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Emotion’s Purpose

How to Properly Utilize Your Emotions To Create a Better Life

By Aisha FanePublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Emotion’s Purpose
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

This is a long one so don’t read until you have the time and and an open mind.




If I haven’t told you personally, I’ll say it here: Ever since I was little, I would get this random bouts of knowledge from seemingly nowhere. My skin vibrates and it feels like I’m floating. Then my mind starts to race with random knowledge on subjects I know nothing about. I used to just ignore it but I’ve gotten to a point where I write it all down in hopes that it will help me to better progress through life, which it has.




DISCLAIMER: There may be other people out there who know and teach this. I just want to state that while I have no connection to them and not do I know who they are, I still have and/or am grasping an understanding of these teachings by just thinking. This is why I felt it was significant enough to write down.




With that in mind, this is something I just wrote out. It may help some, most will probably not understand, but I know this to be true as I have practiced this and directly seen it in action. I tested it. Over and over and over and it came out to the same predicted outcome every time. Hope you enjoy the read. Lmk what you got from it if anything and if it resonated at all.




**On a side note, this may be a developing understanding. See, as I write, my understanding is expanding so by the end, there is a clearer grasp on the concept. In the beginning, it may be difficult to get. Bear with me 🙏🏾🙏🏾




“Don’t worry about the future and what to make of it.




Just worry about taking chances in the moment towards your chosen future.




You don’t need to consciously control the whole journey. Just go on the journey, take chances on the direction you desire and make in the moment decisions.




Those chances you take towards that desired future will present you with options. Depending on the choices you make, the decisions you make when presented with the options will take you further down the line with more options to go closer to or further from your goal. However, your decisions take time to ripple out their effects.




In this time period, do not worry about future decisions you’ll need to make or worry about where your last decision will bring you. You’ll see momentarily. In the meantime, love yourself and rest your soul.




There is nothing you need to worry about. Too much worry can cloud your judgement and keep you from making proper decisions towards your goal.




When you make decisions towards your goals, you want to make sure it’s from a place of love and admiration so that you are making decisions in alignment with achieving your goal.




If one makes decisions from a place of worry, you will always have worry associated with your goal. So even if you get there, the ripple from the decisions you made with worry will effect your overall experience with your goal.




This is why it is important to be aware of how your emotions influence your decisions without your knowing. It is also important to know how to balance them so that you know how to use your emotions in your favor.




Throughout your day, your emotions will influence you to make decisions in alignment with how you want to feel.




Ultimately, each day you spend controlling your emotions(frequency) is a day that will bring you closer to your goal(the goal you consciously aligned with the same frequency of feelings you maintain each day with your emotions).




[This was basically a summary of key points expanded from the first set of thoughts]




Thoughts control your emotions.




Emotions influence decisions. [positive, negative and neutral ones]




Emotions are subconscious.




This happens whether you’re aware or not.




Your emotions will always influence your decisions.




People try to control their actions with their conscious

mind while emotions are running the show in the subconscious.




The subconscious is exceptionally more powerful than the conscious mind, as we know.




In trying to control the decision, you are skipping a step. [or rather aren’t even taking a step at all]




You control the mind. The mind controls the emotions which guide you to make decisions. This is the process.




Control your emotions in the direction you want to go, and you will subconsciously make decisions to take you closer to where you desire to be and how you would like to feel when you get there.




This is how our relationship with our bodies and environment work.




If you don’t believe it, try it for yourself. [Wholeheartedly and honestly]”



That is all.


About the Creator

Aisha Fane

I write my soul and my learning experiences in the hopes that I may connect with you all and maybe you all won’t feel so alone through this crazy place we call earth. Thank you for reading and visiting!

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