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Dear 2021, I'm Kinda Glad You're Done!

It's been a long year man.

By Ali ReneePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read
Dear 2021, I'm Kinda Glad You're Done!
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Written on New Year's Eve.

Today is Friday, December 31st, 2021.

We have reached the final day - the final few hours - of another very long, trying year. And as we navigate through these final few hours of another year, we are all reeling from today’s earlier news that a beloved national treasure and icon has passed away. Our beloved Betty White, who all of us have grown up with and loved so deeply. It’s another cruel blow after another long year. I heard this particular news today while I was sitting in my car, and all I could do was stare at my sunflower covered steering wheel and simply say; “Wow 2021, you couldn’t have gone quietly? You could’ve just left; you didn’t have to flip a table over.”

2021 almost seemed like a repeat of the dreaded 2020. Another year of a pandemic that doesn't seem to be ending coupled with several different variants, overworked hospital staff, and a mask argument that has become more political rather than about the safety of people. In addition to such, we’ve had our share of iconic celebrity deaths this year (we can’t dare forget about dear Chadwick Boseman or the iconic trailblazing Cicely Tyson - to name a few). And then the ever-triggering pieces of news that have been circling on television all year: trafficking cases, racially motivated murder cases, etc.

And of course I will never forget how we started this year off in the first place: Constant denial of election results and that damn insurrection.

I feel like it’s been so heavy for us all; sometimes heavy in a bad way - actually, a lot of the time it was heavy in a bad way. Anyway, I just wanted to share some pieces I got out of this wild ass year.

If You Aren’t Happy, Don’t Stay

I went through a real period earlier this year where I was not happy at my old job. As a brief backstory, my previous job was a teacher for a daycare, where I had been for two years as I navigated through grad school. Don’t get me wrong: the job wasn’t exactly horrible - like I adored my kids and their parents, my co-workers, and my boss. I always like to first point out that I had some good times at that place and I don’t ever regret being there - never for a second.

However, there comes a time where a job just isn’t the right fit for you, and I had reached that point. I was losing my connection with the students, and with some of my co-workers as well (apart from a couple). Also, I had noticed a couple things being done in regard to teacher-to-student ratios that I didn’t think was very fair. So, overall, it was time for me to go. Besides, I had finished grad school and felt that it was time for me to have that job in my field, and to finally be making a little more money than I was there.

I wasn’t happy, so I left. Thankfully I have a new job now where I’m pretty happy, and all is well - for the most part.

Be Proud of You

Perhaps one of the biggest things to happen this year was coming out. A lot of my friends had known for years, but I came out to my mom during Pride month, and she was completely fine and accepting. There’s still some waters to navigate when fully coming out to some other family members, but the people who need to know already know, and that’s fine. I’m not exactly proud of the person I was with while I told my mom about my sexual orientation, but I am proud that I managed to tell her. My mom has always been incredibly supportive and I’m grateful for her and all her constant, unwavering love and support. My grandmother has always been equally supportive and kind and loving to me, so I am forever grateful.

I am truly proud to be living in my truth and being happy - finally.

Here’s to hoping in 2022, I’ll be with someone who I feel settled and comfortable with, someone I can introduce to my family. I’m talking to someone now and I don’t want to speak on things too soon, but she seems pretty great, and I’m feeling happy. Just going with the flow.

If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing, It’s Okay

I will outright admit that I still have no idea what I’m doing. I’m literally stumbling through my 20s, playing a fun, eye opening game of trial and error as I figure out what I want to do with my life. I currently work as an In-Home therapist, and it’s a fun, rewarding job. I’m happy at this job, a lot happier than I was at my last job.

But I am still young and I know I want to do more. I dream of breaking into the world of freelance writing to get my work out there, and hopefully move onto other endeavors. I even recently brought a creative writing kit and I will say it has given me tips on how to further develop this craft of mine. Writing has always been a huge passion of mine and I would love nothing more than for something great to come of such a pleasurable joy of mine.

But in addition to writing, I still want to do work with the community. I dream of opening a shelter in the future with various resources to help put someone back on their feet. I’ve already told my mom that next Christmas, I want to be in a position where we can have a toy drive - something small to start, to give back to the community. There’s so many places where my life is yet to go, and I look forward to seeing where my life can go as the years go on. I pray that I have many, many years to go.

And with that being said, here’s to hoping that 2022 is the start of a better life.

As for 2021, I’m really glad you’re done. We bid you farewell…whew. xo


About the Creator

Ali Renee

Therapist (under supervision). Mental Health Advocate. Writer.

I'm just here and a lil' queer.

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    Ali ReneeWritten by Ali Renee

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