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Enrich Your Life

Intentions for the new year

By Tonya Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Enrich Your Life
Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

As I stroll out into the chilly morning headed to my she shed, also known as my morning routine area I allow myself to imagine those doors as being the gate to 2021.

While approaching them I imagine the sparkly, glorious future that is in store for me if I continue to stay consistent in my routines and in my goals, goals that I am already smashing. These goals are both personal and professional they are the stepping stones into my future, and I am ecstatic to see what a full consistent year of smashing the crap out of them will hold for me.

While we were discussing our vision for the year my team recently challenged each other to pick a word that will describe the upcoming year. We were then challenged to set our goals, or mission off of that word.

I have to admit that answering this challenge took me a very long time, As I couldn’t settle on just one word, and every time that I picked a word I would think of something better, so I pondered long and hard about the mood that I wanted to set for myself, and for my future.

I wanted to pick a word that would make me push harder than I had ever pushed before, but I also wanted to pick a word that would remind me that the world needs more kindness and understanding, a word that my younger self would have been proud of choosing, so after a lot of thought and soul searching the word that I have chosen for my year is enrich. I think that it fits well, and I was so excited to get started on my vision once I picked it.

Previously in my life I would allow myself to go with the flow, and never really question any events that came along, which also meant that I never took any of my own responsibility for my life either. That lifestyle did not benefit my health, nor did it align with my goals-so no more!! I had to make a change and the time was now!

The word enrich is defined as improving or enhancing the quality or value of something and to me that definition works perfectly with what I would like to accomplish. My goals for this year are all about growth, both in my business and in my personal life, so enrich seems to be an appropriate adjective with which to describe my future in 2021.

I intend to enrich my mind, and grow my knowledge because growth is the key to success and I will use that knowledge and growth to become a more enlightened, kind, active, generous and intelligent woman, the woman that I have always wanted to be, but never really knew how.

I plan to always put my best foot forward and I will accomplish this by setting a strong morning routine built on healthy habits, such as exercise and self reflection/journaling. I will fill my brain just as much as I fill my cup, by focusing on learning something new, but something that will also benefit my life goals, and I will focus on that for at least twenty minutes a day. I will fill my cup and enrich my soul by reading or listening to personal development content a minimum of ten minutes daily, and I will spend at least one hour a day focused entirely on my family and enriching their lives and their experiences with me.

I already have a three month jump on implementing these habits and setting them in stone and it feels great! I know that these activities will enrich my mind and enrich my life! I hope that you’re ready new year because I’m coming for you!!

This coming year I will be fierce and I will snatch my dreams from the sky! I have set my plan for the future that I want and I won’t stop pushing until I get there. Join me in this fight, pick a word, preferably a word rooted in growth write a set of goals for your future based on that word and then outline how you will reach those goals! Create your mission! Grow your life!


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