself against your own thoughts.”

“Well it is very important when you want to grow.”

“Can I ask you a question?” I asked.

“Sure Edra” Troy seemed to enjoy that I had a question.

“When did you become successful?”

Troy took a moment and thought and then looked at me.

“When I started following my dreams and never gave up.” He went on. “Anyone can try something and want to achieve their goals. Not a lot of people will keep going.”

“Why do people stop?” I was curious.

“Fear is what stops them, fear of failure” He was certain. “I can't tell you how much I have failed in life.”

“But all those failures were the stepping stones that allowed me to reach my goals, and strive higher” Troy explained with confidence.

“Wow, I never thought of failure as a tool for achievement.” I paused.

“Thank you '' I stammered. I could only thank him for his words.

“Remember it is important what you see in your own reflection. Have a good night Edra, keep fighting” Troy shook my hand, waved, and left.

Jerod Troy walked to his vehicle and drove away.

I stood in the back entrance of the building, left to think of the message Troy gave me.

I looked up at the sky once more to see it had gotten darker, the building lights were dimmed and the stars looked much brighter.

Can all my dreams become reality? I pondered.

Can I have everything I have ever wanted in the world?

I Pictured myself confident that I can do all the things I am meant to do.

Whooo. Whoooo

My thoughts were disrupted by the soft hoots of what sounded like an owl. I looked around.

Hooo. Hooo.

I turned my body towards the soft hooting. A white glowing owl was perched on the upper part of the building exit.

Its glowing eyes looked right at me . Its white feathers gleamed in the moonlight.

“Wow” I was in awe of the beautiful creature.

How odd that an owl would be here in the city.

I shifted my feet to face the owl. And it gracefully lifted off from the building exterior and flew into the sky.

I watched as the bird spread its wings and flew across the night sky above me and vanished.

I left my post to follow the bird.

I kept walking to get a better view of the sky, but I was unable to locate the bird.

I took a deep breath in my nose and watched the exhale of my breath leave my mouth.

I was glad to be in the city tonight. I was glad to have gone to the conference.

I left for my car with a smile on my face, and a hop in my steps.

It was indeed a beautiful night to be inspired.


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    Marinez Written by Marinez

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