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Copy of 3 Daily Habits for Everyday Success

Copy of 3 Daily Habits for Everyday Success

By Tina LopezPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Copy of 3 Daily Habits for Everyday Success
Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

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Publication: The Orange Journal

Tags: self improvement, productivity, entrepreneurship, startup, mindset

Subtitle: Never end the day feeling “unaccomplished”


Do you find yourself feeling initially energized with your day, only to be left feeling bogged down and tired by the end of it?

Do you start off your intention with being productive and then find yourself distracted and missing your goals…yet again?

I promise you, you’re most definitely not alone in this.

It’s normal for most people, but I am certain that you’re not like most people.

You want to sustain that high intention energy throughout your day.

You want to maintain that feeling of productivity.

You want to go to sleep knowing that you’ve accomplished everything you set your mind to.

If that’s you, then let’s outline the 3 daily habits you can implement to make it easier for you to accomplish your goals.

Before we get started, I want you to know that everyone’s goals are different, but I find that there are usually 3 areas that people want to improve within:

Continuous learning

Daily movement

Staying focused on implementing your goals

With that in mind, let’s lay down some tips and tricks to help you get there.

One Goal, One Intention, One Day

You’ve more than likely heard the saying that everyone has 24 hours a day. Elon Musk has 24 hours. Bill Gates has 24 hours. I have 24 hours. You have 24 hours.

It’s not a matter of finding more time in the day, it’s a matter of creating more purposeful time during the day.

Essentially, spend your time with purpose rather than consumption.

When you wake up in the morning, create an intention for your day.

Maybe your intention is to be productive today, so you have in mind one goal that you can accomplish, for the day, that will leave you feeling productive by the end.

By having one goal, you must assess if it really can be accomplished in one day.

For example, if your goal is to make a million dollars, and you’ve never created a penny in your life, then making a million dollars in one day is unreasonable.

Therefore, make your goals reasonable with the time you have in the day.

For example, with the goal of a million dollars in mind, maybe you start by asking yourself what are the steps in order for me to get there?

When you identify those steps, assign one step to be one goal for the day.

At that point, you’re breaking down your big goal of a million dollars to everyday steps that can help you accomplish your getting there. Over time, your efforts will compound and the finish line to a million dollars will seem a lot closer than you think.

When you end your day, review your day and see if you accomplished the one goal you intended to complete today. If you didn’t, then maybe you need to rethink your goals and see if they need to be further broken down into smaller steps. Remember, the feeling of being accomplished doesn’t come from the place of “trying” it comes from the place of completion.

A Book A Day Keeps Amnesia Away

When was the last time you just read a book?

If you don’t take the time to consistently feed your brain with knowledge, then your skill of retaining information will eventually dwindle.

Think about it.

Reading allows you to stimulate your brain, it allows you to keep new information; it allows you to stay curious and open to learning.

Being an entrepreneur is choosing to be a lifelong learner.

But how do we bring back the joy of learning to reading?

I don’t know about you, but I remember growing up being forced to read books in class that I had no desire to read in the first place (bye bye weekly reading logs).

But here’s the thing, you’re not in class anymore and there are a plethora of topics at your disposal for you to cover.

Let your curiosity drive the reading list, if you want to learn more about painting, find books on the subject. If you want to learn more about spirituality, find books on the subject - you get the picture.

Once you’ve landed on your book, take the time to make it a goal to read either for a certain amount of time or for a certain number of page counts.

My daily goal is 50 pages a day depending on the font type in the book.

Or you can reverse engineer the process.

For example, if you want to finish a book a week, then divide the number of pages by 7 and you’ll be given your daily read count.

Anyways, how do you implement more reading in your day?

Start by waking up 5 minutes before your alarm goes off.

Read for 5 minutes.

Once you’ve kept that going, start waking up 10 minutes before your alarm goes off.

Read for 10 minutes.

Once you’ve got a handle on your time, you can increase your 5-minute intervals prior to waking up from your alarm.

Helpful tip: replace your smartphone next to your bedside with a book instead. The reason we’re addicted to our phones the minute we wake up is because it’s within arm’s reach.

Choosing Movement Over Exercise

I don’t know about you, but when I hear the word “exercise” I instantly get taken back to HITT exercises and those super bro gyms.

Not your motivation either?

Then may I offer instead the term “movement”.

Movement = move your body

The same way you can bring joy back to reading, you can bring back joy to movement.

Movement doesn’t have to be an exercise in the traditional sense. It can be choosing to take a walk to enjoy nature, or taking a dance class for fun.

The goal is to spark joy in the movement that you’re doing. It’s really hard to continue to do things if you hate doing them.

Once you’ve landed on your modality of movement, find little ways you can “implement” them in your schedule that don’t take extra effort.

For example, if your goal is to walk more and be outside, then ask yourself what ways can I implement walking instead of driving?

Consider Finding Replacements

Instead of browsing your phone on social media, maybe take the time to go to a dance class.

Instead of bingeing the next Netflix Series, take a walk outside and enjoy the fresh air.

You get the picture.


In summary, choosing to stay motivated in your goals is about creating joy with what you are doing. It’s about creating your day with an intention rather than distraction. It’s about feeling like you end the day feeling accomplished, knowing that you’ve completed your goals. It’s about continuously finding little ways you can implement new habits in your day to day activities.

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About the Creator

Tina Lopez

I help online entrepreneurs increase their productivity and revenues while working less. Learn no BS strategies on automation, life hacks, and mindset shifts.

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